This holy place is named the royal fane
Of Him the Infinite Monarch ; Heaven's own door ;
Life's haven unto all that seek to gain
That blissful shore :
Which tempests ne'er can shake, nor wandering blasts
Shall wreck, nor sudden clouds of evil doom :
O'er which dark hell shall ne'er appalling cast
Its deadly gloom.
Anglo-Saxon Hymn by Chlictovoeus.
Standing at the western foot of the Yorkshire Wolds, sheltered by those " calm, cold, and grey hills," is the prae-Norman town of Pocklingas, now Pocklington, the chief feature of which is its ancient parish church, whose handsome tower forms a landmark for many miles round. When Domesday Book was made (1083—86) it was a royal manor, and under "Terra Regis " we find :—
In Poclinton with the three berewicks Haiton, Mileton, Belebi are twenty-five carucates to be taxed, and there may be fifteen ploughs. Morcar held this for one manor. The King has now there thirteen villanes and five bordars having five ploughs, and four farmers (censores) who pay thirty shillings. There is a church and a priest there, and two mills paying five shillings. The whole manor is four miles long and three broad. In King Edward's time it was valued at fifty-six pounds, now eight.
To this manor belongs the soke of these lands :—Bruna (Nunburn-holme) one carucate ; Meltebi (Meltonby) eight carucates; Grim-torp (Grimthorp) four carucates; Mileton (Millington) thirteen carucates; Brunebi (Burnby) a carucate and a half; Aluuares-torp (Allerthorpe) six carucates; Waplington, two carucates; Bernibi (Barmby Moor) six oxgangs; Ghiuedale (Givendale) eight carucates; and Torp (Thorpe) three carucates.
In the whole thirty-five carucates are to be taxed; and there may be thirty ploughs. The King has now there fifteen burgesses having seven ploughs, and a mill paying two shillings.
It will be thus seen, by the tremendous reduction in value, how the Conqueror had turned the fertile country into a desert, whilst this Saxon manor would be very thinly populated.
Christianity made its way into these parts about a.d. 627, and the first church would be a wooden structure. About 1070 or 1080 a stone edifice would replace this in the Norman style. Of this fabric there are still some remnants in the north pier of the chancel, and in a few carved stones built into the porch. From the strength of this pier there may have been a low central tower. This early church would be without aisles. About the end of the 12th century, or early in the 13th, the north aisle was added, of which remains the arcade with its remarkable and beautifully carved capitals. Fifty years later saw the addition of a southern aisle, of which both the arcade and outer wall still exist A chapel was added on the north side of the chancel in the 13th century, and then there seems to have been a pause in building for about a hundred years. Then the chancel was rebuilt, the clerestory put in, the grand west tower added, and new roofs to all parts of the church. There are one or two old windows, but nearly all tracery is modern, and as the windows have altered from time to time according to the prevailing fashion, it will be seen at once that the so-called restorations have only been partial. In 1854 the chancel was refaced with thin stone, and so is simply " veneered."
The style of the present building is Perpendicular, and its most striking feature is the tower. It is high, of three courses, well buttressed, with battlements, pinnacles, and a little turret. Each course is pierced with windows having rich hood mouldings, and that on the west side has at its apex a priest reading his service book, while the terminals have heads of two more ecclesiastics (perhaps deacon and sub-deacon) all being, doubtless, caricatures of former vicars. The view from the top on a clear day is very fine, and will well repay the ascent of rugged steps.
There is a tradition that the stone used in building this church was brought from Acklam-on-the-Wolds.
The general condition of the fabric is bad, and urgently needs attention. It suffers from being crowded up by buildings, and though a row of cottages blocking up the west was pulled down in 1877, and the ground added to the churchyard, the further opening out would be an improvement aiid show the church to great advantage. ;It is a "Grand monument of past religious generosity, and Pocklinton

ought to be very proud of it. For more than 800 years has it been used for worship! What an heritage !
As regards its history the records are few and meagre. What ought to have been everyone's business became nobody's, and deeds belonging both to the Church and Grammar School have been lost or destroyed.
The town too has passed through no stirring scenes, for it is not on the direct road between York and Hull, but u all o* ya' side, like Gate Helmsley."
The church, which is cruciform in plan, stands due east and west, and consists of a chancel 54 feet by 20 ft. 6 in.; nave 75 ft. by 25 ft. 9 in. ; western tower, opening into the church, 17 ft. 8 in. by 20 ft. 6 in.; north and south aisles running full length of nave and tower —the north 9 ft. wide, the south 11 ft. ; north transept 17 ft. 7 in. by 22 ft. 6 in.; south transept 18 ft. by 22 ft. 8 in. The north transept has an aisle 10 ft. wide, called St. Nicholas' Aisle, and it opens into the Lady Chapel on the north side of the chancel. This chapel measures 19 ft. 4 in. by 14 ft. 8 in. and is partly filled by the organ. To the east of the chapel and entered from the north side of the chancel is the sacristy. There is also a south porch. The full length of the church is 147 feet and its width across the transepts 71 ft. The clerestory gives to the interior a lofty and dignified appear-ance. There are two main entrances, west and south, an east vestry door, and there has been a south door into the chancel but it is built up. The south doorway of the porch is Early English and old. The porch, which was partly blown down by a gale, was rebuilt in 1884, and dedicated 6 May, 1885. It is floored with Minton tiles, subscribed for by the children of the parish. The doorway of the porch is partly new, and over it inside are inserted some zigzag moulding, a beak's-head and a cat's-head found in the roof of the old porch.
The chancel opens into the nave with an arch its full width, and to its haunches are still attached the projecting stones used in fixing the rood, while behind the pulpit can still be traced the doorway leading up to the loft.
