> Crime and Punishment
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Mapping & AGM

> Pocklington Local History Group
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

* 60 pages
* Fully illustrated
* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
* Only £5.00
Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

* 2nd edition
* 27 pages
* Old photos
* Only £4.99

People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

* 40 pages
* Old photos
* Only £5.99
Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

  * ww1 diary
  * 53 profiles
  * Local News
  * 299 soldiers
  * 246 pages

PDLHG Newsletters
#1 Oct 2020
#2 Dec 2020
#3 May 2021

Adieu to dear old Pock
Launched in September 2018, 'ADIEU TO DEAR OLD POCK' is a comprehensive study of the effect of World War One on the town of Pocklington and surrounding villages. Written and edited by Andrew Sefton, Archivist of the Pocklington and District Local History Group.

AdieuPocklington and District Local History Group and Pocklington Town Council are launching a new book on the Great War and all who took part in it. It's title is "ADIEU TO DEAR OLD POCK" and contains:

* A profile of all the Soldiers from Pocklington who fell and who are recorded on the WW1 Monument including 28 photographs of the 53 fallen heroes.

* A transcription of the war diary of Pocklington plumber John Brook who remarkably survived through the 1914-1918 Great War.

* Extracts from the Howdenshire Chronicle and Pocklington Weekly News between the years 1914-1918.

* All the 299 names in The Church Memorial Book are listed with a short profile of each one, plus 86 local soldiers not in the memorial book or from nearby villages.

* Many photographs of soldiers from Pocklington and district and events in the town during the wartime period.

* Surname Index

* 246 pages B5 size softback and perfect bound with colour and black and white images.

