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There is a communication in the Notes and Queries of thovee July number of The Genealogist¹ relating to my article on the Lees of Quarrendon which, as it appeal's to cast an imputation on my accuracy as an antiquary as well as my sincerity as a man, seems to demand something more than a passing notice.
That this answer has been somewhat delayed is due to the fact that I was seriously ill when it met my eyes, and that, after my recovery, it seemed advisable to obtain full legal proof of my statements, and this across three thousand miles of ocean was, of course, a tedious process. As it is now, however, happily completed, and every link in the chain of evidence made officially certain, I may permit myself to reply briefly to Mr. G. Ambrose Lee's criticism.
In the first place, as regards the entry of the baptism of Francis Lee S. to Francis Henry by Abigail, which is cited by him as occurring in the Register of St. Margaret's, Westminster, I have had the original entry examined independently by two skilled experts, whose opinion is that the letters printed above in italics have been erased and rewritten with a steel pen in the present century, and I am confident that, if Mr. G. Ambrose Lee will personally examine the Register, he will perceive that an erasure has been made, and will admit that, as no initials of the person making the alteration were placed in the margin at the time, the entry is of no value whatever as evidence. As a matter of fact, however, it is of little moment whether the entry reads "Francis S." or " Frances D." for, of whichever sex the child was, the following entry, a month later-
1692. Dec. 23.-Frances Lee Ch.(risom) C.(hild) Buried.
certainly records the interment of the infant in question, and forms the final link in the proof of my previous statement, that the son Francis Lee never existed, or if such a son was born, that he died in early infancy.
After this convincing evidence it is almost superfluous to call attention to the will of George Henry, third Earl of Lichfield,² in which he recites, in reference to the entail of the family estates, a deed, dated 15 Jan. 1744-5, between himself, his uncle Robert Lee (afterwards fourth and last Earl and Baronet), and Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart., and Dinah, his daughter (afterwards Countess of Lichfield), in which it is stated that Charles Henry Lee, son of Col. Francis Henry Lee, is dead without issue, the testator evidently never having heard of any other male issue of Francis Henry Lee, or to reiterate my reference to the will of Abigail Lee, widow of Francis Henry Lee,³ which, by the recitation of all her
1 Genealogist, July, 1894, p. 63.
2 See will in P.C.C. (Taverner 368) abstract in Gen., Vol. x, p. 236.
3 See will in P.C.C. (Degg 144) abstract in Gen., Vol. x, p. 232.
minor children who are to be placed under the tutelage of their grand-mother, Mrs. Anne Williamson, makes it absolutely impossible that this putative "Francis Lee" could have been living in 1703.
Deeply as I must regret to impugn a pedigree which has been "judicially dealt with " by the College of Arms, I feel it necessary in self-justification to print the pedigree and proofs which follow, and which establish the true genealogy of the Leckonfield and Pocklington Lees beyond the shadow of a doubt, and which I submit without further comment, but with the sincere hope that the " equanimity" of the family in question may not be disturbed by the discovery that they sprang from a stock of decent and thrifty trades people rather than from a line of Baronets and Peers.
1697. Jan, 15.-George Lee of Leckonfield, gent., aet. 23. and Sarah Storke of
Pocklington, apr., aet. 22. Surety, Richard Waite of Beverly, parish clerk. At Pocklington or Leckonfd. {Signed) George Lee. (Plain seal). Witness, H. Jefferson.*
From these voluminous registers, I have over one hundred and fifty entries relating to this family, but as most of them concern the earlier generations, with whom our present enquiry has nothing to do, or else the later branches who remained in Leckonfield and plied their ancestral trade and in whom we are equally uninterested, I have selected those only which relate directly to George Lee, whose widow Sarah (Storke) returned, after his death in 1729-30, to her own town of Pocklington with her children, and there established the family with whom we are dealing. To make absolutely sure, the Transcripts at York, which, fortunately, are nearly perfect, have been also extracted and collated with the Registers, while certified extracts have been obtained of such entries as are of vital importance in the proof of the pedigree.
1672. June 28.-George Lee son of George Lee.
1675-6. Mch. 5.-Jan daughter of Georg Lee,
1679. Nov. 3.-John son of Georg Lee.
1682. July 10.-Edward son of Georg Lee.
1684. Apr. 6.-Henery son of Georg Lee.
1690. Aug. 21.-Thomas son of Georg Lee.
1698. Dec. 26.-John son of George Lee.
1699-1700. Mch. 7.- Georg ye sonn of George Lee.
