Hull Daily Mail - Thursday 05 April 1934
Image © Local World Limited.
Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD Reproduced with kind permission of http://www.thebritishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/
A Distinguished Crowd at Nunburnholme
THE Holderness Hunt point-topoint steeplechases were held at near to-day. The weather was cold, but fine, and there was large attendance. There was some good racing. the first event, Holderness Hunt members' race, only four horses and flubbed, but the Holderness Adjacent Hunts Maiden race brought an entry of seven and a good race resulted,. Hula winning by half a length from Murgatroyd's Magnet. Among those present were the Hon. Mrs Edward Lascelles, the Duchess of Norfolk, Lady Rachael Howard, Lady Katherine Howard, the Countess of Chesterfield, Lord Grimthorpe,. Master C. Beckett, Major and Mrs W. H. Carver, Mr and Mrs J. Carver, Captain T. L. Wickham Boynton, his Hon. Judge H. L. .Beazley, Colonel and Mrs Langdale. Captain' and Mrs Birch, Colonel T. Clitherow, the Misses Clitherow, Mrs Hotham, Lord Hotham, the Hon. Catherine Hotham. the Hon. Peter Hotham, Mr G. Earle, and Mr. and Mrs H. Hall, the Hon. Mrs Edgerton, Mrs Miklethwaite, Mr H. Seed. Mr and Mrs Harrison Broadley, jnr., the Hon. Charles Wood, Mrs A. Mrs Holder, Captain and Mrs Schoefield. Mr C. Reckitt. and Colonel Holdswortb. Stewards: Captain Adrian Bethel. Major N. Hillas. Mr H. Hall, Captain J. Harrison Broadley. Lieutenant- Colonel Chichester-Cons'table. and Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Chichester-Constable. Judge, Captain Adrian Bethel: Starter, H. Hall; clerk of the scales, Mr j. J. Ridley: honorary veterinary surgeon. Mr F. Bradley; honorary surgeon, Dr Fairweather; clerk of the course. Mr G. S. Storey: and hon. secretary, Lieutenant-Colonel T. C. Clitherow.
HUNT MEMBERS RACE.— Captain T. Wickham Boynton's STAINBURN (Mr A. Scrope). 1. Hall's Victor (J. H. Broadlev), 2. Only two finished. Also ran: Desmond (Owner) and Carolina 11. (Owner). Betting: Evens STAINBURN, 2 to 1 agst Victor, 6 to 1 others.
HOLDERNESS AND ADJACENT HUNTS' MAIDEN RACE. —Mr W. C. Farrow's (Holderness) (A. H. Dixon). 1; G. N. Morrell's (Middleton) Murgatroyd's Magnet (E. Parke). 2: Mrs C. Dixon's (Holderness) Smock (G. C. Dixon). 3. Also ran: Miss. Pinafore .IV. (S. Enderbv). Algae (Owner). Blue Dan (Owner), and Monimia (Owner). Won half a length: two lengths between second and third. Betting-: Evens Smock. 4 to 1 agst Magnet. 6 to 1 HULA, 8 to 1 Algae. 10 to 1 others.
YORK AND STRENSALL GARRISON RACE—Mr M. Clark's WYELLA (Owner) 1. R. Birtram's HILLTOP (Owner). 2 Mr. A. J. Crewdson's BELVEDERE QUEEN (Mr W. M. Barnett). 3. Also ran: Top Note (Owner), Sheila (Capt. Phillips), Ardeen (Owner). Venture. (Owner) Merlin (Owner). Dollar Princess (Mr. Hamilton), Ace of Spades (Owner). Betting: Evens Ardeen. 6 To 4 Agst Top Note. 1 Sheila. 3 to 1 WYELLA, Dollar Princess. 5 to 1 Hilltop. 8 to 1 Belvedere Queen and Venture, 10 to 1 Ace of Spades. Won half a length. 10 lengths.
