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Pocklington Parish Record Abstracts
The following Article is from the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Volume 14, Page 85. It was written by Alex. D.H. Leadman.
The Registers begin in 1559, and are contained in 19 volumes, of which the two oldest are on parchment. No gap occurs, and with very few exceptions they are legible throughout The earliest volume contains baptisms, marriages and burials from 1559 to 1711. On the flyleaf is:—

" The Register Book of ye Parishe of Pocklington written by John Dobson minister. 1600.
" boughte by
" Christopher Sharpe).... Churche
" John Rosdaile)............ Wardens.

" The price viijd.

" Received of Thomas Hawkyard and John Williams fourthy shillinges for writinge this Regester Book in parchmente anew for fourthy and two yeares of the reigne of our Sovrain Ladye Elizabeth.
" by me John Dobson."

On the back there is a fulsome notice of the Coronation of James I at "Westminster, July 29. 1609 ; and these entries :—

Richard Cowland, of Flaxington a vagrant was whipped at Pocklington upon Monday the 9th of July anno 1666.

March 4. 1642. Executed in the markt for a witch Petronel Haxby the smith's wife.

May 13. 1677. Collected in ye Church six shillings fower pence for one Nichola Christopherus a Gracian who had His Maties Credentiall, &c., for ye redeeming his son and bror out of Captivity.

Nov. 27. 1703. A Great Storm.** 12 of His Majesties Shippes sunk, 8000 seamen drowned. Atte Yappa ye old oak was uprooted near St. Nicholas his chapple along with many great trees far and near. Mr. Wilberfosse was killed atte Meltonby by the fall of a tree there. Ye Episcopus Bath and Wells killed in his bed. Ye lightho on ye Rock Eddystone clean washed away along with Mr Winstanley ye designer and builder. [Eddystone Lighthouse]

Dec 10. 1703 Johannes Moor. Vic.

** "So when an angel by divine command
With rising tempests shakes a guilty land;
(Such aa of late o'er pale Britannia passed.")
Poem. Battle of Blenheim, Addison, 1704.

1602. May 1
. Pade Master John Scaif for repair Ducking Stole 6d
Walker Sluggs for whipping doggs 4d.
1603. Elizabetha Regina Obiit 23 martij ano dom 1602. Anfi Regni 45. Jacobus Rex proclamata Londini martij 24 an dom 1602. Ebor 27 martii. Poclington 29 martii. Coronatus foeliciter Westmonast' Juli 25 anno dom 1603. Mestoris annos vinat valeat. regnet. floreat. 1603.
1608. John Thompson natu maximus was buryed the 2 day of Januarie.
1630. Old wife Green burnt in Market for a witch . . . March 3. Francis Bland.***
1631. Sept. 29. Here begins the sickness of the plague.
(49 burials are recorded as due to it.)
1632. July 26. Here by the Goodness and Marcy of Almighty God the
sickness of the Plague ceased.
1643. March 24. Thomas Dobson bewitched was buried.
1644. "Bellum." (Battles of Marston Moor, Selby, &c. Sieges of York.)
1654. Thomas Reede and Jane Gautresse were marryed the first day of July before Richard Robinson Esq. one of the Justices of peace for these parts in the presence of Robert Reed father of the sayd Thomas, and Thomas Smeethman, the younger son. (5 similar marriages are recorded.)
1660. Charles II. proclaimed London 8, York 11, and Pocklington 12 May.
1664. June the 5th. A collection made in the parish church of Pocklington for the rebuildinge of the church of Witheham wherof was 5s. 6d. delivered to William Cuminge deputed collector.
1678. July 28. Now follow the Burialls since the Act for burying in Woollen only took place. The list contains 48 names with the dates when the affidavits were brought.
1679. May 29. Perused by us :—John Stapylton, Rich. Robinson, Will.
1673—4. William, son to Alice Allen was bap. ye 12 March. Alice did
public Penance for this birth. Carolus secuudus (Beatissimas memorise Rex) Irfycwov apapcanivov [Greek? text] accepit Feb. 6. 1684.
1684. James II. proclaimed London 6, York 10, Pocklington 11 February.
1704. Robert Dolman, Esq., had a son born June 23rd, of whose name Robert hee gave notice within the time limited by the Act of Parliamt.
1708. Thomas Sixton & his wife Joan did publickly in ye church repeat ye Declaration of Penance for ante-nuptial fornication, & likewise Katherine Snow for simple fornication both on the same day by an order from Dep. Registr Clapham.