1707. Dec. 8.-George son of George Lee.
1712-3. Mch. 1.-William son of Geo. Lee.
1729. Nov. 16.-John son of (Quere Jn) Lee.**
1736. May 26.-James son of Wm : Lee.
1738-9. Jan. 14.-George son of Wm : Lee, schoolmaster.
* Compare the will of Mrs, Ann Blackbeard herewith, whose executors are " my uncle John Storke, my aunt Sarah Lee, & my cousins John Lee & George Lee," and which makes the identity of George certain in spite of the discrepancy of age as stated (see his baptism in Leckonfield Register, 28 June 1672), or his calling himself " gent." instead of butcher-a family failing which may be noted in the wills of his son John and grandson of the same name (see wills herewith).
** The christian name of the father has been smeared out.
1694. Nov. 29.-Thomas Newmarsh & Jane Lee.(1)
1681. Nov. 15.- John son of George Lee.
1683. Aug. 3.-Charls Lee.
1684. July 5 - -Elesabth daughter of George Lee.
1686. June 22.- Jan daughter of Georg Lee.
1690-1. Feb. 16.- George Lee.
1700-1. Jan. 20.- George son of George Lee.
1701. Aug. 31.-Mary daughter of Julian Lee.
1703-1. Mch. 23.- Ann daughter of George Lee.(2)
1729-30. Mch. 12.-George Lee.
1738-9. Jan. 18.-George son of Wm : Lee, schoolmaster.
1738-9. Feb. 13.-Mr. Henry Lee.
1613 TO 1750.
The following entries, the result of a personal search, comprise, I believe, every instance of the name of Lee in any form of spelling in the period cited. Although several of these are evidently unconnected with the family in question, it has seemed best to avoid the possibility of error by printing all of them, as the number is not large.
1617- Mr. Peter Mvdd & Mrs. Dorathe Lee (3) were married ye 20 of nouember.
1684. Jane, daughter of .John Lee baptized August 6th.
1701. Anne, daughter of George Lee born July 4, baptized July 5th.
1708, April 6.-Mrs. Ann Plaxton & James Blackbeard of York, Gent: pr Diploma Matr:(4) (Married).
1722. Nov. 28. - John son of John Leigh & Margaret his wife was born the same day.(5)
1741. Sept. ye 2d.-Mrs. Ann Blackbeard Widow (Buried.)
1743. Jan. 27-- William Lee Yeoman buried.
1744. Aug. 27.- Edward Easton & Dinah Lee both of this Town married by
1748; Apr. 23.-Elizabeth, Dautr of John Lee (Bapt.)
Aug. 4.-Mrs. Sarah Lee widow (Buried.)
Sept. 22.-Elizabeth, dautv of John Lee (Buried.)
Nov. 2d.-Mr. George Lee shot dead in his Mill (Buried.)
1749. Feb. 22d.-Francis son of John Lee (Bapt.)
1750. Apr. 16.-Samuel Harwood & Elizabeth Lee both of Pocklington by Banns. (Married.)
1752. Nov. 17.-Thomas son of John Lee (Bapt.)
1771. Dec. 28.- John Lee Householder (Buried.)
(1) This entry has an especial interest, as it indicates the Newmarsh connection which is later commemorated in the name of Timothy Newmarsh Lee of Thame, co. Oxon. (see pedigree).
(2) From the Transcripts at York. This entry was not among those sent me from the Parish Register.
(3) Of the family of Lee of Pinchinthorpe, being daughter of Gervase Lee of Southwell, Notts., by Bridget, daughter of Robert Southebye of Pocklington, who were married at Pocklington 20 February, 1582. They were not in any way connected with the family from Leckonfield.
(4) See will of John Lee, sen., proved in 1772.
(5) This is certainly neither John Lee, sen., yeoman, nor John Lee the younger mercer and grocer, his son, and is probably not connected at all with the family in question.
For the following Parish Register Extracts (all evidently relating to the family in question) I am indebted to the kindness of my esteemed friend and correspondent Rev. C. B. Norcliffe of Langton Hall, Malton Yorkshire.