T he nave is separated from the aisles and transepts by pointed arches of' four bays, the transept arches being very Wide. All spring from massive circular pillars * and have bood mouldings terminating on the south epde in beak-heads, attd'on the north in corbels of grotesque heads. One
moulding has a carved head at its apex, as also had the others, but they are broken off. The south arches are more chamfered than the north. The capitals of the pillars on the south side have plain circular mouldings ; on the north under each abacus are carved figures with branches, leaves and fruit That nearest the east has a beast with human head meeting a bird with a beast's head. The next has two men crawling through branches and pomegranates, two men wrestling and a head. The third a full-length horizontal figure of a man, fruit, and foliage. The fourth is merged in the tower wall, but has foliage. The north transept is divided from St. Nicholas' Aisle by arches of two bays, and this aisle opens into the Lady Chapel by a single pointed arch, and into the chancel by a small but beautifully pointed arch, while the chapel communicates with the chancel by another pointed arch, which the organ-front nearly fills.
The tower is internal and opens into the nave by a magnificent pointed arch of striking dimensions, and by similar pointed arches into each aisle—but less in height, and chamfered. On the north-east pier are seven or eight stones with well-defined mason's marks, and on the northwest pier is the Consecration Cross. The pillars supporting the tower are bold roll and hollow work, the capitals of which are most extraordinary. They are carved into 21 heads, no two being alike. Most of the faces are human, but two or three are animals ; all are larger than life, and are mixed with foliage, scroll work, and other tracery. The countenances betoken mirth, laughter, comedy, tragedy, d3rision, defiance, horror, grief, pain, despair, &c,—in short they are a finely preserved series of surprising distortions illustrating the period of ecclesiastical architecture when caricature so much prevailed in art. An organ-gallery and ringers' chamber used to hide these carvings until it was pulled down some 30 years ago ; and the Rev. J. H. Wicksteed, the then vicar, had these pillars, &c, scraped and four cart-loads of paint.and colour-wash were removed. The roof is flat and in a very bad state of repair.
Pocklington Church is the work of different dates : there is evidence to show that, in the original design the aisles were to be groined, a priest's chamber in the tower and a bell-chamber over it, while the roof would have been pitched and
not flat. Perhaps want of money, or an outbreak of the Plague, or both, stopped the work, and it had to be finished in plainer style. Of the donors to the rebuilding of the edifice little or nothing is known*, and local traditions are scanty. Throughout the fabric has suffered from repeated patching and tinkering. More the pity!
The chancel is lighted by an east window of five lights, a two-light window on the north side, and three similar ones on the south. The east window is filled with stained glass, the gift of the late Admiral Duncombe, the central panels representing:—the Nativity, Baptism, Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, and above and below are geometrical designs. The south transept has an east window of three lights, and a double lancet window of no style. On the west there are no windows. On the south there is a handsome four-light window filled with stained glass, the subjects being the Archangels. 1. St. Raphael. 2. St. Michael. 3. St. Gabriel. 4. St. Uriel. Above each is a crown, and under each crown a scroll.
1. O ye angels of the Lord, bless ye the Lord;
2. Praise him and magnify him for ever.
3. O ye powers of the Lord, bless ye the Lord ;
4. Praise him and magnify him for ever.
In the four panels below are :—
1. An angel leaning over a stooping figure with the text,
" Take him by the gill and draw him to thee." (Tobit, ch. vi, v. 3).
2. St. Michael and the Dragon.
3. St. Gabriel and the Virgin. " Behold the handmaid of
the Lord. Hail thou that art highly favoured."
4. St. Uriel appearing to Esdras. (II. Esdras, ch. iv.).
Below all there is this inscription :—" To the glory of God, and to the dear memory of Anne wife of Henry Powell, who died Oct. 13th, 1890, this window is erected by her husband in thankful remembrance of forty-two happy years spent together. She hath done what she could." In the tracery above are two angels bearing shields with
* Item lego operibus ecclesiarum Arneclyff, Pokelyngton, Donyngton, et Scoreburgh, per sequales porciones viijJl, Will of Lord Henry Percy, pr 12 March, 1351, Test. Ebor. vol. i. p. 61. Ecclesiis de Poklyngton, Pykeryng, Killum, et Almondbury, xxZt, cuilibet.
C.s. Lego pro obitu meo celebrando in
dictis ecclesiis, cuilibet, xl*.—Will of Wm
Felter, Dean of York, pr 10 April 1451
(Ibid. vol. iij. pp. 115-17).
à and ö on them, and just under are five cherubin. This window was inserted in 1891, and below was found a pointed arch over a recess, to the west of which is a shield of arms in stone :—" Three bears' heads cabossed." (Barwyck of Pock-lington.) If ever there was any effigy, none remains, but from the position of the shield, it must be the burial-place of the Barwycks, and their family pew very near it, for in the list of " Testamentary Burials " it will be found that two testators desire to be buried " in Barwyke Isle."
The Lady Chapel has an east window of two lights, the lower portion being walled up, and there is a two-light window. St. Nicholas' Aisle has east and north windows, both two lights. The north transept has a window of four lights on the north, and on the west a one-light window with " 1868 " in the centre, and below " The Rev. J. P. Ellis vicar. John Kilby, John Smith. Churchwardens/'
The north aisle has four, and the south three two-light windows. The west window is in the tower and has five lights. The clerestory is lighted by six square-headed windows of two lights on either side. In the north aisle are two stained glass windows :
1. The Crucifixion. 2. The Resurrection. 3. The Raising of Lazarus. 4. The Raising of the widow's son. Above, on scrolls—"I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he be dead yet shall he live." Below:—"This window was erected in 1856 by Elizabeth Loftus of Pocklington in affectionate remembrance of her husband John Loftus who died December 16th 1836, aged 52 years. William Loftus his son died January 31st, 1844, aged 35 years, and George Loftus, his cousin, who died December 1st, 1849, aged 72 years."
1. The Good Shepherd. 2. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Above are flowers conventionally treated. Below:— " To the Glory of God and in loving memory of William Powell who died July 23rd, 1852. Also of Anne Powell, who died October 29th, 1849. This window is placed by their youngest son Henry Powell of ScarborS." And, on a brass underneath :—" This window was erected to the Glory of God and in loving memory of William Powell, born Aug. 3rd, 1774, died July 23rd, 1852. Also of Anne Powell, born March 22nd, 1773, died Oct. 29th, 1849, by their son Henry Powell of Scarborough."