DENOMINATION OPEN RACE.—Mr T. Danbv's (Middleton East), RACKET (Capt. D. Miller). 1; Mr E. V. Stephenson's (Holderness), FAIR AND SQUARE (Owner). 2: O. M. Bullivant's York and Ainsty) SPORTY GURL Owner). 3. Also ran: Top Dog (Mr Adrian Scrope). King's Messenger (Mr R. Nutt). , Top Dog was leading when it broke down. Betting: 3 to 1 Top Dog, 2 to 1 agst King's Messenger. 8 to 1 Fair and Square. 10 to RACKET and Sporty Gurl. Won by a distance, same.
HOLDERNESS HUNT FARMERS' RACE. — Mr G. Dixon's ST. SUMMER (W. A.Dixon). 1: Mr A. Robinsons LUXURY (Owner). 2; M. Ullyott's WINROY (G. Ullyott). 3. Also ran: Five of Spades (Owner). Betting: 3 to 1 on ST SUMMER. 4 to 1 Five of Spades, 6 to 1 Luxury, and 7 to 1 Winroy.
Betting: 3 to 1 ST. SUMMER. 4 to 1 Five of Spades. 6 to 1 Luxury, and to 1 Winroy. Won by a distance: same: An objection to the winner was over-ruled.
HOLDERNESS AND ADJACENT HUNTS' MEMBERS FARMERS, AND PUPPYWALKERS HEAVY-WEIGHT RACE. Capt. J. Harrison Broadley's (Holderness). STARLIGHT 11. (J. A. Broadley. junr.), Lord Grimthorpe's (Middleton) WINNIE (Owner). : Mr T. Hudson's GAY (Owner). 3. Three ran. Betting: 7 to 4 on STARLIGHT 11., 6 to 4 agst Winnie, and 7 to 1 John Gay. Won by a distance; same.

Hull Daily Mail - Friday 14 April 1939
Image © Local World Limited.
Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD Reproduced with kind permission of http://www.thebritishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/

The above photo is the Nunburnholme Steeple Chase in 1935 - The winner Miss Basham on Capet is on the right. The large crowds can be seen in the background. (Hull Daily Mail)
The following report from the Hull Daily Mail for Thursday 2nd April 1914, describes the racetrack
In sylvan-like surroundings yesterday a glorious July-like day, the Holderness Hunt and Military Point-to-Point Races were decided. The course at Nunburnholme most picturesquely situated, and the races were watched by largo gathering the natural terraces on the hillside, which overlooks the quaint old church. A glance higher up the hill showed Lord Londesborough's plantation, which hides Warter Priory, but whilst during the interval there was time to admire the scenery, the gaze was generally in the direction of the ridge, watching the red-coated (riders as they galloped over the hill, and made for the straight. The meeting always one of the leading county events, and was socially successful as any previous gathering. It might have been a huge picnic, in which everyone— leaders in society from all parts of the county, titled people, officers from York, tenant farmers, sportsmen from all over the district, and a contingent from Hull—all mingled together and had a good time. There were several hundred motor cars, few coaches, and traps on the course, and dozens of merry alfresco luncheon parties, at which white-fronted butlers dispensed the contents of hampers and wine boxes. was certainly no easy task getting the motor wheels to grip the slippery turf, but many of the motor owners fashioned some useful grips out of ropos around rear wheels, and one or two motor patrols demonstrated their usefulness. At several private marquees the owners dispensed their hospitality. Lord Nunburnholme, who took a keen interest the event, for example, dispensed hospitality to very large number of friends.
His lordship presented, for tho first time, fine silver challenge cup for a race which was for members the Holderness Hunt, and its first winner was none other than that good sportsm an, Mr Wickham-Boynton, the brown gelding Owbridge, which bclonprs to his wife To win it outright Mr Wickham-Boynton will have have the luck to win it twice in succession, or three times all. After little persuasion Mr C. J. and a few friends induced the donor to present the trophy at happy little informal ceremony, and the owner of Owbridge, Mra Wickham-Boynton. had to found, and included in the picture. The success was the more popular because the favourite was bred this district. There was a good field for this race, but the three and half miles over the heavy, hilly going was rather punishing, and in one the later races especially there were evidences that the spurs hid been used fairly well. In this race Mr Jack Broadley, the son of the Member for Howdenshire, who with Mr Stanley Wilson is the chief patron of the was five lengths behind for the second place, on his bay mare Hayseed. Other familiar figures in the Hunt were also observed. Mr L. G. Buxton came fourth ten lengths behind Mr Broadley, but although Geoffrey Buxton had entered his brown mare Namur. ho did not take part in the lace. Mr Oswald Sanderson was interested in this race, but had not the satisfaction seeing his son, who was riding, get a place. Captain Gurney elding Jack the Dandy, and Bougie, Mrs Whitworth, tha wife of the master, who had bad luck in the third race, was ridden by Mr E. Reynard.