The book is available from ebay

Surname Index

Agar, Cyril E (C001) p.190
Agar, Harold E (C002) p.190
Alderson, Charles (C003) p.190
Allison, Alfred Thomas (C004) p.190
Allison, Bernard (C005) p.190
Allison, Charles (C006) p.190 
Allison, Frank (C007) p.190
Allison, Henry (C008) p.190                   
Allison, Joseph (C009) p.190
Allison, J. N. (C010) p.190      
Alvin, Ernest (C011) p.190
Alvin, Stanley (C012) p.191
Andrew, William (C013) p.191
Andrews, John (X01) p.228
Atkinson, J.A. (C014) p.191                    
Atkinson, Jack (C015) p.191   
Atkinson, William (C016) p.191
Bairstow, Fred (C017) p.191
Balmford, David Claude (X02) p.228
Barber, John (C018) p.191                      
Barber, Fred (C019) p.191
Barker, George Henry (C020) p.191
Barker, Hawksworth (C021) p.191
Barker, Walter (C022) p.191
Barnet, Henry (C023) p.191                    
Barnes, Leonard (C024) p.191
Bean, Charles (C025) p.191    
Bean, William (C026) p.191
Beckett, Richard (C027) p.191
Bedford, Tom (C028) p.191
Bell, Harold (X03) p.228
Bennison, Charles (C029) p.192
Bentley, Albert Edward (C030) p.192
Bentley, William B (C031) p.192
Binge, Thomas (X04) p.228
Bishop, Robert (C032) p.208
Boulton, Alfred Edward (X05) p.228
Brewer, Alfred J (C033) p.192
Brewer, Richard (C034) p.192
Brooks, John Edward (C035) p.192
Brooks, Maurice W (C036) p.192
Brooks, Norman Leslie (C037) p.192
Brooks, Tom (C038) p.192
Broughton, Ernest (C039) p.193
Broughton, Stanley (C040) p.193
Brown, Alfred (C041) p.193
Brown, George (C042) p.193
Brown, Roland (C043) p.193 (H01) p.12
Bulmer, Arthur (C044) p. 193
Burks Fred, (X06) p.228
Buttle, Francis Charles (C045) p.193 (H02) p.12
Buttle, George Harold (C046) p.193
Buttle, James (C047) p.193
Buttle, Robert Wellage (H03) p.13
Byass, Bernard (X07) p.229
Cains, Frank (C048) p.193
Cains, Henry (C049) p.194
Cattle, Henry Irving (C050) p.194 (H04) p.14
Cattle, Robert Norman (C051) p.194
Cattle, Roland M (C052) p.194
Chapman, Thomas (X08) p.229
Cliff, Herbert Theodore (X09) p.229
Conmy, Arthur (X10) p.229
Conmy, Robert (X11) p.229
Cook, Robert, (X12) p.229
Cook, Robert, (X13) p.229
Cooper, John William (H05) p.14
Cooper, Joseph (X14) p.230
Copeman, Arthur (C053) p.194
Coulthirst, Gordon (X15) p.230
Craven, Alfred  (X16) p.230
Crisp, Walter J  (C054) p.194 (H06) p.15
Cross, John (C055) p.194 (H07) p.16
Courrell, H E (C056) p.194
Cundall, John (X17) p.230
Dales, George Nolton (C057) p.194
Dales, William Ripley (X18) p.230
Dawson, Fred (X19) p.230
Dawson, James (C058) p.194
Day, John P (C059) p.194
Dixon, Charles (C060) p.194
Downham, George (C061) p.195
Downham, Lyth (C062) p.195
Dumville, George Ernest (C063) p.195
Dunning, William Knapton (C064) p.195
Durkin, Thomas (C065) p.195
Dykes, Albert (C066) p.195
Dykes, Arthur (C067) p.195
Dykes, Fred Chapman (C068) p.196
Dykes, Thomas James (C069) p.196
Dykes, William H (C070) p.196
Eagan, Joseph (C071) p.196 (H08) p.16
Easton, Fred (C072) p.196 (H09) p.17
Eastwood, George (X20) p.230
Eastwood, James William (C073) p.196
Elliott, James (C074) p.196 (H10) p.18
Elmer, Arthur (C075) p.196
English, Robert Cecil (C076) p.196 (H11) p.19
English, Henry Turner (C077) p.196
Etherington, Thomas (C078) p.197
Everingham, Sydney H (C079) p.197
Everingham, Wycliffe G (C080) p.197
Ezard, Charles (C081) p.197
Ezard, Herbert (C082) p.197
Fairburn, Ernest (C083) p.197
Fairburn, Harry (C084) p.197
Ferisy, James (C085) p.198
Fielder, Cecil (C086) p.198
Fielder, John (C087) p.198
Fisher, Arthur Roland (C088) p.198
Fisher, Cyril Martin (C089) p.198
Fisher, Thomas Wilfred (C090) p.198 (H12) p.20
Fletcher, Ernest (C091) p.198
Fletcher, Oswald (C092) p.198
Flint, Charles (C093) p.199 (H13) p. 21
Flint, Henry (C094) p.199
Flint, Tom Oswald (C095) p.199
Flower, Charles Ernest (X21) p.231
Flower, Henry Bernard (X22) p.231
Forth, William Arthur (C096) p.199
Foster, Fred (C097) p.199 (H14) p.21
Foster, Harold (C098) p.199
Foster, William (X23) p.231
Fowler, Donald Fawcett (C099) p.199
Fox, Ted (C100) p.199
Francis, Jack O’Neil (C101) p.199
Futcher, Arthur (X24) p.231
Giles, George (C102) p.200
Giles, Jim (C103) p.200 (H15) p. 22
Gilyead, George (C104) p.200 (H16) p.23
Gospel, Fred (X25) p.231