1660. April 21 - Henry, son of William Lee of Leckenfield baptized.(1)
1666-7 January 20 - Charles, son of Matthew Lee baptized at Scarburgh.
1680-1. February 8 - William Lee of Leckenfield and Helen Atkinson married at Hornsea.
1691-5. February 10 - John Lee of Ottringham (perhaps Altringham, C.E.N) Cheshire, buried at Leckenfield.
1713. Feb. 6.- Charles Lee of Leckn, Butcher, to ffisher. Lady House, 2 acres
land & 1 Beastgate in Leckonfield & al. Book E., ff. 169-291
1714. Feb. 2.- William Lee of I.eckn Parks, Yeoman, & Ellen ux. & Wm Lee
younger of Leckn, son of the said William Lee & Ellen his wife to Bell.
Cottenghain & Beverly. Book E., ff. 333-583.
1717. June 24.- Charles Lee of Leckd, Butcher, to Robert ffisher. Leckonfield,
Arram & Scorbrough. Book G., ff. 152-325.
1719. May 1.- Geo: Lee of Leckonfield, Butcher, to Christ11 Nelson of Beverly
Leckonfield. Book G., ff. 303-642.
1720. Feb. 4- George Lee of Leck'n, Butcher, & Sarah ux. & John son and heir app't
of George Lee to Richd Lythe of Arram. 14 acres in Crumlan Close in
Leckonfield. Book G., ff. 495-1072.
1724. Jan. 26.- Edward, Henry & Thomas Lee all of Leckonfield, Butchers, to Crompton. Rectory & house in Leckonfield & Arram.
Book J., ff. 117-261.
1726. Feb. 27.- Edward, Henry & Thomas Lee & al., all of Leckonfield, Butchers,
to Wm. Waines. Leckonfield & Arram. Book K., ff. 133-256.
1732. May 18.- Jn° Lee of Leckonfield & Eliz : ux., Yeoman, to Harland. Dreffieid
Magna. Book N., ff. 20-33.
1741. Mar. 23.- Wm : Pinckney of Nafferton & Sarah Lee of Pocklington, widow,
& Jno & - Geo. Lee both of Pocklington, Gents., to Oliver Bainton of Howsome,
Dyer. Bolton. Book R., ff. 105-219.
1741. Feb. S.-Jno Lee of Pocklington, Gent., of 1st part, Geo: Lec of same, Gent.,
of 2nd part, & Win: Lee of same, Gent., of 3rd pt. Barnby upn More.
Book Q., ff. 377-963.
Will of WILLIAM LEE of Leckonfield,(2) Co. York, butcher. Dated 4 October
1656. Names wife Jane, son Charles, son Edward, son George & son Matthew ;
eldest son John; second son Thomas ; daughter Ann Vawser ; sister Margaret Lee;
grandchildren (not named); Mary Cropsham. Proved 8 Jan. 1656 by Jane the relict, & Charles, Edward, George & Mathew Lee, sons. P.C.C. (Ruthen 13).
Will of CHARLES LEE of Leconfield, eo. York, yeoman. Dated 29 July 1683.
Names brother Groge Lee (sic); brothers Will'm & Edward; sister-in-law Jane
Hunsby & her son Charles ; Wiil'm Lee my nephew, son to my eldest bro. deceased;
my said brother George Lee Residuary Legatee & Exor. Witnesses-ffrancis ffisher,
Thomas Atkinson & John ffisher. Exch. Ct. York (Vacancy Wills) fo. (3).
Will of GEORGE LEE of Leckenfeild, co. Yorke, Butcher, weak of body. Dated 21 November 1690 Names son George ; Charles Lee's house; sons Edward Henry & Thomas ; daughter Mary Lee; wife Julian Residuary Legatee & Extrx. ;
(1) Not in entries sent me from the Parish Register.
(2) Called of Beverly in Probate Act Book, will probably proved there.
Witnesses-William Lee, John ffisher & William Lee. Proved 16 March 1690 by Extrx. named in the will. Inventory over £40.
Exch. Ct. York, (Vol. lxi, fo. 394).
Admon. of JULIANA LEE late of Leckonfeild, granted 3 December 1714 to Edward Lee, son of deceased. Inventory under £20.
