This photograph is reproduced by kind permission of Carla Van Beveran. If you recognise any faces, or can date the photo, please let us know. Thanks to Brian Sykes for supplying more names and who also believed the date is later than 1952 and thought it was 1956 or later, as Mr McAllister was the teacher in 1952.
n.b. To Zoom in to the photograph, hover over the faces with the mouse cursor.
01. Mr Hagyard |
02. Leslie Hodgson |
03. ? Wade |
04. Brian Berriman |
05. Donald Ogram |
06. |
07. Trevor Woodliffe |
08. Tony Towse |
09. John Suggitt |
10. Maureen Mitchel |
11. Susan Franks |
12. ? Anderson |
13. Howard Campbell |
14. Ken Barnes |
15. John Eastwood |
16. ? Anderson |
17. ? Franks |
18. Elizabeth Eastwood |
19. Brian Sykes |
20. Susan Eastwood |