The officers of the East Yorkshire Regiment from York, and they included Colonel R. E. Ben and some of the officers who were in Hull, wore naturallv interested in the race for the Regimental Challenge Cup, presented by Colonel A. J. Richardson, the present colonel's predecessor. Colonel Benson had chat with our representative, and it seems his men have still pleasant recollections of the visit Hull, whilst the recruiting results have proved satisfactory- The race produced a dozen runners, and Mr N. V. won good race Benreeve, with Mr Markham's Loretto bad second. Was unfortunate for Edwards' that his should fall when leading a couple of fences from home. There were the broken its back, but this proved incorrect, although Thurles got a bad shaking.
The third race, a sweepstake was open to the HoMerness, York and Ainsty. Bramham Moor, and Hunts, but the Hunt was out of it. although its representatives included the Master, on his bay gelding, The Ward, and .Tack Broadley, th's time on the aged bay gelding Daybreak, whilst MW Harrison Broa«-Uev's Paddy was ridden by Mr C. Clarke. Mr Whitworth was unfortunate in having something wrong with his saddle gear, and the honours went to the York and Ainsty Hunt, which cla : med second and third places, Mr Jovnson Hunt) first, being challenged to a neck and neck fin : Lord St Germans (York and Ainsty) on Galoot. The farmers' race, for which Mr Whitworth presented a cup, produced good deal of excitement in the wav of soil Is three rather bad ones. Victor, ridden Mr Edward Stamford, fell the country, and the rider, who was dazed when he recovered in the weighins-in tent, could not remember anvthing of mishap. Miss Wassand. ridden J. England, and Meredith both fell heavilv at the last fence, which was hard luck for the leader. This gave an chance Mr Stave!ev Stephenson. He says:
The start was near Burnby village, coming up to Nunburnholme, turning left-handed through the winning field, up towards Pocklington, thence left-handed again near Pocklington Wood, and along the ridge to near Burnby village, and so to the field at the base of the Brat. There was a fair amount of plough land, but the greater part was grass. The officials were:—Stewards. Mr H. Whitworth. M.F.H., Lt.-Col. J. Stracey-Clitherow, Lt.-Col. Langdale, Major W. E Camnion, Mr T. Wickham-Boynton, C. Wellesley; judge, Lt.-Col. Langdale: clerk of the scales, Mr J. J. Ridley; starter, Mr G. Heigham.
The large gathering included Major Constable, Mr J. A Dunkerlev, Mr and Mrs J. H. Fisher, Captain Bethell, Mr and Mrs Mr John Broadley, Colonel Langdale, Lord Furnes3, M.F.H., Lady Furness. Col. P. Langdale, Lady and Miss Plu-ner, Mr H. Whitworth, M.F.H., Mrs Whitworth. and party; Mr C. Brook, Miss Brook, Mrs Lycett Green, Mrs Niooll, Cipt. and Mrs Reynard, liord St. Germans, Mr Tom SutclifFe, Mr H. Cholmondeley, Mr and Mrs C. C. Wellesley, Major Swetenham, Mrr A. T Watson, Mr and Mrs Granville Farquhar, Capt. G. Bethell, R.N.. Mr T. Wiokham- Boynton, Ed. Lane Fox, Cant. Gurney, Mr and Mrs E. A. F. W. Herbert, Major and Mrs Raitt, Mr C. Reynard, Mr L. G. Buxton, Mr and Mrs F. W. Pawlett, Col. Everatt Hind, Capt. Frank Hind, Mir J. Harrison-Broadley, Mr P. Clutterbuck, Mr T. Powell. Mr F. Burton (Cherry Burton), Col. and Mrs L. A. Hope, Col. and Ladv Mary Clough Tavlor, General and Mrs Lowry Cole the Hon. A. Harris, Mr T. W. Calverley-Rudston, Mr W. Todd, Col. and Mrs Garnett, Col. Richardson, Major Maunseil, Capt. Marshall, Col. and Mrs Benson, Major W. E. Campion, Capt. Forte, Col. Striokland-Constable, Major Barrington, Captain Preston, the Sheriff of Hull and Mrs Ohlson, Mr J. F. Robineon, Mr Oswald Sanderson, Mr Kenneth Wilson, Mr and Mrs Hellver, Mr C. C. Wreathall, Mr J. B. Bainton, Mr Cecil Bainton, Mr Glossop, Mr Dalton White. Mr Geoffrey Buxton. Mr F. J. Salter, Colonel Garnett, Colonel Constable, Major Grant, Colonel Straeey-Clitherow, Major M. Moore, Captain Anderson, Captain Edwards, Captain Bogell, Captain Cooper, Captain Hind, Captain Lawrence, Captain Maxwell, and Colonel J. J. Harrison.