Exch. Ct. York. (Act Book Harthill Deanery).
Tuition of EDWARD LEE a minor, the son of Henry Lee, late of Leckonfield, deceased, granted 19 July 1739 to Edward & Thomas Lee his uncles and testamentary trustees.
Probate on will of HENRY LEE late of Leckonfield granted the same day to Edward Lee & Thomas Lee, two of the Testamentary Trustees of Edward Lee, a minor, son of said deceased & sole Exor. Inventory above £40.
Exch. Ct. York. (Act Bk. Harthill Deanery), Will Reg., Vol. Ixxxv, fo, 475.
Will of SARAH LEE of Pocklington in the County of York, Widow.
Unto my son John Lee my red brock'd cow & one guinea. Unto my grandson John Lee five pounds. Residue unto my son George Lee whom I appoint sole Executor. Dated 23rd. July 1748. (Signed) Sarah Lee her mark. Seal-A spread eagle with two heads (not heraldic). Witnesses- Jane Wilson & Walt: Staveley.
Bond.- Know all men &c That we John Lee of Pocklington, Yeoman, & John Lee, Younger, of same place Mercer & Grocer, are bound &c in the sum of £70. The condition &c that John Lee Brother and Administrator of the goods of George Lee deceased, Sole Exor. of the Will of Sarah Lee of Pocklington &c &e. (Plain Seals.)
Inventory.-24 cheeses, a webb of white cloth, 1 pewter dish, 2 kettles, " on the Bulls acct £5," 1 silver tankard, 1 silver tea pott &c &c. Total £30 - 11 - 6.
Admon. with Will annexed granted 5th. Feby: 1749 to John Lee the brother & admi'stror of goods of George Lee dec*, the above named exor.
Peculiar of Deanery of York (Filed).
Will of JOHN LEE of Pocklington in the County of York, Gentleman.
First I give unto my trusty and faithful woman servant Jane Patrick during her natural life my house in Chapmangate in Pocklington wherein I now dwell with the malt house, garth, garden, stables, barn, outbuildings, well, & all appurts, also that close or croft lying above the garth belonging to my sd house now tenanted by Rob' Newton Also bedding &c-also I give unto her one brown silk damask woman's nightgown & one long silk camblet woman's cloak both formerly belongs to mv late relation Mrs. Blackboard decd-after her decease the house croft & heredits afsd I give unto my son John Lee for his nat' life, after death of survivor, unto & amongst my three grandsons named Timothy Newmarsh Lee, Francis Lee and Thomas Lee & their heirs as tenants in common & not as joint tenants. To my said son John Lee for life, all other my lands tents. & heredits. situate at Pocklington & Barnby upon the Moor Co. York, & after his decease to my afsd three grandsons & their heirs to hold as above. I desire that my executor will order me to be buried in Pocklington Church in that pew where late Mrs. Blackbeard lies buried. Residue of my goods to my son John Lee whom I appoint sole Executor. Dated 18th July 1770. (Plain Seal.) Witnesses-Walt: Staveley, Thos Cook & John Ireland.
A Memorial of above Will registered at Beverly on the 27th Deer 1771, in Book A.P , page 217 and N° 358.
Bond.-Know all men &c that we John Lee of Pocklington Co. York Mercer <fc William Sympson of same Yeoman are bounden in the sum of £40 &c.
Inventory.-Pewter & delf, an old clock & case, old brewing vessils, mentions the fore kitchen, the fore parlour, the little parlour, the back kitchen, the fore chamber, the far chamber & the barn.
Probate granted to John Lee the son, on the 11th. May 1772,
Peculiar of Deanery of York (Filed).
Admon. of GEORGE LEE late of Pocklington in the Province of York, deed, granted 8 Nov: 1748 to John Lee his brother and next of kin.
Exch. Ct. York (Act Book).
