Back Row (Left to right): G Sugden, C Bennison, R Pratt, Jim Eastwood, Unknown, Arthur Todd, H Hindwell
Middle Row (Left to right): Henry Johnson*, Albert Hunter, G Alderson,C Hotham
Front Row (Left to right): R Craggs, W Hanley **, Ben Allison, A Hanley **,J Warters
* Brian Bowes told me that Henry JOHNSON grew up in the Pocklington Workhouse. He was initially named Robert Henry Johnson (But known as Henry), his mother was Margaret Johnson, and he had a sister Alice. He knows that he was in the Army Service Corps as a Driver T/266.
** Phillip Hanley contacted me that two of his great uncles were in photo –Walter and Arthur Hanley –both born Pocklington –1889 and 1893 respectively.Walter Hanley joined up in May 1912 (aged 23 ) and an Arthur Hanley joined up in March 1909 –aged 17. Arthur was discharged in December 1914.—aged 22—unfit for health reasons . He was awarded Lance Corporal 13 Apr 1913. In the photo the person named as Arthur Hanley has a Lance corporal rank This all suggests the photo was taken after April 1913—but before Dec 1914. On the 5 Aug 1914 Arthur became part of the embodied services ( called up for potential active service .) Although the badge insignia cannot be read, all the men –bar Walter, seem to be wearing a TA badge on their hats. When Arthur joined the TF in 1909 the regiment full title was 5th battalion, Alexandra , Princess of Wales’s Own Yorkshire regiment . When Walter joined it simply stated 5th battalion , Yorkshire regiment. Walter transferred to 18th battalion , Yorkshire regiment –sep 1917 . He was appointed lance corporal in June 1918.