** At York Spring Assises, 1649, Isabella Billington, aged 32, was sentenced to death for crucifying her mother at Pocklington on 5 January, 1649, and offering a calf and a cock as a burnt sacrifice, and her husband was hanged for being a participator in the crime —Twyford's Records of York Castle, p. 177.

1709. Feb. 8. Thomas Base son of Elizabeth Harrison and John Hosdale, was baptised whom the Queen's Act of Grace exempted from doing public Penance. 1711. Oct. 10. John Base son of Jane Ffallowfield baptised—who went
away before the time of churching to escape doing of Penance.
1711. Feb. 20. A Daughtr of Mr Wm Appleton's a Presbyterian Recusant
& Schismatick who was putt into the Grave without ye Burial Office because they could not prove the child to be baptized by a church of England Divine. 1711. March 15. Mary Linton, a reputed Papist, buried.
1725. Jan. 13. John, son of John Windus, buried. " Killed by the fall of a Tree."
1732. Sept 23. William Bibbins, fell down dead upon ye Common, buried.
1733. April 10. Thomas Pelling from Burton Strather in Lincolnshire, a Flying Man, who was killed by jumping against the Battlement of ye Choir when coming down ye Rope from ye Steeple (was buried).
1736. Jan. 26. Robert Linton, a Popish Recusant buried.
1737. March 10. Jane, wife of Robert Taylour,a Popish Recusant buried.
1748. Nov. 2. Mr George Lee, shot dead in his Mill, buried.
Eugene Aram executed at York for ye foul murder of Dan**** Clarke of Knaresborough yesterday. Done 15 years previous. Tuesday, August 7. 1759. Mich : Lythe Curate.
1774—75. Jan 1. Francis Smith Butcher who was murdered in a most cruel manner & robbed at 6 o'clock on Thursday Morning before, near Kexby Turnpike, (buried).
From 1779 to 1812, the various "Distempers" which carried people off are stated. Small-pox was prevalent from 1796 to 1807. Among the diseases are :—A Nervous Fever ; Gout at Stomach ; a Worm Fever; Dry Gripes; Missals ; the Evil; Convulsion Fits, &c, &c.
In 1806 there are several entries of baptisms in the parish where the rite was administered by Roman Catholic Priests.

Testamentary Burials.

(Torre's MS., Peculiars, at p. 683, et seq.†)

, . . 1397
, Thomas Chalmer of Pocklington made his will (proved 17 January 1397) whereby he committed his soul to God Almighty, St. Mary and All Saints, and gave his body to be buried in the Chappell of St. Mary on ye south side of ye church of Pocklington.
3 April 1494. Robert Ashe, (will proved 14 May 1494) " to be buried in the Church of All Saints of Pocklington."
24 Feb. 1542. Isabell Bland, Meltonby (will proved 21 July 1543) " to be buried in the Church of All Hallows of Pocklington, and bequeathed 4d to the Vicar for Tythes forgotten."

† With respect to proving wills Pocklington is a peculiar under the jurisdiction of the Dean of York. The earliest will extant is said to bear the date 1610. A few of the wealthy would be proved in the Prerogative Court, and the earlier ones (says Dr Collins) are not in existence. Whenever possible I have added dates of burials from the Registers.