In the south aisle:—
1. The Raising of Jairus' Daughter. 2. Suffer little children to come unto me. In the tracery above are flowers. Below :—" This window was erected as a memorial to Kate Ellis, inf, who died Feby 7th, 1848, John Ellis, died July 3, 1849. Solamina Ellis died March 1, 1850, aged 12 years, By their Father, J. F. Ellis, Vicar of Pocklington, who died July 31st, 1878."
1. Moses with the tables of stone. 2. Aaron with a censer. And this inscription:—"In memory of Rev* Fred James Gruggan, M.A., late Fellow of S. John's College, Cambridge, and 24 years Head Master of the Grammar School at Pocklington, died March 30th 1872."
In the south porch are two three-light windows, both filled with stained glass.
The central light on the east has the Presentation in the Temple and on either side " The Holy Dove " and " The Agnus Dei." Below :—"To the Glory of God and in loving remembrance of Richard English, died March 4th, 1855, aged 63. Also of Jane his wife died April 16th, 1884, aged 90."
The other window has " Mary and Martha," and on the sides sacred monograms. Below:—"This window was placed here by William Shaw Parish Clerk of this church, in loving memory of Ann, his wife, A.D. 1884."
Over the chancel arch on an escotcheon is painted the Royal Arms, W.R. IV. John Todd. John Beal. Churchwardens. R. Scaife. 1834.
On a beam in the roof of the nave, "R. Scaife, 1834," and on a square board, "Rev. C. Hawkins. Vicar. John Todd and William Cook. Churchwardens. 1834."
On a beam in the south transept a board with :—
The Rev. J. F. Ellis. Vicar. Thos. Scaife and Thos. Wright. Churchwardens. 1858.
On a pew in the south aisle :—
C. Smeatham and-Byas. Ch WdM, 1761.
On a beam in the south aisle :—
W. B: I. C. CW. 1782.
On another in same aisle :—
R Jenkinson. W. Hagyard. CW. 1800.
On a beam in the north aisle :—
I. S: R. I: CW. 1751.
On the outer wall of the south aisle is a Sundial with this inscription above:—Quis solem dicere falsum audeat ? and under:—R. English and W. Cook. Churchwardens, 1820. It was formerly over the entrance to the porch, and ought to have been replaced.
On the east buttress of the south transept:—

On the west buttress :—

In the belfry:—"Thomas Lovett, vicar, 1739; Thomas Linton & William Chambers, Church-wardens; James Harrison of Barton-on-Humber in Lincolnshire, Bell-hanger."
The altar-table is an ordinary wooden structure, and the reredos is poor and unworthy of the church. The credence-table is of stone, Early Decorated in style, with a carved oak top. It was anciently the pedestal of the font, and was found covered with brick and hidden. In the chancel there are twelve stalls all on the south side. The pulpit is of carved oak, and was erected at a cost of 100 guineas by Messrs. Elwell of Beverley. One panel represents " the Good Samaritan," another "Peter healing the lame man at the gate of the Temple," and the other two have figures bearing shields. Inside the pulpit is:—" In memory of Thomas Wilson, M.D., died 1879." The money was raised by public subscription, and the panels were designed by Mr. Temple Moore. 1
The font is old and worth notice. Its basin, of 11th century work, is cut into a single square piece of fossil limestone. It has been "restored "—to wit raised on a central smooth stone pillar flanked by four polished marble shafts— hardly in harmony with the ancient rough work. It used to stand in a corner upon a red brick structure.
There are four 15th century desk-ends in the chancel, and a double stall and later oak work in St. Nicholas' Aisle. Renovation is much needed inside, as the present fittings
are mean both in design and material, new church furniture worthy of the edifice and open benches are urgently wanted, and the screen ought to be removed.
The Communion Plate consists of a plain bell-shaped silver chalice with the Hall marks p : a York rose : and IP.** Around the body : " The Gift of Mrs. Jane Belt For the Use of the Church of Pocklington, 1673." and this shield, Argent, a chevron gules charged with a cross pattée fitchée and two mullets or, between three torteaux.*** Also another silver chalice, plain without hall marks, but with M.B. stamped on six times. Round the body is :—" Renewed 1744. The Revd Tho. Lovett. Vicar. Tho. Jackson & Robert Wright Churchwardens of Pocklington." The paten is electro-plate and worthless. There are two pewter plates, each stamped P.P.C., and also Rodwell**** under a York rose. And a large quart-bellied pewter flagon with lid and flat band handle. The only marks are at the bottom of the inside X, and a rose, crowned. On the front is :—Charles Cross. John Baldar-son Church-Wardens 1764.
The Alms-dish is gilt. The centre represents the Last Supper, and on the rim is:—" In loving memory of Ada Ross, and her work for Christ and this Church, at rest. 1887. aged 22.
The Organ is well-toned and a good instrument. It has two manuals with swell and pedal organs. It was damaged by a heavy fall of snow in December, 1891, and repairing it cost £50.
The Bells are five in number. The first bell weighs 860 pounds, and cost £50 3s. 4d., towards which £39 17s. was raised by subscription. They bear the following inscriptions :—
1. Te Deum Laudamus. Tho. Lovett vicar.
R. Walker. I. Gartham Ch Wardens. 1754. G. Dalton. York.
2. Voco veni precare. 1712. Io. Lowe, vie
J. Manby. G. Baitson. Church Wardens. SS Ebor.
3. Gloria in altissimus Deo. 1739.
Will. Chambers. Tho. Linton Church Wardens. E. Seller, Ebor.
4. Soli Deo Gloria Pax Hominibus inet 1650.
M. P. P. B. I. L. S. P. 5.
5. Memento mori. Joseph Lowe vicar.
George Overend. John Horsley. Church Wardens. 1722. S. S. Ebor.
** John Plummer, goldsmith, York.
*** The arms of Belt
**** A York Pewterer.
The Curfew is still rung in this parish every evening, and on December 1st the ringing is continued for an hour, for which one shilling is paid. The money was left by a man, name now unknown, who was lost when coming home from Stamford Bridge Fair. For hours he wandered on the moor and at last recovered his way by hearing #the bells of Pocklington Church. This was before the Enclosure Act, which was passed in 1756-57.