Will of WILLIAM LEE of Pocklington in the County of York Scoolmaster. I give to my sou George Lee & his heirs for ever my undivided moiety or third part
of half of a sheep walk called Riggs and Sleights in ye Parish of thisendale in ye County of York now in my own possession & also my moiety of a hay barn on same also my third part of a cottage & Croft in Parish of Fradithorpe Coy York in possession of John Wade; To my daughter Ann Lee & her heirs for ever my close called Sandflat, Parish of Barnby upon the Moor Co. York in my own possession; To my son James Lee & his heirs for ever my moiety or third part of a parcel of ground called od Meadow lying in an ings in Parish of Pocklington in my own possession; To my wife Dinah Lee for her nat' life or widowhood my house in Pocklington in possession of Richd Bell, she to be tutor to my three children till they be at age provided she keep my widow, o'rwise my brother George Lee; my wife Dinah Lee Executrix k I give her residue of my personal estate. Dated 21st. January 1743 Seal {Indistinct, perhaps an Eagle). Witnesses-George Lee, John Dorsey & mark of Ann Gibb. Probate granted to Dinah Lee o'rwise Easton on the 28th. day of August 1744.
Bond.-The condition &c that Dinah Lee o'rwise Easton the late Widow & Relict but now the wife of Edward Easton of Pocklington, Butcher, &c.
Inventory -A wanded chair, a little oak table, 2 chests, 6 pewter Doblers, a tack,
&c. Total £8 - 3 - 0, taken by George Lee, John sowlby, John Lee & James
Blewman. Peculiar of Deanery of York (Filed).
Tuition Bond of James, George & Ann Lee, Minor children of William Lee of Pocklington, deceased. Know all men &c that we George Lee of Pocklington, Yeoman. & Wibart Appleton of the City of York, Victualar. are bounden &c in the sum of £200 &c Dated 29th. August 1744.
Schedule recites.-Land called Odd Meadow, 2 oxgangs of field land in North
Field of Pockliugton in possession of Wm Linton belonging to said James Lee, land
called Riggs & sleights in Parish of Thistledale one sixth part, a croft in Parish of
Fridaythorp one sixth part, 4c. Peculiar of Deanery of York (Filed).
Will of JOHN LEE of Pocklington in the County of York, Gentleman.
Unto my wife Elizabeth Lee my two closes of meadow or pasture ground adjoining each other situate in the Ings of Pocklington afsd containing together six acres more or less occupied by myself & William Moor, to her & her heirs for ever-residue of personal estate &c unto my said wife Elizabeth and my son Thomas Lee & their heirs & assigns for ever & appoint them Executors. Dated 10th. April 1789. (Plain Legal Seal.) Witnesses-Joseph Catton, Ann Todd k Jno Groves Clerk to Mr. Lawson.
Inventory.-A gun, 7 pewter dishes, 1 sqr mahogany tea tray, 1 small stand, 1 large tea table (Holland's Toy), 1 tea chest, 1 large dining table, &c. Mentions the front parlour, the chamber over same, chamber over the house & the back chamber.
Proved by Elizabeth Lee & Thomas Lee, the Executors named in the Will, 23rd.
October 1790. Peculiar of Deanery of York (Filed).
Admon. of JOHN LEE late of Letchinfeild, co. York, granted 18 September 1695 to William Lee, Sen., father of deceased (the widow first renouncing) No Inventory exhibited.
Curation of William Lee, son of said John Lee, deceased, granted to Mary Lee,
widow, his mother. Exch. Ct. York (Act Bk. Harthill Deanery).
Admon, of WILLIAM LEE late of Leconfeild, granted 17 June 1720 to relict Hellen Lee.(1) Inventory over £40. Exch. Ct. York. (Act Bk. Harthill Deanery).
(1) See their marriage at Hornsea, E.R., in 1680-1.
Will of ELENOR LEE of Leckonfeild, co. York, widow. Dated 2 November
1724. To be buried in church of Leckonfeild. To son William one shilling; To son
John one guinea ; To daughter Elizabeth wife of George Hudson £30 ; To daughter (2) Sarah blue bedd ; My three daughters Eleanor wife of Philip Beadall, Ann wife of
William Rand and Sarah Lee, Spinster, Residuary Legatees & Exors. : Witnesses-
Samuel Bough, Mary Bell & Edward Bell; Proved 15 July 1725 by coexors. named
in will. Inventory over £40, Exch. Ct. York. (Vol Ixxviii, fo. 165).
