Oliver Cromwell's Town Charter |
A copy of the town's charter to hold fairs and markets hangs in the Old Courthouse in George Street. The original is in Beverley Archives. The original had the image of Cromwell removed presumably because of his subsequent unpopularity. At some point later in time, someone drew him back in again on this copy. The charter is dated 8th September 1656. The transcription for the charter is in Beverley Archives under reference DDX 44/1. |
OLIVER LORD PROTECTOR of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereto belonging TO ALL to whom these presents shall come greeting WHEREAS our Writt of Ad quod dampnum
was lately issued forth out of our Court of Channoery directed to the Sheriffe of our County of Yorke commanding him that hee should diligently enquire by the oathes of approved and lawfull men of his county by whome the Truth of the cause might best be known whether or not itt would be to our or any others dammage or hurt If wee should grante to Thomas Bishopp Lord of the Mannor of Pocklington in the East Rideing of his county that he might have and keepe within
the said Mannor Three Faires The first on the foure and twentieth day of February the second on the five and twentieth day of Aprill and the third on the eight and twentieth day of October in every yeare or the next dayes after in case any of those dayes should fall
out to be the Lords day and alsoe that he might have or keepe one faire or markett in the said Manner on Tuesday in every fortnight forever of if itt would be to our daxnmage or losse or of any others or to what dammage losse or hinderance of their neighbours Marketts and faires and of either of them and in what manner And that hee should send the Inquisition thereof made without delay into our Channcery distinctly and plainely under his seale and the scales of those by
whome the same should be made And the said Writt AND WHEREAS a certaine Inquisition Indented was taken at Pocklington in the said County of York the nine and twentieth day of May in this present yeare of Our Lord One thousand six hundred fifty six before John Bright Esquire Sheriffe of the said County of York by vertue of the said Writt to the said Sheriffe directed and to the said Inquisition annexed by the oathes of twelve good and lawfull men jurors of the said County in the said Inquisition named Who upon their oathes did say that itt would be noe dammage or hurt to us or of any others danmage or hurt or to the dammage or hurt of their neighbour Marketts or faires If wee should grante to Thomas Bishopp in the said Writ named Lord of the Mannor of Pocklington aforesaid in the East Rideing of the County aforesaid in the aforesaid writt mentioned that he may have and keepe within the said Mannor Three faires the first on the foure and twentieth day of February the second on the five and twentieth day of Aprill and the third on the eight and twenteith day of October in every yeare or the next dayes after in case any of those dayes should fall out to be the Lords Day and Whereas the jurors aforesaid upon their said
oathes did further say that itt would not be to the dammage or losse of us or any others or to the losse or danmage of their neighbours marketts or faires if we should grante that the said Thomas Bishopp
in the Writt aforesaid named may keepe and have one faire or markett in the aforesaid Mannor on Tuesday in every fortnight forever As by the said Writt and the said Inquisition thereupon taken and returned into our said Court of Channcery and there remaining of Record may more fully appear NOT KNOW YE that wee for the better accommodation of the Inhabitants of Pocklington aforesaid in the said County of Yorke and of the Towne and places thereunto adjacent Of our especiall grace, certain knowledge and meere motion And att the humble petition of the said Thomas Bishopp Lord of the Mannor of Pocklington aforesaid in the East Rideing of our said County of Yorke HAVE GIVEN and granted And by these presents for us and our successors Doe give and grante unto the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and Assignes forever full power and authority that hee the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and Assignes
forever shall or may lawfully have hould keepe and enjoy within the said Mannor of Pocklington Three faires yearely On the respective days hereafter mentioned That is to say One on the foure and twentieth
day of February One other on the five and twentieth day of Aprill And one other on the eight and twentieth day of October in every yeare forever soe as the said dayes or any of them fall not our to be the Lords Day and in case any of the said dayes shall fall out to be
the Lords Day Then wee will that the said faires shall be held and kept within the said Mannor on the next Day after every such Lords Day AND WEE DOE likewise by these presents for us and our successors grante unto the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and assignes forever
full power and authority that hee the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and assignee forever shall or may by vertue of these presents have and keepe one faire or markett within the said Manner of Pocklington on Tuesday in every fortnight forever and that the said Thomas Bishopp and his heires and assignee for ever shall or may aske demand have take perceive and receive to his and their owne proper use and behoofe All lawfull and reasonable tolls duty benefitts and profitts fron time to time comeing and ariseing for and in respect of the three faires aforesaid and every of them hereby granted to be held and kept on the respective dayes aforesaid within the said Monnor of Pocklington And alsoe for and in respect of the aforesaid faire or markett hereby granted to be held and kept within the said Manner on Tuesday in every fortnight forever And that hee the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and assignes forever shall or may have hould use exercise and enjoy such rights authorityes jurisdiction and priviledges in for and by reason of the Three severall faires aforesaid and every of them And alsoe in for or by reason of the aforesaid fortnight fair or markett as to faires and marketts are incident or lawfully belonging or appertayneing Doe as the said faires or marketts or any of them be not hereafter to the prejudice of us or our successors or of any other of any neighbour faires or marketts WHEREFORE WEE WILL and by theis presents for us and our successors doe straightly charge and command that the said Thomas Bishopp his heires and assignes forever shall and may by vertue of theis presents lawfully freely and peaceably have hould keepe and enjoy the aforesaid faires and markett and every of them on the respective dayes aforesaid within the said Manner of Pocklington And shall or may lawfully aske demand have take and receive all such lawfull and reasonable tolls dutyes benefitts and profitts of the said three severall faires ard alsoe of the fortnight faire or markett aforesaid which shall be from time to time ccmeing and ariseing by reason of the same and every of than And Alsoe shall or may use and exercise all such rights jurisdiction authorityes and priviledges for and in respect thereof as to faires and marketts are incident and lawfully belonging or appertayneing And this without the trouble molestation interruption denyall lett or contradiction of any the Sheriffe's Estheatons Bayliffe or other officers or ministers of us or our successors or any other person or persons whatsoever Doe as the said faires and markett or any of them be not hereafter to the dammage or prejudice of us or our successors or of any other or of any neighbour faires or marketts IN WITNES whereof wee have caused theis our letters to be made patents
WITNES our Selfe att Westminster the Eighth day of September in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred and fifty six
By a Writt of Privy Seale. SEALE |