At various times the Archbishop carried out visitation and inventories of each Parish. Visitation records are created when (in the case of the diocese of York) an archbishop or archdeacon (or one of their subordinates) conducted a 'visitation' of their diocese or archdeaconry parish by parish.. |
This invent [orie maide the] xx th daie of [August, 6 Edward VI,
betwixt Th'erle of Shrowesburye Syr Rauffe Ellerker .Syr William
Babthorpe John Ecclesfeld Syr Robert Constable Launcelott Alford and
Francis Pairker, theire vicar, Grreine and John Biche . . church
[wardens] . . . . and Robert Sotheby, inhabitantes .......
Inprimis, [chalices] Iver one giltid and th'oder [parcel] gilt,
iij pix of wood. (pix - box for host)
Item, one ...... of coper.
Item, a ship .... same (ship - vessel for incense).
Item, one cresmatoyre of coper, one super alter. (cresmatory - vessel
for anointed oil).
Item, ij hollie watter fattes [vats] of copper.
Item, one great glasse on the alter (probably a calefactory for warming
the priest's hands).
Inprimis, five suytes of vestmentes with all thinges theirto
Item, one suyt of duned silke with iiij copes, wheirof iij are of
Item, one suyt of silke with iiij copes.
Item, one suyt of greinw silke without cope.
Item, one suyt of basse gold with one cope.
Item, one suyt of blacke vorsted with two copes.
Item, one single vestment of whyt silke.
Item, one single vestment of silke with flowers.
Item, iij old vestmentes without albe or amysses.
Item, iiij hanges for the hey alter, ij painted and two of blewe
Item, iij towelles, ij of diaper for Lent and four pillowes.
Item, iij corporaxis and ij funtclothes, one canabie.
Item, xvj towelles, seven of them diaper.
Item, tenne alter clothes, iij of them diaper. |