The Feast-day has long ceased to be observed, but in charter granted 28 Edward I. (1299-1300) to Henry, Lord Percy he was empowered to hold a market every Saturday in his manor of Pocklington, and two fairs (or feasts) on the eves of St. Margaret=19 July, and All Saints=31 October. A later charter granted to his son Henry, 18 Edward II. (1324-25), gave leave for two more fairs.
The Allerthorpe people were buried at Pocklington until 1828 ; Yapham up to 1654 and occasionally after; Thornton until March 12. 1415, when the right of sepulture waa conceded to the parishioners by John Prophete, Dean of York, " by reason of inundations which frequently happen both in summer and winter," so that those attending funerals " were hardly preserved from drowning" as they went to Pocklington.
Pocklington Church is not mentioned in the Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV. (1288-92). It is valued in the King's Books at £10 2s. The living was augmented in 1757 with £200, to meet a benefaction of £500 from the Hon. and Rev. Henry Finch, Dean of York, and Mr. E. Finch in their wills. In 1818 its value was £140 per annum. In 1821 Parliament granted £300 to meet £200 from the will of Mr. J. Marshall, gentleman, and in 1822 another £200 to meet benefaction of £200 from Mrs. H. Griffith. It is a Peculiar belonging to the Church of York, and the living is a discharged vicarage formerly in the gift of the Dean of York, but now the patronage is vested with the Archbishop. The dedication is to All Saints and does not appear to have ever been changed, though in Archbishop Sharpe's MSS. it is given as " AH Souls/' It is in the Diocese of York, Wapentake and ancient Deanery of Harthill—but now is the head oi the Deanery of Pocklington, Archdeaconry of the East Riding, the Hundred of Pocklington, and Wilton Beacon. The parish consists of Pocklington, to which are united the
two hamlets and chapelry of Yaphatn-cum-Meltonby and Owsthorpe, containing in all 4,680 acres. The ancient parish had in addition Allerthorpe with Waplington, Barmby Moor, Bolton, Fangfoss with Spittle, Great Givendale with Grimthorpe, Hayton and Beilby, Millington with Little Givendale, Thornton with Melbourne and Storthwaite, bringing the area up to 26,360 acres. Bolton is a chnpelry in Bishop Wilton parish—the others form seven independent parishes which have been carved out of the ancient Saxon parish of Pocklington, and small sums were reserved and paid annually to the mother church in name of subjection : Allerthorpe and Thornton twelve pence ; Barmby and Fangfoss two shillings; Givendale and Millington two shillings ; and Hayton-with-Beilby, four shillings. Burton says " that Pocklington and Halifax were the first to sub-divide their large parishes/'
The town of Pocklington was by Ulfus given to the Church of York, wherein the Prebendary of Barmby hath divers tenements going together on the west side of Hungate St leading towards the South. Also one carucate of freehold land held of him by William Jacksou at the rent of 30*. per ann. and suit of court: and 9 tofts held by Robert Dowman and other tenants by rent of suit of court. The Church of Pocklington, in which a Chantry was founded, was given by Henry I. to Gerard, Archbishop of York, and the Deans of York, together with the chapels within the soke thereof, to be as free and quit from episcopal jurisdiction as are the possessions of the Prebendaries of York. The tythes, corn, hay growing in the fields of Pocklington with four oxgangs of land, cottages, closes, and a water-miln were for a term of years by the Deans of York demised for the annual rent of £21, and a vicarage, was ordained 8th Ides of November 1252.
At the request of Dean Sewell the Archbishop and Chapter of York ordered that there be a perpetual vicarage in this church of Pocklington who shall have cure of the parishioners and sustain the burdens of the church, and besides other necessary ministers shall maintain one chaplain for his assistance, and shall have in the name of his vicaridge the whole Altarage of Pocklington excepting the three principal oblations, the tythes of hay and all fotheriand, the tythes of lamb, wooll, and of the milns, excepting the mortuaries of living cattle, but should have the tythe of curtelage, and of line, and of hemp.
Owsthorpe is a hamlet in the parish of Pocklington, and is a parcel of the Dean and Chapter. The tythes of wool and lamb are demised at a rental of 33*. 9d, and the tythe of a Water-Myln at 3*. Ad.
Meltonbye is another town in the parish of Pocklington. So also in Yapham :—the tythe of corn and hay of both places belonging to the Deanery of York is let for the rent of £10 per ann.
(Torre's Peculiars.)
Monuments and Mural Tablets
Against the South Wall of the Chancel.
Sacred to the memory of Robert Denison Esq. of Kilnwick Percy who died Feby 19th, 1829, aged 68. He married Frances daughter of Sir Richard Brooke Bart, of Norton Priory Cheshire. She died Deer 28th, 1837 aged 71. This monument is erected to their memory in token of his filial love by their only surviving son Robert. Also Thomas their eldest son who died July 16th, 1802, aged 10. Robert, eldest son of the last-named Robert Denison by his wife Charlotte, daughter of Col Geo. Hotham, died Dec. 2nd 1831, aged 5 years. Harry, second son, Captn in 90th Light Infantry, being dangerously wounded in the advance of the British Troops under Gen1, Havelock for the relief of Lucknow in the East Indies, died of his wounds in that city Oct. 29th, 1857, aged 27. Robert, son of the first-named Robert and Fiunces Denison, who died May 5th, 1868, aged 72. Charlotte, widow of the last-named Robert Denison who died July 19th, 1875, aged 73.
Over this monument is a fine series of elaborate oak carvings brought from Italy by Robert Denison Esq. They are fronted with glass except two figures on the top. The work is German, date about 1500, good of its kind and well preserved. The Crucifixion occupies the centre. On either side of Our Lord are the thieves. Roman soldiers with spears and mounted on horses, the Virgin fainting and other disciples complete the group.
To the left is Christ bearing the cross, on his head a crown of thorns —a crowd following, with a monkey.
To the right is a scene after the taking down from the cross. The Virgin Mary is holding* in her arms the dead Christ, surrounded by other disciples.
