Photo 001: This is possibly Pocklington Market. Do you recognise anyone? Can you date it? Is it somewhere else?
John Allison contacted me in July 2024 and said "001 doesn't seem like the market , they had metal pens for sheep on the right-hand side as you went out of Regent Street. Dad's uncle Billy Potter took his sheep there for the yearly auction, he farmed at Yapham."

Photo 002: This was kindly provided by Janet Harrison. It was in the possession of her late mother Maud Scales. Janet understands it was taken somewhere in Pocklington and asks "someone may shed some light onto what the event was or even recognise any of their relatives."

Photo 003: A Slights of Pocklington postcard (unused). Who are these people?
Nicola contacted me 1stOct23 to say this could possibly be Katherine Bridges nee Priestman with her sister in law Frances Priestman nee Willis married to Lewis Priestman (Katherine's brother) a master huntsman and collier. Lewis Priestman was the brother of Katherine who married Percy Stewart of Burnby Hall. Katherine Priestman married Rev James Albert Bridges (rector of Goodmanham) who died of heart disease at the age of 34 and then susequently married Percy Stewart.

Photo 004: This hunting postcard is thought to be taken in Pocklington. The back of the postcard shows it is a Slights postcard. Who are the people? Where is it taken?
On 28th Oct 2015, Glenys Elliot wrote "I have just been looking at the Gallery section of the history website and came across the 'unknown' section. I feel that photograph 004, showing riders and hounds, is taken at the top of School Lane, adjacent to the junction with Garth's End. The house gable with a high window and structural ties in the wall is that of the end house of a terrace of three located on Garth's End. A bungalow now stands behind the wall and hedge seen behind the riders on the picture. The high wall is also still standing at the corner of School Lane/Garth's End. All the structures can still be seen on Google Maps Street View. " - I have looked at other photos and aerial photos an I have to agree with Glenys. She later added that an old resident Mr Pearson in Kirkland Street can remember the hunt meeting in the vicinity of The Mile, and that wonderful hunt events took place in the Masonic Hall building. We have therefore established that this is indeed a Pocklington photograph.
Thank you Glenys!

Nicola sent me the above portrait of Lewis Priestman and his wife Frances. The portrait is titled "Mr & Mrs Priestman on hunters with the Braes of Derwent hunt, in a landscape". Nicola thinks it has a strong likeness to the man in the hunting postcard Photo 004 above.

Photo 005: Chris Hall found this photograph in his family collection and believes it to be a Pocklington photograph. It looks to be taken post WW1 and possibly a reunion of friends after the war. If anyone recognises any of the people on this photograph, please let me know. Chris's Pocklington relatives on his grandmother’s side were the Gray and Thackray families who had large families.

Photo006: Chris Hall wrote: "The lady on the far left of the photo could be my great Aunt Dinah Hall 1904-1924. He thinks the photo is approximately 1922. Dinah Hall was the daughter of Ralph Hall who was Major Stewart’s head gardener and established Burnby Hall Gardens. I discovered that Ralph Hall’s son James Weedy Hall died in Burnby Hall Gardens at the age of 17 whilst working for this father. See newspaper cutting. My father was named James Weedy Hall and his father was also Ralph!". If anyone recognises any of the people on this photograph, please let me know.
Photo007: I was sent this photograph by Joanna Andrew whose maiden name was Nelson and is Arthur George Nelson’s great granddaughter. Her father John Nelson remembers his grandfather Arthur George and he lived in Adel, Leeds in the late 1930s. This photograph was in the family archive. The clergyman in the middle looks like Ian McNaughton Smith who was vicar 1921-33. It looks like a choir/orchestra for a fund raising event. In this period it is likely there were members of the Lamb family on the photograph who had musical talent. The location may be Burnby Hall, Major Stewart used to open the gardens occasionally in aid of the church. If anyone recognises any of the people on this photograph, please let me know.

John Allison contacted me in July 2024 to tell me "I believe I can identify 2 of the back row. 3rd from the left is uncle Joseph Allison, 5th from the left is my grandfather Harry Allison, Joe's brother. I know they both played at the church as well as in the quartet for the silent movies in the cinema."