(2) The daughter, Sarah Lee, died the following year, and her will was proved as of Beverly 26 October 1726, and registered in Pre. Ct. of York. (Book Ixxix, fo. 227-)
Will of ANN BLACKBEARD of Pocklington, widow ; Dated 11 Nov. 1732. To aunt Sarah Lee, widow, my house which I now dwell in at Pocklington with out-buildings, gardens. &e., & the closes following,-the Narrow Gare, Great Fell Close & Little Fell Close in Barnby on Moor, & Richardson's Garth in Poeklington, all the said closes being in my own poss'on, to hold to her for life. Also such household goods as I shall leave undisposed of. Also my largest silver Tancred [sic), my best silver Mugg, & 2 of my best silver spoons, 2 of my old silver spoons, 2 of my best silver salts, my silver Teapott, 2 of my best Milch cows & a mare. To Cousin John Lee & his heirs the house in Chapmangate in Pockn called Tomlinson's house now in poss'on of sd. John Lee & also 2 oxgangs of land in Pockn Northfield now in poss'on of sd. John Lee with the Ing meadow thereto belonging. To Cousin George Lee & his heirs a house called Burnt House in Pockn now in Poss'on of Charles Smouthman & Leonard Fell with stable & yard & 2 oxgangs of land in Pockn North Field (with the Ing meadow thereto belongs), one of sd- oxgangs being called Bull oxgang & which sd. 2 oxgangs are now in poss'on of David Fell, Leon'1 Fell & Wm Smith, and are to be allotted & set out to sd. George Lee & his heirs by Rd Cross & John Seiner both of Pockn, or the survivor. To Cousin Wm Lee & his heirs the house, garth & stable next to the said Burnt House k now in poss'on of Rd Bell, & the Little Yard & buildings at the end of sd. Burnt House Yard now in poss'on of sd. Leonard Fell. Said Wm Lee & his heirs to enjoy a way (4 ft. broad clear of the fencing) from sd. house next Burnt house to the yard at the end (with provisions for repair of the fence). To sd. Wm Lee & his heirs 2 oxgangs in Pockn North Field (with the Ing meadow thereto belongB) one of them to be a Bull oxgang, now in poss'on of sd. David Fell, Leonard Fell & Wm Smith, to be allotted to sd. Wm Lee by sd. Rd Cross & John Semer or the survivor. To my sd. cousin John Lee, George Lee, & Wm Lee & their heirs, equally to be divided, without any benefit "of survivorship, my undivided moiety or half part of the sheep walk called Riggs & Sleights, parish of Thissendale in sd. County, & the moiety of the barn thereon now in occupn of Wm Hatton, Sam' Smith & John Smith, & also my moiety of a cottage & croft in Frydaythorp in sd. County in possa of John Wade, & all that Low end of the Great Sand Flat in parish of Barnby on Moor divided into 2 closes now in poss" of Thos Richardson, & the several parcels of odd meadow in the lugs of Pockn now in my poss'on. To my aunt Elixth now wife of Edward Marshall of Tadcaster gent., all my heredit's in Oughton Moorside & Boughton, co. York, for her life, with remr to my cousin Wm Day (son of Wm Day of Clifton, co. York, gent.,) & his heirs, he paying £60 each to such of the 8 daurs of sd- Edward Marshall as shall be then living. To said cousin Wln Day the son &. his heirs all my heredit's at Melbourne & Beilby in same county he paying to each of his 6 sisters living at my decease £40, Also a cottage in Pocklington near the Mill called the Market Place Mill now- in poss'on of Thos Ogeram. To Uncle John Stork of Gt Driffeild for his life my undivided moiety of the sheep-walk called Gills Pasture in parish of Thissendale now in my poss'on & also 180 sheep gates in the fields or commons of Thissendale, also a cottage in Pockn in poss'on of George Blanshard. I give the" reversion of sd. moiety expectant on death of my sd. uncle John Stork to his son Thos Stork & his heirs. To my sd. uncle John Stork & cousin Thos Stork & the survivor & his heirs during the life of my cousin Ann now wife of Thos Etherington of Gt Driffeild gent., a close in the North Field of Pockn called Mill Close in my own poss". a close called Little Sand Flatt, & a close called the Upper end of Great Sand Flatt, both which last closes are in parish of Barnby on