In Archaeologia Vol. 69 1918 No. 102

102. Az. on a fess dancetty between 8 garbs or, banded gu., 3 doves az., beaked and legged purpure. Dowman, doctor. H. VIII.
Grant in Latin by Wriothesley and Tonge, dated London, 25 July 1526, to
John Dowman, of Pocklington, Yorks., doctor of both laws, archdeacon of Suffolk, canon residentiary of St. Paul's, and auditor to Cardinal Wolsey, 1 gallice, dasur a une fece daunce entre huict gerbis dor les loiens de gueulles sur la fece trois colombes du champe becquees membres de pourpre' (Harl., 4900, fol. 20). Will dated 8 November, proved 6 December 1526

Source: Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding (By Mary Anne Everett Green). This shows the Dolman Estates were sequestrated by Parliament because of their support for the King. Robert Dolman bought back the Pocklington estate a year later.