17 Nov. 1543. Thomas Burton, Pocklington.
20 Oct. 1544. Robert Turner, Pocklington, butcher (proved 25 June 1545).
8 Dec. 1544. Agnes Garland, Pocklington, to be buried besides her father-in-law.
24 Apr. 1545. Robert Harper, Pocklington, husbandman, (proved 11 June 1545) to be buried "before St. Nicholas' Closset, and bequeathed 10d. for a Trentall of Masses to be said for him."
16 Jun. 1545. Agnes Foster.
21 Feb. 1545. Robert Pickering.
29 Jun. 1546. Nicholas Chapell, Pocklington.
1 Nov. 1546. William Dowman, Pocklington, to be buried ''near the place where his father, mother, and Elizabeth his wife lye buried."
16 Jul 1547. John Warde, Pocklington, to be buried "before the Rode."
2 Jan. 1548. William Moodie, Pocklington made his will giving his soul to God Almighty, St Mary, and All Saints, and his body to be buried in the parish church of All Hallows in Pocklington, before ye Ladye Altar. (He was the last Chantry-Priest.)
8 Mar. 1548. Robert Wood, Pocklington.
20 Jan. 1549. William Bagbie, Pocklington.
4 Aug. 1552. Ann Butcher, Pocklington, (proved 25 Aug. 1558).
22 Sep. 1553. John Reynard, Pocklington, (proved 18 April 1554) to be buried " near to the place where Will Dobson is buried."
30 Dec. 1553. William Turner, Millington, (proved 31 Jan. 1553) to be buried " in his parish church of Pocklington."
27 Mar. 1554. Thomas Lambe, Pocklington, husbandman, (proved 28 Dec. 1555.) to be buried "on the east side of Barwyke Isle."
31 Apr. 1555. John Martin, Pocklington, to be buried "in ye myd Isle besides Alyson his wife."
12 Oct. 1556. Edward Hewatson, Pocklington, (proved 17 Oct. 1556).
30 Aug. 1557. Jane Dowman, Pocklington, widow, (proved 4 Oct 1557.) to be buried "next unto her good man with mass and dirige."
15 Nov. 1557. George Rawling, Pocklington, butcher, (proved 10 Jan. 1557.)
17 Dec 1557. Richard Plaxton, Pocklington, butcher, (proved 14 March, 1557).
4 Jan. 1557. Elizabeth Hedley, Pocklington, widow, (proved 11 Oct. 1558).
6 Jan. 1557. Nicholas Watson, Pocklington, (proved 14 March 1557).
31 JuL 1558. Edward Said, Yapham, (proved 19 Dec. 1558).
2 Aug. 1558. Adam Lockwood, Pocklington, (proved 12 Aug. 1558).
21 Dec 1559 Jannett Lawson, Pocklington.
2 Jan. 1553. John Hixton, Pocklington, husbandman, (proved 14 April 1559).
1 Mar. 1558. Michael Wilson, Pocklington, husbandman, (buried 5 March; proved 13 April. 1559).
9 Oct. 1559. Jane Watson, Pocklington, (proved 15 June 1560).
21 Mar. 1560. Christopher Smith, Waplington, husbandman, (proved 2 May. 1560).
2 Apr. 1560. Thomas Haxby, Pocklington, (buried 6 April; proved 16 April 1561).
19 Aug. 1560. George Jackson, Pocklington, (buried 24 August; proved 23 Dec. 1560.)
18 Feb. 1560. Thomas Fell, Pocklington, (buried 29 Feb., 1560; proved 16 April 1560).
6 Jun. 1583. Thomas Gibson, Waplington, (proved 16 June 1583).
26 Sept. 1584. John Plaxton, Pocklington, yeoman, (buried 14 Feb. 1594; proved 27 March, 1594).
18 Apr. 1585. Christopher Jobson, Pocklington, (buried 26 May 1585; proved 18 Feb. 1586), to be buried "in ye Isle next ye Organs where his father was buried."