Moor, & in possn of sd David Fell, and also a close called Harling Gare being 2 narrow lands in Barnby on Moor, & on the North side of a broad land of Mr. Weeton's there & now in possn of John Pindar, Upon Trust to pay to sd. cousin Ann Etherington or permit her to receive free from control of her husband the rents & profits of sd. closes for her life. Aud I give the reversion expectant on her decease to Geo. Etherington, John Etherington & Ann Etherington, the 3 childn of my sd. cousin Ann Etherington, viz. one moiety to sd. Ann the daughter & the other moiety between her sd. 2 brothers. To my sd. cousins John Lee & Geo. Lee, Thos Johnson of Pockn apothecary & the sd. ltd Cross & their heirs a close called Jobson's Close in Pockn in possn of sd. cousin John Lee, Upon Trust to pay the Minister of Pockn for the time being 10/-out of the rents & profits provided he preach or procure to be preached a sermon in Pockn parish church on the morning of St. Thomas' Day in Christmas & to the Clerk 2/- & Sexton 1/-. In default of sermon being preached, the 10/- to go to such poor persons of Pockn who attend divine service on that day. To Cousin Mary Dunn spinster, for life a cottage in Hungate in Pock" now in poss" of Jane Gorwood widow & in case my cousin Marg' Brockelsby widow outlive her, then I give sd. cottage to her for life, with remdr to Sarah Clifford & her heirs. To sd. Mary Dunn for life a Close in Barnby on Moor called Calf Close in possn of John Sowgill & in case my sd. cousin Marg' Brockelsby outlive her, then I give sd. close to her for life, with remr to John Lee son of my sd. cousin John Lee & the heirs of sd. John Lee the son. To my sd. uncle John Stork & cousins Thos Stork & John Lee & the survivor & his heirs all my freeholds & copyholds not herein otherwise devised lying in Pock" & Barnby on Moor, & also the reversion of those devised to my aunt Lee, Upon Trust by sale of wood from sd. 2 Fell closes, Narrow Gare, Coal Close, Smouthmans Gare, Harlands Gare & Cave Close, or by mortgage or sale (subjeet to any life estate given by me) to raise £250 & pay same as follows :-My cousin Edward son of sd. Edwd Marshall £50, My cousin Leonard son of sd. Edw Marshall £50, My cousin James Plaxton son of sd. Edwd Marshall £50, My cousin William sou of sd. Edwd Marshall £50 & My sd. cousin Wm son of sd. Wm Day £50. And upon further Trust to pay to Eliz ux. Samuell Ward of York gent., £10 per ami. for life free from control of her husband. And upon further Trust to pay the rest of the rents and profits to my cousin Sarah now ux. William Dickinson of Scarbrough gent, for her life free from control of her husband. And upon further Trust on decease of the survivor of sd. Elizth Ward & my sd. cousin Sarah Dickenson to reconvey the sd. heredit's at Pockn & Barnby on Moor to Wm Dickinson son of sd. Sarah Dickinson in tail with remd to Plaxton Dickinson his brother in tail, with remdr to Sarah Dickinson his sister & her heirs. To my nephew & niece Sam" Dodgsou & sd. Eliz. Ward son & daughter of Mr John Dodgson of York £100 each upon condition that sd. John Dodgson & Elizth ux., sd. Saml Dodgson, & sd. Sam Ward & wife shall give my exors. a general Release of all claims on my estate or that of my decd husband. If they refuse, the sd. annuity of £10 to sd. Elizth Ward & the sd. legacies of £200 to be void. My uncle John Stork, my aunt Sarah Lee, & my cousins John Lee & Geo. Lee to be ex'ors. & to have residue of my personalty.
(Signed) Ann Blackbeard. Seal-A classical head.
Wits.-R* Doon, Thos Gill, Rl Howitt.
(Marked 36 fos.; has apparently been copied for the charity.)
Registered at Beverly 22 Sept. 1741 at 3 pm. in Book P., page 451, N° 1148. J a : Mihill, Dep. Reg1'.
Bond 5 Oct. 1741 to the Official of the Deanery Peculiar, by John Lee of Pocklington yeoman, & Geo. Lee of same yeoman, two of the ex'ors & Thos Stork of Gt Driffeild yeoman, surety in £500 for due admon. (Plain wafer seals ) Wits.- Jab Costobadie.
Probate granted 5 Oct. 1741 to John Lee & Geo. Lee two of the ex'ors in the will named. Peculiar of Deanery of York-Filed.