Above are handsome canopies and the style is florid throughout.
Below are six compartments :—1. A nun praying in a cloister. 2. A child kneeling on a board placed upon an altar ; against it is a castle with embattled wall. 3. Joseph, Mary, Jesus and the wise men. 4. A castle. 5. A bed. 6. A lady on a camel. At the top of the case are two statuettes=Moses and Aaron. There are about 53 figures in this piece >pf wood-work, which has evidently been intended for a reredos.
South Transept.
James Powell, attorney-at-law, died Nov. 11. 1848, aged 75. Jane, wife of Henry Powell, attorney-at-law, died Jan. 5.1851, aged 46. Henry Powell died Sept. 8, 1862, aged 59. James Powell, his son, solicitor died Sept 15, 1882, aged 51.
William Cook of this parish, yeoman, died May 4, 1847, aged 72; buried at Barmby Moor. Mary his relict died Oct 15. 1870, aged 90.
William Cook died Nov. 17, 1825, aged 82. Ellen, his wife, died May 8, 1809, aged 60.
Charles Cross, gent, died May 12, 1790, aged 71. Erected by his niece Sarah Debraw.
George Smith of London, citizen and stationer, died at Pocklington suddenly July 2. 1845, aged 48.
George Clarkson, a native of this town, died suddenly March 23,1843,
aged 64. Elizabeth, his wife died Nov. 16. 1868, aged 86. Also a son and two daughters died of Typhus Fever:—Wm Feb. 4. 1847, aged 30 ; Mary, wife of James Coverdale of Millington, Feb. 16, 1847, aged 32; Elizabeth, wife of John Pickering, of Smylett Hall, March 16, 1847, aged 40. George Clarkson, their son died May 20, 1866, aged 51.
Hamond Bagley died at York, Nov. 12. 1825, aged 17. Mary Hargitt died at Edinburgh Nov. 27, 1847, aged 37. Hannah Hargitt, their mother, died at Edinburgh, Oct. 17, 1849, aged 66.
In memory of Thomas Shield BD late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, 41 years Master of Pocklington Grammar School, who died July 1. 1848, aged 82 years. At his own cost in Chancery he caused the illegal leases of the School Estates to be set aside and increased the rent tenfold.
South Aisle.
Mary Dewsbury died Oct 4. 1846 aged 75. Mary Gardam, adopted daughter of Thomas and Priscilla Johnson, died Dec. 25, 1846, aged 27. They are interred in the chancel of this church by permission of Robt Denison Esq. the lord of the manor.
Crest. An arm embowed, the hand grasping a spear propper.
Arms. Azure, a pale gules between two garbs or, over all a bend or charged with a mullet sable and two annulets gules.
Motto. Favente Deo, nil timendum.
Note. This is meant for Johnson, and is very much mixed, being most likely the work of some local painter who knew nothing about heraldic tinctures.
Robert Catton died June 19. 1822. Elizabeth, his wife, Nov. 15, 1842. Also their off-spring John, Robert, Richard, George, James, James Harrison, and Emily together with Wm Rex their grandson. All interred here. Elizabeth Rex buried in St. John's Church-yard, New* castle-on-Tyne. Erected by their son, Wm Catton of York.
North Aisle.
Seth Stablee died Aug. 28, 1830, aged 54. Mary, his wife, died Nov. 3, 1848, aged 74. Erected by their daughter Bessy Harrison.
Nathaniel Holmes of Pocklington interred in the centre of this church, died April 26, 1835 aged 62.
Here lyeth the Body of John Dobson, Parish Clerk 51 years who succeeded his Father, Grand-Father in the Office, and whose Great Grand Father was vicar of this Church. He was a man diligent in his Office, faithful to his Masters and courteous to all Men. He dyed Feb. 25. AD. 1730, aged 80.
North Transept.
James Silburn, died Feb. 8, 1829, aged 65. Hannah, his widow, April 25, 1844, aged 70.
Thomas Scaife jun died July 5, 1859, aged 53. Rachael, his wife, Oct 4,1861, aged 63.
Walter Staveley of Pocklington, gent, died Feb. 23. 1780, aged 79. Alice, his wife, died April 26. 1773, aged 63. Erected by their nephew Walter Staveley of Beverley.
Crest A hart's head cabossed or.
Arms. On a chevron between 3 lozenges sable as many harts' heads erased or. (Staveley.)
In St. tfic/tolai Aisle. In memorial of Kingsman Baskett, Clerk, formerly Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, 53 years Master of the Free Grammar School in this place, who died April 11. 1807, aged 85. He was the youngest son of Samuel Baskett, vicar of Shapwick, Dorsetshire.
On a Brass.
-f- To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Cuthbert Wayland Joyce who entered into rest on May 30. 1890, aged 13 years. This brass was erected by his school-fellows.
Inscriptions on the Floor in thb Church.
Within tlie Sacrarium.
Under this stone lyeth interr'd Elizabeth, relict of Thomas Lusher late of Leighton, Bedfordshire, gent, who died 6 Sept. 1730 aged 72 years.
On the south side also of this stone lyeth interr'd Thomas, son of the said Thomas and Elizabeth Lusher who died 24 of July, 1727, aged 30 years.
Chancel Floor.
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah Stephenson late of Beverley who departed this life the 30 of May, 1831, aged 77.
Here lieth inter'd the body of Edmund Creadock, Gent, who departed this life the second day of Feby 1736, aged 36 years. Also of Ruth his wife who died the 18 of March, 1762. in the 62nd year of her age, and of two sons who died in their infancy.
Near the foot of the pulpit is a flat stone measuring 6 feet 4 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide at the top, and 1 foot 10 inches at the bottom. It used to be in St. Nicholas1 Aisle, and near it was found a skeleton with a token fast in the left orbicular socket. The stone is fractured across its lower third. It has a floriated Latin cross on three steps cut into its surface, and round the edge
Jfcic jam ifta i&argareta ISfttngtoaft qua'nfca prtisaa ijujua toci cum* obttu txit xxix—ii* ceptffter—anno—iiu—fiSL—dtttu—xii.