7 Jul. 1585. Thomas Roper, Pocklington, (buried 7 July; proved 18 Aug. 1585).
9 Aug. 1586. Will. Sanderson, Pocklington, maltman, (buried 23 March; proved 4 April, 1587).
26 Aug. 1586. John Williams, Pocklington, (buried 31 Aug. 1586; proved 28 Sept. 1588).
28 Apr. 1587. James Wilson, Pocklington, (buried 4 May 1587; proved 26 Aug.),
7 Oct. 1587. John Sotheby ye younger of Pocklington, husbandman, (buried 9 Oct.; proved Oct. 1587) to be buried " besides his wife Barbara."
13 Feb. 1587. Thomas Beverley, Pocklington, gent, (buried 14 Feb.; proved 23 Feb. 1588) to be buried "where his executors please."
12 Mar. 1587. Lawrence Harte, Pocklington, husbandman, (buried 22 March, 1588; proved 28 March), to be buried "near his seat."
21 Mar. 1588. John Richardson, Pocklington, (buried 24 May 1588 ; proved 27 June).
13 Jun. 1588. William Wood, Pocklington, maltman, made his will, (buried 4 Sept. 1589 ; proved 22 Dec. 1589) giving his soul to Jesus Christ his Saviour and Redeemer, and his body to be buried in ye church of Pocklington, near his seat.
2 Aug. 1588. Anne Appleyard, Pocklington, widow, (proved 23 Sept. 1597).
25 Mar. 1589. Thomas Dolman, Pocklington, (buried 31 March 1589).
19 Jul 1589. John Lambe, Pocklington, husbandman, (buried 5 Oct; proved 22 Oct. 1590.
5 Jun. 1590. Alexander Dobson, glover, (buried 25 June ; proved 28 July 1590).
5 Mar. 1590. John Hudson, Pocklington, blacksmith, (buried 13 April; proved 9 Sept 1591) to be buried "near to John Dobson's Grave."
10 Mar. 1590. Christopher Thirkell, Pocklington, (buried 20 April; proved 21 Oct. 1591).
14 Apr. 1591. Thomas Smyth, Allerthorpe, husbandman, (proved 29
April, 1591).
15 May 1591. Sybill Dawson (Dobson?), Pocklington, widow, (buried 19 June 1591; proved 26 June), to be buried " near her husband, Alex. Dobson, late deceased."
10 Jan. 1591. Will Sympson, Pocklington, (buried 15 Jan. ; proved 20 Jan. 1591).
20 May 1594. William Lodie, Pocklington, maltman, (buried 22 May;
proved 22 May 1594) to be buried "near his stall."
26 Oct 1594 (?). Robert Sotheby ye elder, of Pocklington, esq. (buried 1 Aug. ; proved 8 Aug. 1594). See notes on his monument.
4 Apr. 1597. George Hall, Allerthorpe, gent, (buried 15 Nov. : proved 15 Dec. 1598.) to be buried "in the parish church near the sepulchre of his father manners."
17 Jun. 1597. Thomas Plaxton, Pocklington, butcher, (buried 24
July : proved 11 Aug. 1597).
10 Oct. 1597. William Barton, Pocklington, yeoman, (buried 2 Oct; proved 3 Oct 1597).
?6 Nov. 1598. John Cooke ye elder of Allerthorpe, (buried 30 Nov.; proved 7 Dec. 1598).
21 Feb. 1598. Charles Sharpe, Pocklington, carpenter, (buried 23 Feb:; proved 15 March 1599.) to be buried "at the stall near the pulpit where his wife sitteth."
21 May 1601. Philip Wood, Pocklington, (buried 3 June; proved 17 Aug : 1601) to be buried " in Barwyk Isle near to his father."
3 Nov. 1603. John Godson, Pocklington, glover, (buried 4 Nov.; proved 19 Nov: 1603).
7 Jan. 1604. Francis Topham, Pocklington, tanner. "Frauncis Topping buried 13 Jan: 1604" (proved 1 March, 1604.)
