Voices from the past
Recordings of the Pocklington WW1 veterans |
19th November 2015 |
 There was a good attendance on the evening as 'The York Oral History Society' kindly provided us access to the recordings made in 1980 & 1981 by York historan Alf Peacock of a few Pocklington residents who took part in the World War 1. Some of their stories gave an insight into the noise, terror, friendship and loss witnessed by many who took part. The first hand accounts of five veterans included Thomas Flint, Charles Richardson, Stanley Robson, Hawksworth (Oxy) Barker and Bill Harrison all from Pocklington and Nunburnholme. Thomas Flint recalled his early memories of growing up in Pocklington in late Victorian and Edwardian times. The recordings were accompanied by pictures and WW1 films. A set of unique pictures were also provided by a descendant of Herbert Richardson (who worked at Warter Priory) taken from his own camera. He took it with him to Mesopotamia and they accompanied the sound track of Oxy Barker who took part in the same campaign. To learn more about the remarkable story of the discovery of these recordings and the York Oral History WW1 project click here and to buy their book with free CD, click here. Picture is by kind permission of Peter Halkon from his book "Bill's Book" about the life of Billy Harrison published by Hutton Press.
30 Years a Pocklington news photographer |
22nd October 2015 |
 Roger Pattison gave us a unique presentation of life and events in and around Pocklington for the last 30 years as a Pocklington newspaper photographer. Roger explained his first interest was in music and was in various local folk groups and bands in the 1970's. One of the first bands was 'Prussian Blue' formed out of the recording studio at Bishop Wilton with Dick Sefton. See their first TV appearance at 'Look North' TV studios in Leeds in 1973 by clicking this link. His next band had a photo shoot in Burnby Hall Gardens for the cover of their first record single which was recorded at Pollen Studio in Bishop Wilton. He explained it sparked his interest in photography and the developing of photographs in his own darkroom. From there the Pocklington Times asked him to take photographs and when they folded he joined the Pockington Post as their freelance photographer. Roger took photographs of every event including; mayors, cake stalls, fires, car crashes, fund raising events, school events and recorded old buildings and shops long since closed or demolished. Three videos were shown of the three decades accompanied by his own background music that he created himself, made for an unforgettable evenings entertainment.
The Roman Roads of Yorkshire |
17th September 2015 |
 Mike Haken gave us an outstanding talk, that had the audience of 50 enthralled from beginning to end.  He called into question our understanding of Roman roads with a humorous and very knowledgable lecture. He also demonstrated how some historical facts and figures should be questioned because of the research he and his team have done. An excellent evenings entertainment.
Outside events and walks |
16th & 25th July 2015 |
A walk around Burnby and Hayton (16th July)
The evening started with a tour around Burnby church. Although there is no mention of the church in the Domesday book, It is first mentioned in an account of the first rector Roger de Fiskerton in 1288. Over the centuries the church has been altered and restored on many occasions. An interesting village walk followed which included the home constructed by the jockey Simeon Templeman from proceeds of his Derby win on Bloomsbury in 1839. Thanks to Lesley Craven for showing us around Burnby Church and to David Nicholson for walking us around Burnby village.
The group then moved to Hayton to convene in the old school room where items of village history were laid out to view. Some old illustrations of the old Hayton Hall were visible and the school room built on the old entrance way to the old Hall. A tour of St. Martin's church ensued with a look at the corbel stone heads and the remains of a medieval wall painting. Finally the evening was rounded off by a look around Hayton mill which was the family home of the Etty family. The father of the famous York painter William Etty was the miller there. Thanks to John Green for showing us the Old Mill and talking on the Etty family, to Peter Green for the tour of Hayton Church and to Mick Bettison for explaining about the village history in general at the village hall.
"Pocklington church stone" by Richard Myerscough
A small group was led around Pocklington church on the 25th July by Richard Myerscough to look at the origins of the stone in Pocklington Church. The tour was so fascinating that we plan for him to give a talk in a full group meeting. Richard intends to write a book on the origins of the stone of East Riding Churches.
Burnby Hall followed by Magna Carta |
18th June 2015 |
Two talks:
'Burnby Hall Gardens its history and heritage; past, present and developing the future", by Geraldine Mulcahy-Parker, Burnby Hall's Heritage Lottery Fund project officer. Geraldine explained part of her her agenda, is an aural history project interviewing local people with memories of Major Stewart, as well as an HLF bid to repair the lakes and restore the Edwardian potting sheds. Volunteers are needed to help with the project, please contact Burnby Hall if you wish to participate.
"Pocklington & The Great Charter - local links to Magna Carta 800 years on" by Phil Gilbank

Phil investigated all the many local links to the creation of one of history's most famous and significant documents the Magna Carta signed at Runnymede in 1215, and the talk complemented many of the events running up and down the country to commemorate the 800th anniversary.
The 100 days of Waterloo |
21st May 2015 |
Godfrey Bloom gave an entertaining and informative talk on the Battle of Waterloo to commemorate 200 years since the battle took place. His knowledge of every aspect of the battle and the tactics used by the opposing forces of Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington with Blücher was demonstrated to an attentive audience in the Rugby Club venue. Godfrey's delivery without the use of any notes or visual aids was an impressive presentation from an accomplished public speaker. Picture shows Phil Gilbank introducing Godfrey to the history group audience.
