This photograph taken in front of the chapel is reproduced by kind permission of Alwin Johnson. Some of the names provided, do not seem to exactly fit the picture, so please treat with caution and let me know any mistakes.
n.b. To Zoom in to the photograph, hover over the faces with the mouse cursor.
01. Sid Kendra |
02. Hubert Kendra |
03. Ray Popplewell |
04. Bob Bilham |
05. Jim Chaplin |
06. Harry Barker |
07. Les Ward |
08. Willie Kendra |
09. Pete Bilham |
10. |
11. Bettie Johnson |
12. Jean Chaplin |
13. Mary Barker |
14. Eileen Gray |
15. Edna Wilcox |
16. Rene Loft |
17. Madge Green |
18. Thelma Jaques |
19. Alwin Johnson |
20.Geoff Green |
21 Hubert Gray |
22. Ronnie Salesbury |
23. |
24. Les Green |
25 Geoff Loft |
26. Hazel Johnson |
27. Connie Craven |
28. Edna Kendra? |
29. George Barker |
30. Jim Barker |
31. Bob Green |