Mrs Wickham-Boynton'a OWBRIDGE, aged, 14lb ex Mr T W Boynton 1.
Mr W H. Milburn's SYLVIUS, 9yrs ....Mr Holtby 2.
Mr J. Harrison-Broadtey's HAYfiEED, 7yrs . .Owner 3.
Mr L. G. Buxton's Limber Hill, aged Owner 4 .
Betting ; 6 to 4 on Owbridge, 3 to 1 agst Hayseed, and 6 to 1 others.
Owbridge led all the way, and won by five lengths; ten lengths separated second and third. Bougie fall early in the race.
Mr N. V. Blacker's BENREEVE, 6yrs .......Owner 1
Markham's LORETTO. aged ....................Owner 2.
W.E. Campion's - LEAFLET, aged ...........Owner 3.
Betting: 2 to l agst Benreeve, 3 Loretto, 6 to 1 each Topthorn and Leaflet, and 10 to 1 bar four. won by distance; twenty lengths between the second and third. Mabel refused the fence out of the winning field three times, and was taken back. Thurles fell when third the penultimate fence.
Joynson's TARA HALL, aged, 141b ex Owner 1
Lord St. Germaine's (York and Ainsty) THE GALOOT, Aged, 7lb ex.Owner 2.
Major Swetenham's (York and Ainsty) ROBERT, b ex Owner 3.
Captain Neville's (York and Ainsrty) Merry Maid, Agedl Owner 4
Betting 5 to 4 on The Galoot. 5 to 1 agst each The Ward and Robert, 6 to 1 Noisy Neighbour, and 10 to 1 Others
A good race, Tara Hall winning from The Galoot by about a neck, the winner finishing in good condition, but Galoot being severely punished.
Mr Staveley Stephenson's HE SAYS, 5yrs Owner 1
Mr James England ' s LEMON PEEL, 6yrs... .Jackson 2.
Mr. Chalres Cressey's PEN KNIFE, aged Owner 3.
Betting 5 to 2 on He Says,
5 to 1 agst Gipsey Love, and 100 to 8 bar two.
He Says led all the way and won by a distance
.Mr. G. C. Buxton's NAIVASHA, 6 yrs...............Owner 1.
Mr. H. Whitworth's SPRING, Aged......................Owner 2.
Cpt. M. Neville's LITTLE JOHN, aged..................Owner 3.
Betting: Evens Spring, 2 to 1 agst. Naivasha, 3 to 1 Little John, and 8 to 1 others
History led at the start, but was passed by Spring, Naivasha and Little John.
Doug Hague's grandad Ernest Hague was Major Stewart's head gamekeeper, and was a wealth of knowledge on the subject of the estate. Doug's dad Reg told him about the Nunburnholme point-to-point that the grandstand was behind the council houses at Nunburnholme and if you turned left out of the village on the the Kilnwick Road, it was on your left as you climbed the hill. He said you could see where the jumps had been as you drove down that road as the gaps in the hedge stood out.