10 Apr. 1607. Alice Tymperson, Allerthorpe, (buried 14 April: proved 7 May 1607).
8 Dec. 1609. Will Dewsburie, Pocklington, glover (buried 30 Oct: proved 22 Nov: 1610), to be buried "nigh his stall."
6 Jun. 1611. Isabell Lambe, Pocklington, widow, (buried 11 June;
proved 29 June 1611), to be buried "near her husband."
4 May 1612. Richard Tymperson, Allerthorpe, husbandman, (buried 7 May; proved 29 May 1612).
2 Nov. 1612. Thomas Lampson, Pocklington, panyerman, (buried 6 Nov. ; proved 17 Nov : 1612).
24 Nov. 1612. John Dove, Allerthorpe, (buried 3 Jan. 1612; proved 20 April, 1613).
27 Jan. 1613. Mary Temperson, Allerthorpe, widow, (buried 3 Feb.; proved 21 March, 1613).
19 Nov. 1614. Elizabeth Dolman, widow, (buried 19 Feb.; proved 24 March, 1616).
15 Feb. 1614. William Lambson, Pocklington, (buried 16 Feb. 1614;
proved 21 June 1615), to be buried "near his father."
20 Feb. 1615. Dynis Bell, widow. " Dionis Bell buried March 20, 1615" (proved 19 July, 1616).
11 Jan. 1616. Alice Cooke, Allerthorpe, widow, (buried 22 Nov.; proved 2 Dec. 1617).
25 Jul 1619. Alex. Appleyard, Pocklington, yeoman, (buried 10 Aug: proved 4 Sept: 1619), to be buried "near his ancestors."
19 Oct. 1619. Rowland Smyth, Pocklington, yeoman. "Rowland Smyth of Allerthorpe buried 23 Oct. 1619 " (proved 5 Nov., 1619).
8 Jan. 1619. John Dobson, Pocklington, parish clerk, (buried 11 Jan. 1619; proved 4 May 1624), giving his soul to God Almighty his Creator hoping through Jesus Christ to be saved, and his body to be buried in yr Quere of ye Parish Church under ye blue stone in the midst thereof.
20 Dec. 1628. Thomas Fell, Pocklington, (buried 21 Dec., 1628).
15 Jan. 1629. James Smyth, Pocklington, chapman (buried 18 Jan.; proved 9 March 1689)
. . . . 1630. Katharine Westalie, Allerthorpe, (proved 12 Jan. 1630), to be buried "near her husband."
21 Jan. 1632. Roger Sotheby of Pocklington, esq. (buried 25 Feb: ; proved 29 Feb 1632), to be buried "in the Parish Church in a Clossett where his Ancestors have been usually buried."
16 Jul. 1635. Edward Lund, (buried 26 Aug.: proved 31 Oct : 1635).
. . . 1638. Marmaduke Dolman, Pocklington, gent., (buried 26 March 1639), to be buried "in ye parish church of Pocklington in ye place where his elders and his daughter Frances was buried."
11 Feb. 1638. Edmund Richmond, Meltonby, Batchellor. "Edmond Richman buried 24 Feb., 1638" (proved "on Monday after the feast of St Thomas ").
. . . 1639. Margaret Blande, (buried 21 May; proved 3 Jan. 1639).
. . . 1639. Ursula Topham, Pocklington, widow. " Ursula, daughter to Robert Willis, buried 30 November. 1639" (proved 14 March 1639).
23 Nov. 1652. Robert Sotheby, Pocklington, gent, to be buried "in the church of Pocklington where his ancestors have been buried." " Mr. Robert Sothebie Esquire buried 27 Nov. 1652 " (proved 10 Dec. 1652).
17 Sep. 1654. Frances Dolman, Pocklington, widow, "to be buried
in the Ladye Quire at Pocklington Church near my husband." Mr Thomas Dolman was buried 3 August. 1648. Mrs Frances Dolman 19 Sept. 1654.