Below are various Finds which are attributed to Pocklington or very near Pocklington. Precise locations for finds will be difficult information to obtain because of the desire to protect the site.

A napped flint as a tanged and barbed arrowhead of flint, dating to the late Neolithic/EBA period Circa 2500 BC - 1500 BC found by Stuart Hodgson. Found near Pocklington, and registered under the Portable Antiquities Scheme PAS EO1784. Posted here with the kind permission of the finder.

The above Roman pot was found by the Daniels family in Sherbuttgate, Pocklington. The family send it to the British Museum who replied to say it was a flanged bowl with slightly beaded rim of general purpose household use. Buff and cream ware with red painted decoration made in a Roman Kiln at Crambeck, near Castle Howard. Date is 300 A.D. Damaged by fire after having been discarded when a piece broke out.

Stuart Hodgson sent me the above photo of a roman Gallienus (258-263 A.D.) struck on an oval flan with an interesting reverse design of a centaur. (Found near Pocklington 1996)

This heraldic Horse Harness was found at Everingham and is believed to show the arms of Robert de Ros (Furfan) and dates from the 12th century.