Yapham & Meltonby parish 1844 Tithes Apportionment |
John Nottingham and Mike Silburn have again combined forces to produce a very complex map and associated table showing the 1844 Tithes Apportionment for Yapham and Meltonby.
The table details the individual 'Close' landowners and tenants. Unlike most of the other enclosure and tithe awards in this area, the parish has very few larger closes such as a Common; while unusually, the apportionment includes many small areas such as plantations covering well under 1 acre. Furthermore, it details individual properties and gardens in the two villages, as shown in the larger-scale insets. So in all, there are well over 300 sub-divisions, many too small to be captioned, but these are highlighted with a close number and suffix representing their type; such as '44/P' for a small plantation, '53/H' for a house, '230/O' for an orchard, and so on (Note 1). Those closes co-owned by Robert Cross Hudson & Johnson Hudson are highlighted in green to distinguish them from those owned by others of the Cross and Hudson families (Note 2). Of particular note is Yapham Mill, contained within close 66 alongside the Pocklington-Bolton road.
The names of the numerous landowners in 1844 show how local parishes were no longer largely owned by the aristocracy, the Church and the universities so prevalent in the enclosure awards of the previous century, but were now controlled by a mix of local landed gentry such as Robert Dennison of Kilnwick Percy and John Singleton of Great Givendale, down to individuals who probably lived within the parish or nearby. Many closes were owner-occupied but several were owned by and the responsibility of the 'Yapham Charity Trustees' whose details are explained In http://www.yaphamcummeltonby.co.uk/fee.aspx (especially under 'The Holdings').
To view the map and table at full-scale, please click on the 'View fullscreen' link. Then zoom in and scroll around to see them in more detail. |