There was a Margaret Esyngwald prioress of Wilberfoss Nunnery, five miles west from Pocklington. She held the office from Dec. 6,1479 to Sept. 29,1512,4* a period of nearly 32 years, when she resigned, her successor Elizabeth Lorde being confirmed prioress on Oct. 18,1518.
(* The will of a Margaret Easingwolde, made April 15, 1513, was proved at York lug. 28, following.)
I have no doubt this was her tombstone, and it is the sole remanet of the Benedictine Nunnery of St. Mary of Wilberfoss. from whence it must have been brought, and it states the day when her obit bhall be commemorated: viz. 29 September.
Floor of Nave.
Arthur Henry son of Edward Bentley and Georgina Slater. He died August 2, 1852, aged 4 months.
Maria Voore Filia Rich: Langley ar: ob : 22 Jan. 1675.
(The Langleys were then living at Owsthorpe, in the parish of Pocklington.)
Next this is a stone but the inscription is almost hidden under a pew. Nathaniel Holmes of Pocklington, Attorney-at-law, died April 25. 1835, aged 62. Edwin Holmes, his youngest son, died April 13. 1843, aged 27.
Matthew Holmes gent of this Town died 16 Nov. 1826. aged 82.
Francis Richardson late of St. Nicholas House in the suburbs o the city of York died April 22. 1833 aged 46. John Briskham jun late of S* Nicholas Place died Aug. 1. 1840 aged 31.
Elizabeth wife of Thomas Knowlton Wilson died Sept. 13. 1828 aged 37. Thomas Knowlton, their infant son, died Oct. 13. 1824. Margaret, their infant daughter, died Sept 13, 1826.
Robert Wilson died April 9, 1820, aged 80. Elizabeth, his wife, died Dec 22, 1821, aged 76.
Seth Stables died Aug. 28. 1836 aged 91. Mary, his wife, Nov. 3. 1818, aged 71.
William Clark, late of Hayton, died March 7. 1825, aged 68. Ann, his wife, died Nov. 12. 1841, aged 86. Thomas, their son May 21.1849, aged 55.
Christopher Kettle well died March . . . aged 28 years. Ann Kettle-well his mother died April 28, 1800 aged 73. Thomas, his father died Jan. 15. 1815, aged 95.
Joseph Kettlewell, Pocklington, died March 9. 1814, aged 48. Margaret his wife Sept 16. 1815, aged 48.
Ann Martha, daughter of Richard and Ann Donn, died May 25, 1835, aged 10.
Mary Hessel, wife of Robert Hessel of this town, draper, died June 17. 1811, aged 74.
At the east end of the nave there is a stone partly under a pew. The inscription is iu Latin—hopelessly worn, only 2 or 3 words are legible.
On the floor of the North Transept are a few broken slabs with fragments of inscriptions.
North Aisle.
Henry Beal son of George and Mary Beal died 13 Dec. 1794, aged 9 months.
South Transept.
Here lieth the body of Mr. C . . . Here lieth the body of Mr James Black [beard]. . . . A large blue stone with the matrix of a cross in the centre, and around the edges a matrix for a brass border.
South Aisle.
Solomina Frances Ellis died March 1, 1850. aged 12.
Kate, daughter of James Francis Ellis, clerk, vicar of this place, and Jane Dobson his wife, died Feb. 7. 1848, aged 8 mouths. John Henry, their infant son, died July 3. 1849.
Floor of Lady Chapel.
Here lyeth the body of Miss Anna Marie Prickett, daughter to Robert Prickett of Wressell Castle, Esqre, who died September yc 9th, 1661, aged 3 months.
Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Mary Prickett, wife of Robert Prickett,** of Wressell Castle, Esqre, daughter to the Right Honourable Marmaduke Lord Langdale, Baron of Holme who departed this life the 4th day of September Anno Domini 1678, aged 48.
Arms. Or, on a cross azure quarter pierced of the field four mascles or, Prickett, impaling Argent, a chevron between three cinquefoils gules. Longdate.
Here lyeth the body of Miss Lennox daughter of Robert Prickett of Wressell Castle, Esqre, who departed this life the 15th of Novr, 1673, aged 17 years.
Near this is a stone with the matrix for a shield and brass—both of which are gone.
Close to is another stone, the inscription all broken up.
There are several inscribed stones covered by the organ. They were formerly in the chancel and sacrarium, and when removed no copy of the inscriptions was made.
Here lieth the body of John Baker, A.M. Master of the Grammar School in Pocklington and vicar of Hayton and Beilby, who departed this life January the 18th, 1739, aged 50 years. Also of Ann, his wife, daughter of John Harvey Esq. Merchant of Norwich who died October 8th 1739, aged 50 years. Also three of their children, Elisabeth, John, and Harvey who died in infancy are interred here.
(Rev. John Baker, bur. Jan. 22; 1739—40. His wife, Oct 11. 1739 ; Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1731 ; John, March 5. 1732; Harvey, Aug. 21,1736. —Pock Registers.)
Burials inside Pocklington Church were discontinued by an Order in Council, 30 January, 1856.
On the north wall of the north transept there is a very fine Renaissance monument, richly coloured. The tablet is white marble.
** The Pricketts lived at Allerthorpe. Sir Marmaduke had been created Baron Langdale of Holme-on-Spalding Moor by Charles II. for hia gallant services in the Civil Ware to the Royalist cause. Holme is about seven miles from Allerthorpe, and between the two families there was some feud as Mr. Marmaduke
Prickett in his will dated Sept. 28, 1652, disinherits his son Robert 44 if he takes to wife one of the daughters of Sir Marmaduke Langdale." In spite of aU the marriage came off, and in addition to the above we find from the Registers, *' Robert Prickett. Esqre., from Wressle Castle buried March 7. 1701."