Gospel, Henry (Harry) (X26) p.231
Grainger, George Henry (C105) p.200 (H17) p.23
Grainger, Jonathon (C106) p.200
Gray, Richard Duckwith (C107) p.200
Gray, Sydney (C108) p.200
Green, James (C109) p.200
Greig, John George (C110) p.200
Greig, William Allan (C111) p.200
Haith, John Robert (X27) p.232
Hall, Stanley (C112) p.201 (H18) p.24
Hardy, William Herbert (C113) p.201
Harrison, Albert (X28) p.232
Harrison, Frank (C114) p.201
Harrison, George (C115) p.201
Harrison, George Wilfred (X29) p.232
Harrison, James (C117) p.201 (H19) p.25
Harrison, John George (C116) p.201
Harrison, Martin (C118) p.201
Harrison, Norman (C119) p.201
Harrison, Redvers (C121) p.202
Harrison, Reginald (X30) p.232
Harrison, Richard (C120) p.202
Harrison, William (C122) p.202
Harvey, Bert (C123) p.203
Hatfield, John Henry (C124) p.203
Hawes, Abraham  (X31) p.232
Hayton, Clifford (C125) p.203 (H20) p.26
Hayton, Harry (X32) p.232
Hayton, Thomas (126) p.203
Hayton, William Ward (X33) p.232
Haywood, Reginald Bernard Rands (X34) p.233
Hillerby, Alfred (X35) p.233
Hinde, Ernest (C127) p.203
Hinde, Fred (C128) p.203
Hinde, Robert (C129) p.203
Hindwell, Harry (C130) p.203
Hindwell, William (C131) p.204
Holmes, Henry (C132) p.203 (H21) p.27
Holmes, Herbert (C133) p.203 (H22) p.28
Hopper, Alfred (C134) p.203 (H23) p.29
Hotham, Albert (C135) p.204
Hotham, Charles (C136) p.204 (H24) p.30
Hotham, Fred (C137) p.204
Hotham, Harry (C138) p.204
Hotham, John William (C139) p.204
Hunter, Albert (C140) p.204
Hunter, George (C141) p.204
Hunter, J H (C142) p.204
Hunter, Thomas (C143) p.204
Husband, John Henry (X36) p.233
Ibson, Edward Henry (X37) p.233
Ireland, Harold (X38) p.233
Irwin, H G N (C144) p.204
Jackson, Herbert (X39) p.234
James, Kirby Easingwood (X40) p.234
Javerley, George H (C145) p.205 (H25) p.31
Javerley, Henry (C146) p.205
Jebson, Frederick (C147) p.205
Jennings, Thomas (C148) p.205 (H26) p.32
Jessop, Arthur (C149) p.205 (H27) p.33
Jessop, Herbert (C150) p.205 (H28) p.33
Johnson, Alfred (C151) p.205 
Johnson, Arthur (C152) p.205
Johnson, Edward Wills (X41) p.234
Johnson, Enzor (C153) p.205
Johnson, Fred (C154) p.205
Johnson, Gilbert (C155) p.205
Johnson, Harold (C156) p.206 (H29) p.34
Johnson, Henry (C157) p.206 (H30) p.35
Johnson, John (C158) p.206
Johnson, Robert (C159) p.206
Johnson, Robert (X42) p.234
Judson, Albert (C160) p.206
Kemp, George (C161) p.206 (H31) p.36
Kendall, Nicholas (C162) p.206
Kidd, John Charles (X43) p.234
King, George (C163) p.206
Kirby, Edwin (C164) p.206 (H32) p.36
Laister, Ernest James (C165) p.206
Laister, Horace Septimus (C166) p.206
Laister, Lambert (C167) p.207
Laister, Roland (C168) p.207
Laister, Wilfred (C169) p.207
Laughton, Leonard (C170) p.207
Lee, John (C171) p.207 (H33) p.37
Lister, Robert (C172) p.207
Lister, William (C173) p.207
Lockerbie, John Currie (C174) p.207
Loft, Albert James (X44) p.234
Longhorn, John (C175) p.208
Lunt, Oswald (X45) p.235
MacMillan, A L (C176) p.208
Manners, Robert T (C177) p.208
Messenger, Thomas (X46) p.235
Meynall, George William (C178) p.208
Moore, Percy (C179) p.208
Morris, Frank W (C180) p.208
Morris, Harry (C181) p.209
Morris, Herbert (C182) p.209
Mutimer, Chester (C183) p.209
Moor, Wilfred (C184) p.209
Nelson, Arthur George (C185) p.209
Newsome, Fred (C186) p.209
Nicholson, George (X47) p.235
Nicholson, George Robert (X48) p.235
Nicholson, Leonard R. (X49) p.235
Nicholson, Rex H (C187) p.209
Nicholson, William (C188) p.209
Oliver, Harold (X50) p.235
Oliver, Reginald A (C189) p.210
Oliver, Robert Arthur (X51) p.235
Ottley, Wilfred C (C190) p.210
Pearson, Francis Frederick (X52) p.235
Pearson, William (C191) p.210
Peters, Gerard (X53) p.236
Plumb, John Walter (H34) p.38
Pratt, John (C192) p.210
Pratt, Robert (C193) p.210 (H35) p.39
Priestley, Tom (C194) p.210
Prowle, William (C195) p.210
Rawlings, William (X54) p.236
Richmond, William (X55) p.236
Rippon, Arthur (C196) p.211
Rippon, Frank (C197) p.211
Rippon, Thomas William (C198) p.211 (H36) p.39
Rix, Ernest Frederick (C199) p.211
Robinson, Thomas (C200) p.211
Robinson, Percy (C201) p.211
Robson, Edward M (C202) p.211 (H37) p.40
Robson, Frederick W (C203) p.211 (H38) p.42
Robson, John Stanley (C204) p.211
Rooks, Lyth (C205) p.212