Tom Sayer- "I was there" |
10th May 2015 |
 Tom Sayer aged 93 is stepping down as Chairman of the 102 Squadron Association and decided to talk to the people of Pocklington about his experiences of being a WW2 Bomber Pilot and how he flew out of Pocklington Airfield as pilot of a Halifax bomber plane. Simon Kularatne (whose father was also a pilot who flew out of Pocklington) interviewed Tom. He gave a remarkable account of his training in Canada, his bombing missions, his many close calls for him and his crew. They were shot on many occasions by enemy fire, and then after surviving over 30 missions, moved to training glider pilots in readyness for the D-Day landings. Tom's often moving account of his life as a pilot in wartime Pocklington gave a vivid account of the period and will leave a lasting impression in the memory of all the large audience in attendance in Pocklington Church. |
Flying Man celebrations 2015 |
9th/10th May 2015 |
Flying Men, Women and Children
A Halifax Bomber engine was fired up on West Green. Pocklington hears the sound of a Halifax Bomber engine again. |
Inside the Church |
The 'Flying Man' Cafe |
The History Group display |
John Nottingham and Bernard Ross discuss the Airfield Model |
The AGM |
23rd Apr 2015 |
 Jo Green kicked off the 2015 AGM for the 8th successive year. She outlined the objectives of the group and concluded on a very successful year. She surprised the group by announcing her resignation from the chair but adding she was willing to take the role of Secretary. Treasurer Peter Green showed a healthy situation for the finances of the group, but added a cautionary note that the group should increase it's income by raising the door entry fee, because other sources of income were declining, such as reduced book sales. A vote was taken to canvas opinion on the possible increased charge. Jo proposed Phil Gilbank as her successor and was seconded by Andrew Sefton, who gave a vote of thanks to Jo for all her past work over the last 8 years leading the group. Our president Roger Bellingham presided over the change. (Picture shows Jo Green handing over the Chairman's role to Phil Gilbank).
2015/16 Re-Elected Committee: Chairman - Phil Gilbank, Secretary – Jo Green, Treasurer – Peter Green, Archivist/Webmaster – Andrew Sefton, Committee – Denis Moor, Paul Jennings, David Rumbelow, Chris Bond, Jane Henley (representing the villages) and David West. One vacancy exists for one more committee member. Roger Bellingham is Honorary President. The AGM was followed by a review of the year by Andrew Sefton and Phil Gilbank. Photographs found during the year were shown as well as 3 old films. *Update* - Heidi Woodhouse has agreed to rejoin the committee on the vacant committee seat. |
Burnby Lane Iron Age Dig |
19th March 2015 |
A packed audience in the Oak House listened intently to the startling news of an exciting discovery of an Iron Age cemetery in Burnby Lane on the site of the new housing development being built there. David Wilson Homes kindly arranged the update evening for the people of Pocklington with the cooperation of the town council and Pocklington & District Local History Group. Phil Gilbank introduced the evening and Paula Ware from MAP Archaeological Practice Ltd explained the exciting finds. Geophysical surveys were undertaken and 14 trenches were initiated. So far they have found 38 square barrows and 82 burials and they are still excavating the site. Burnby Lane has to be placed in importance alongside other iron age sites such as Arras, Burton Fleming, Garton Slack, Wetwang and Rudstone. These seem to be Parisi people as spears and a sword has been found and burial rites seem to be in line with others found on the wolds. The bodies are generally in a crouched position facing east but some face west and some have been buried in wooden coffins. They have some grave goods including brooches, bangles, pots and weapons. Because of what they have found, the site has now been raised to international importance. Many questions were asked and one member of the audience asked for a forum where updated information can be shown. This website will provide updated information whenever it is released. |
Phil Gilbank introduces the evening
Paula Ware presents the finds |
The history group's biggest ever attendance |
A skeleton found on the site |
Jo Green and John Brown examine the finds |
Much interest in the finds |
Two Talks |
19th February 2015 |
 Phil Gilbank and Andrew Sefton stepped in at short notice after a talk cancellation to give two short talks that they had already given to other groups in the area. The first was "Pocklington history & Wine" followed by "Bishop Wilton through time - including old film clips". Phil gave an amazing number of links to wine and Sherry with both Pocklington and Kilnwick Percy. This included "Croft Original", Harveys Bristol Cream and Gonzalis Byass and the Vavasour wines. Andrew Sefton followed with a brief history of Bishop Wilton followed by some old film of Bishop Wilton taken in 1960 and the 1970's by his brother Robert.
The Wolds Wagoners |
22nd January 2015 |
The Wagoners are a fascinating topic with recruits drawn from all around this locality. Sue Cartledge presented on how the local men's horse skills were utilised for the national good by Mark Sykes of Sledmere. The old court house was full to capacity and everyone appeciated Sue's excellent presentation with many audience members having family connections to the Yorkshire Wagoners’ Special Reserve.
Past News Stories |
News Stories from 2016 |
News Stories from 2015 |
News Stories from 2014 |
News Stories from 2013 |
News Stories from 2012 |
News Stories from 2011 |
News Stories from 2010 |
News Stories from 2009 |
News Stories from 2008 |
News Stories from 2007 |