Mors et Sors mutant mortalia Heare under lieth inter'd the Corps of Robert
sothebee of Pocklington esquier who first maried Grace daughter of Marmaduke Vavasovr of Weston esquier. By whom he had XI children after whose decease he tooke to wife elizabete daughter of anthonie smetheley of brantingham esquier and survivinge her lived to see III of his sonnes and V of his daughters matched as may appears by the escutchons in borderinge and depted this life in plentie and peace on the last day of julie ano domini 1594 in ye eightye yeare of his age to the gratefull and
reverent me'ory†
Whereof his said children in all duteous affections have dedicated this monument confidentlye hopinge to rejoice with him in the resurrection of the just.
Pater 0 charissime spes est
in coelis tecum nates laetarier omnes
0 vita misero. longa foelici
This monument was restored A.D. 1851 by Rear Admtral Charles Sotheby of the Manor House, Sewardstone, Essex, representative op the Sotheby Family, and H. Willoughby Esq. of Birdsall Hall Yorkshire, Great Grandson of Elizabeth Daughter and heiress of Thomas Sotheby Esq. of the same place.
Arms, on this Monument.
Crest. A demi-talbot purpura.
Arms. Argent, on a fess vert between 3 cross crosslets sable, as many talbota passant arg. (Sotheby).
Sotheby impaling Or, a fesse dancettee between 2 cinquefoils sable. Vavasour of Weston. (1)
Sotheby, impaling Argent, 3 eagles displayed sable. Bird. (2)
Sotheby, impaling Sable, a bird vert, membered and collared gules, between three pairs of shin-bones in saltaire argent. Newton. (3) Sotheby.
Sotheby, impaling Gules, a chevron engr. between 3 hounds sejant argent Hungate. (4)
Sotheby, impaling Argent, on a bend gules between two demi-lions rampant sable three lozenges vaire". Bishop of Pocklington. (10)
Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argeut 3 fusils sable. Daniell. 2 and 3, Gules, on a cross or 5 eagles displayed of the field. Daniell of Beswick, impaling Sotheby. (5)
Sable, on a bend argent 3 fleur-de-lis of the field, a crescent argent. Wood of Kilnwick, impaling Sotheby. (6)
Argent, a chevron between three boars heads couped sable. Oglethorpe, impaling Sotheby. (7)
†Mr Robert Sothebye, buried 1 August, 1594.
Mrs Grace Sotheby, buried 2 January, 1560.
Mr Robert Sotheby's (2nd) wife, buried 29 March, 1580 (Registers).
Argent, a chevron azure between three chaplets gules. Holme of Huntingdon impaling Sotheby. (8)
Gules, on a fess cotised or three leopards* heads of the first Lee of Southwell, Notts, impaling Sotheby. (9)
Sotheby, impaling Gules, three lions passant guardant argent, over all on a bend sable as many mullets of six points pierced or. Payler of York. (11)
(1) Mr. Robert Sotheby first married Grace daughter of John Vavasour of Weston, and for his second wife, Elizabeth daughter of Richard Smethley of Brantingham and widow of William Daniell of Beswick. All his children—four sons and five daughters, were by his first wife.
(2) Thomas, his eldest son, lived at Birdsall and married 10 April 1569 Isabel Bird of Newcastle.
Robert, a student of the Inner Temple died in Worcestershire, *. p.
(3) Marmaduke was a merchant at York and married Isabel Newton of that city.
(4) Roger lived at Pocklington and married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hungate of Saxton at Watton Church, April 1582.
(5) Agnes was married to William Daniell, of Beswick, at Pocklington 6 Nov. 1569.
(6) Mary to Barnard Wood, of Kiln wick Percy, at Pocklington Church 12 Oct. 1574.
(7) Anne to Wm Oglethorpe, of Oglethorpe, at Pocklington, 16 Oct. 1580, *et. 21.
(8) Grace to Seth Holme of Huntingdon, at Pocklington.
(9) Bridget to Gervase Lee, of Southwell, Notts, at Pocklington 20 Feb. 1581 at. 21.
The two other shields are grand-children :—
(10) Isabel, was the daughter of Roger Sothebie :—" Mr John Biahopp and Isabell Sothebye were maryed ye 30 of Januarie 1593."
(11) Robert, son and heir to Thomas Sotheby married Catharine daughter of Wm Payler of York.
The Dolman Monument.
Crest. A garb argent, eared and banded or. Arms. 1. Azure, a fesse dancette or between eight garbs of the second banded gules. Dolman.
2. Argent, a chevron vert, in chief a bezant. Chilton.
3. Or, a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped. Vavasour of Spaldington.
4. Or, a chevron gules, a chief vair argent and azure. Sc. Quip tin.
Motto. Virtute et veritate.
Beneath this are three compartments, the centre having recumbent effigies of Thomas Dolman and his wife, and on either side are 5 sons and 3 daughters kneeling.
The monument is of black and white marble.
Hie jacet corpus Thoraee Dolman ar : nuper unius Justitiariorum Diiae. Eliz9 Reginae ad pacem infra Eastriding com Ebor. libertatis de Beverley et Scti Petri Ebor. conservandum hoc in his de selection illo numero qui vol go quorum dicunter qui in uxorum duxit Eliz9 sororem et solam haeredam Petri Vavasor de Spaldingto9 ar. et de ea' xil genuit proles de quibus octo hora mortis suae1* superstiterut vz Robertus Alius senior et ejus haeres nuptus Eleonorae uni filiarum Wilelmi Malere militia, Joanes, Marmaducus, Petru3, comes legis paritus, et Wilelmus filiaa autem Anna nupta Ricos Whittingham, de Whittingha9, corn. Lancastrian gener Brigitta nupta Georgio Middleton de Nuton Com Dunelmiae gener et Jana innupta. Et cum vixisset anos sexaginta ix obiit 30 April is*** Anno dm' 1589 cui felicem dat misericordissimus Resurectionem Deus. Amen.**
Hoc monumentum dirutum accurate restauravit Johannis Thomas Dolman, M.D. anniger. A D. 1850.
When altering the floor of St. Nicholas' Aisle, a stone slab broken and decayed was found five feet below the surface. On it were cut the letters J. D.