Rowntree, Alfred (C206) p.212
Rowntree, Arthur (C207) p.212 (H39) p.43
Rowntree, T E(C208) p.212
Rowley, Frederick (C209) p.212
Rowley, Harry (C210) p.213
Rowley, William Snr. (C211) p.213
Rowley, William Jnr. (C212) p.213
Ruder, Charles (C213) p.213
Rushton, John Hawcroft (X56) p.236
Sanderson, Arthur (X57) p.236
Savage, Herbert (C214) p.213 (H40) p.44
Scaife, Bert (C215) p.213
Scaife, Christopher (C216) p.214
Scaife, George (C217) p.214
Scaife, John (X58) p.236
Scaife, Reginald (C218) p.214
Scaife, Sydney (C219) p.214 (H41) p.45
Scott, George Jefferson (C221) p.214 (H42) p.46
Sellers, John (C222) p.214
Shearsmith, Thomas (X59) p.237
Siddall, Thomas Edward (C222) p.214
Silburn, Henry (C223) p.215
Silburn, Lionel (C224) p.215
Silburn, Reginald (C225) p.215
Simpson, Albert (X60) p.237
Simpson, Arthur (C226) p.215
Simpson, Herbert (C227) p.215
Simpson, Joseph Sydney (X61) p.237
Skelton, George (C228) p.215 (H43) p.47
Skelton, Henry (C229) p.215
Skelton, John Henry (C230) p.216
Skinner, Frank (C231) p.216
Skinner, Thomas Ross (C232) p.216 (H45) p.48
Slater, Hartley (X62) p.237
Smith, Ernest (C233) p.216
Smith, Fred Seaton (C234) p.215 (H46) p.49
Smith, Harry (C235) p.216                      
Smith, John William (C236) p.216 (H45) p.49
Smith, James (X63) p.237
Smith, Phillip St. George (X64) p.237
Snow, John (C237) p.216
Snowden, George Fred (X65) p.237
Sowden, Robert (C238) p.216
Spaven, Harry (X66) p.238
Spence, Archie (C239) p.217 (H47) p.50
Spivey, Charles (C240) p.217
Stairs, Frederick William (X67) p.238
Stather, Charles Cyril (C241) p.217
Stabler, George (C242) p.217
Steel, Francis H (C243) p.217
Steel, Walter (C244) p.218
Steels, Herbert William (X68) p.238
Stephenson, Oscar (C245) p.218
Stephenson, R P (C246) p.218
Steward, Robert Edward (X69) p.238
Stewart, Percy Marlborough (C247) p.218
Story, Walter (X70) p.238
Stubbs, Henry (C248) p.219
Stubbs, Louis (C249) p.219
Stubbs, Reginald Mervyn (C250) p.219
Stubbs, Richard M (C251) p.219 (H48) p.51
Suggitt, Arthur (C252) p.219
Sugden, George (C253) p.219
Sunley, John William (C254) p.220
Swaby, Louis (C255) p.220
Shaw, James Edwin (C256) p.220
Tate, Herbert L (C257) p.220
Tayleure, Arthur J (C258) p.220 (H49) p.52
Theakstone, Robert Henry (C259) p.221
Thorington, Frank (X71) p.238
Thompson, Ernest William (C260) p.221
Thompson, John Wilfred (C261) p.221 (H50) p.53
Thompson, John William (C262) p.221
Thorpe, Frank (C263) p.221
Thorpe, Fred (C264) p.221
Thorpe, Thomas Richard (C265) p.221 (H51) p.54
Timbs, Alfred (C266) p.221
Timbs, Richard James (C267) p.222 (H52) p.55
Tinson, George (C268) p.222
Tinson, Travis (C269) p.222
Todd, Arthur Henry (C270) p.222
Todd, Charles R (C271) p.222
Todd, Neville H M (C272) p.222
Topham, Ernest (C273) p.223
Topham, Frank (C274) p.223
Topham, Henry (C275) p.223
Toyne, James (C276) p.223
Trout, Mills C (C277) p.223
Turner, Arthur (C278) p.223
Turner, William (C279) p.223
Unwin, Daniel (C280) p.224
Vilain, Alphonse (X72) p.239
Waite, Charles Vernon (C281) p.224
Wales, Robert  (X73) p.239
Walker, Ben (C282) p.224
Walker, John Thomas (X74) p.239
Walker, William Ernest (X75) p.239
Walker, John (C283) p.224
Walker, Percy (C284) p.224
Walker, William (C285) p.224 (H53) p. 56
Walkington, John Cooper (X76) p.239
Ward, Albert (X77) p.239
Ward, Heneage C (C286) p.224
Ward,  John William (X78) p.239
Ward, Thomas  (X79) p.240
Warrior, George (C287) p.224
Warters, Jim (C288) p.225
Warters, Joseph (C289) p.225
Warters, William (C290) p.225
Watson, William (X80) p.240
Webster, Harry (X81) p.240
Willis, George (X82) p.240
Whiteley, John Appleby (X83) p.240
Wilson, James B (C291) p.225
Wilson, John T (C292) p.225
Wilson, Thomas (X84) p.240
Wilson, Thomas Arthur (X85) p.240
Windebank, George E (C293) p.225
Windebank, Henry (C294) p.225
Witty, Alfred (C295) p.226
Wood, Harry Blanshard (X86) p.241
Wood, Roy (C296) p.226
Wreghitt, Alfred (C297) p.226
Wright, George (C298) p.226
Wyatt, Louis(C299) p.226

Numbering convention

The ‘Heroes’ on the Pocklington War Memorial are numbered H01 - H53
The Church Memorial Book Soldiers are numbered C001 - C299
The Others or ‘Extra’ Soldiers found in records or in the local District are numbered X01 - X86