The Sotheby Cross stands in the south aisle at the tower end where it was placed in 1879. On the south side is the Crucifixion of Our Lord, with the Virgin Mary and St. John ; on the north, the Deity on a throne holding a crucifix—the Holy Dove broken off; on the east a mitred bishop giving the benediction (Sl Paulinus ?); on the west, a man erect, with flowing beard, holding in his hand a model of a church. (John Sotheby.) The style is Late Decorated. The canopies over each of the figures terminate in carved finials, damaged by stone throwing and weather, as subsequent to its discovery for some time it stood in the churchyard from whence it was removed to its present position in the Church.
Around the collar of the column on which it is placed is:—
Orate Pro Aia Joannes Soteby
Around the base : —
Paulinus hic praedicabit et celebravet A.D. 627
On a mural slab fixed against the south pillar of the tower:—
** 1562. Mr Dowman's wife buryed ye 2nd November
*** 1589. Mr Thomas Dowman buryed ye 31 of March (Registers).
This churchyard cross erected about the middle of the fifteenth century to the memory of John Soteby was discovered A.D. 1835 when digging a grave near the west door of the church, where during the Civil Wars it had no doubt been deposited for preservation. It was restored and re-erected A.D. 1855 (with the permission of the Rev. J. F. Ellia, vicar of Pocklington and churchwardens) in the churchyard at the expense of Samuel Leigh Sotheby of the Woodlands, Norwood, in the county of Surrey, he being a descendant of the elder branch of the Sotheby family.
The Sotheby Cross
This cross, or rather cross-head, was brought out of an obscure corner, and erected on its present Calvary in 1879, in memory of Dr Wilson. The inscription on the base is said to have been copied from an old stone bearing similar wording which was found near it. These representations of the Trinity in stone prevailed from about 1360 to 1400.
The following Arms and Inscriptions* were in this church in 1584, and as late as Dodsworth's time, circa 1654. No person now living remembers to have seen them, and there is very little doubt but they have been plastered over.
* Foster's Edition "Glover and St. George's Visitation." 1584-85 and 1612. p. 485.
One, already referred to, was discovered when the stained glass was inserted into the south transept window. It is a stone shield, and had been hidden by wainscoting.
Orate pro anima Magtstri Johaniss Prophete, Decani Ecclesiae que . . .
John Prophete, Canon of York, was Prebendary of Langtoft, 1404 ; Bugthorpe, 1406 ; and, on the Pope's Collation, Dean of York 1 April, 1407, to which he was then admitted by proxy, and 23 March, 1408, in person. He died 1 May, 1416. He made his will, dated London 8 April, 1416, proved 14 May, in which he desired to be buried in the Church of Leighton Buzzard, or in his Church of Ringwood, if he chanced to die within the province of Canterbury ; or if he died in the north, then either to be buried in the Cathedral Church of York, or his Parish Church of Pocklington. He bequeathed 100 shillings apiece to his nieces Elizabeth Deigncourt and Margery Edolf to pray for his soul, and to Mr. Bryan Fairfax a silver cup with a cover.**
These two were upon buriall escocheons :—
A lozenge, quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent on a bend between 2 unicorns' heads azure 3 lozenges or ; 2 and 3. Or, a cross patonce gules (Smethley).
Argent, on a fess vert between 3 cross crosslets sable as many talbots passant argent (Sotheby).
These were in memory of Mr. Robert Sotheby and his second wife.
Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 martlets or, (Bayley ?), impaling ... on a chief argent 3 torteaux. (Walton ?)
The same, impaling Argent, on a pale sable three lions1 heads erased argent crowned or.
The same, impaling Sable, a chevron between three garbs argent.
The same, impaling Azure, on a fesse dancett6e between ten billets or three billets sable.
The same, impaling Gules, a bend ermine. (Walys orWallis.)
The same, impaling Azure, a bend argent cotised or between six martlets of the last (M ountney).
The same, impaling Argent, a tower tripple-turreted sable. (Castle.)
Gules, a chevron between three martlets or.***
** Test. Ebor. vol. iii, pp. 53, 54. His will was proved at Canterbury on May 14, and at York on June 1. He was buried at Ringwood, where there is part of a fine priestly brass to his memory.
*** I have sought in vain for the owners of these arms, and have appealed not only to books, MSS., &c., but to the principal living authorities on Heraldry. The nearest is Bayley:—" Gules, a chevron engrailed ermine between 3 martlets
argent," or Manyngham:—"Gules, a chevron argent between 3 martlets or."
The arms were traced by Dodsworth (MS. 137), a series of 17 rough sketches, but no names. Neither do the Registers afford any clue. It is an extraordinary thing that a shield with seven impalements should have no record. My friend Mr. A. S. Ellis thinks they belong to some upstart family of Bailey who flourished in Elizabethan days and as suddenly collapsed. This was a time when there was undoubtedly much mushroom heraldry. There was a family of Bayleys at Bubwith, and one may have come here.
Or, a cross sable (Aton).
Vert, three escallops argent (Anley).
Argent, three bears' heads erased sable muzzled gules. (Barwycke.) (James Rudston married the d. & h. of Thos. Barwick of Pocklington.) Three coats in one shield:— Centre: Gules, three levriers courant in pale argent. (Sir Halnath Mauleverer.)
Dexter: Gules, two bars gemelles aud a chief or. (Stodowe.) Sinister: Sable, on a saltier argent (or ?) a trefoil (Ashton ?)
Quarterly. 1 and 4. Stodowe. 2 and 3. Sable, on a saltier or a trefoil. Ashton ?)
Orate pro animabus Roberti Stodowe, Armigeri, Margaretae uroris ejus, ac Albani, filli eorundem, quorum animabus propicietur Deus.
Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, two bars gemelles, on a chief or a mullett (Stodowe); 2 and 3, Argent, a liou rampant sable. (Creswick.)
"This escocheon was paynted upon the wall, and an escocheon of Hungate by it."
Gules, a chevron engrailed between 3 hounds sejant argent. (Hungate.***)
*** A family of Hungates was for some
time resident in Pocklington, and owned property. The west side of Great George Street was called Hungate until after 1815, when George Street. Regent Street, Waterloo Terrace, were named in honour of George III., George IV. (then Prince Regent), and the battle of Waterloo.