Following the heavy downfalls of rain last Saturday and Sunday mornings. the streets of Pocklington were again flooded with water which the Ordinary water courses in the town failed to cope with. On both occasions residents in the streets leading through the centre of the town suffered much discomfort, and annoyance and damage through the flooding of the lower portions of their houses and cellars, with the after effects of hours of labour in clearing the accumulation of refuse mud which had been left as the water subsided. Bridge-street, the top part of Chapmangate, Market-street, Market Place, Pavement, Railway-street. Grape Lane. and a portion of Union-street were all affected and suffered accordingly.
The flood on Saturday morning was bad enough, but in the early hours of Sunday morning the flood was considerably worse, for following the heavy rains during- the night the streets had the appearance of running streams with water flowing to the depth of a few inches in Market Square to about 2 feet in Railway-street.

By six o'clock scores of people were parading the streets to witness the unusual scene. The water entered the Post Office and put the telegraph installation out of order, the services of the York Post Office Engineering Staff being required, they worked from shortly after noon until Monday morning before the instrument was again in satisfactory order. Messrs. Everingham's Bus Garage, near Bridge-street was flooded to such an extent that some of the buses and cars could not be moved for some hours. The banks of the stream at the back of the old Flax Yard overflowed and water ran in a torrent out of the yard through the roadway into Chaprnangate, and also through the houses in Assembly Terrace where it joined force with, the stream running in Chapmangate and proceeded into Market-street where a burst In the footpath occurred near the British Legion War Memorial.

In Union-street a smaller burst was made in the footpath by the rushing waters. From the junction of Union-street with Market-street to Waterloo Buildings and Market Square was one of the worst places for the open space presented the appearance of a large lake with the water swirling round the street grates which were unable to cope with it In the houses and shops in this vicinity all goods and furniture that could be removed were carried safely and the residents in Market Place and Railway Street were similarly employed, several cellars and lower premises being flooded for some hours, similar conditions also prevailed in the houses in Grape Lane.
The Urban District Council workmen under Mr Butterworh, surveyor, were on duty many hours doing their best to relieve the situation. At Clock Mill the dam overflowed its banks and for some time a serious position was presented when a large amount of the earth supporting- the bank was washed away by the volume of water which ran round the side of the house and down the lane to London-street and the beck. The low lands in the district were all subject to the flood waters and at Fishpond hill bottom, Kilnwick Percy, the water -was so deep over the roadway that ordinary motor traffic was diverted for some time.

Nunburnholme, Burnby, Hayton and Bielby were flooded in some places to a depth- of over two feet deep. On the York—Hull road the bridge between South' Moor House Hayton was so badly damaged that the Bus Service Traffic was diverted on Sunday night. On Sunday night the low end of Wilberfoss was a huge lake and the services of a large motor transport were requisitioned to assist motor traffic through the flood. Two of Messrs Everingham's Service Buses were unable to get through, one being stopped at Bielby and the other at Wilberfoss until the firm's transports were available to render assistance. The Agricultural community must have suffered much, damage for in addition to newly growing corn being flooded and in some places washed out, potato and carrot land was under water for so long a period that the seed must have suffered greatly. Much, loss was also occasioned to chickens and poultry in the district;
As the Town of Pocklington suffered a similar experience last September, the inhabitants are hoping that something can and will be done to prevent any further recurrence of flood. Many residents have vivid recollections of the terrific storm which visited Pocklington on the night of the Horse Show in 1912 when torrential rain fell for many hours, yet the town was not flooded and the ordinary water courses were able to take the huge quantity of water which fell.
What is the reason that these water courses are unable to take and deal with the storm waters now? The answer we leave so those who are, expert in the knowledge of land drainage, yet we are convinced that there is sufficient local knowledge available to remedy the danger of any further trouble.
Many suggestions are being made as to the cause of these floods the members of the Urban District Council who are responsible for the welfare of the town will have heard many of these suggestions and having fuller knowledge of the position as to the drains and water rights, will no doubt consider them immediately and DO SOMETHING TO PREVENT ANY FURTHER FLOODING.
If you wish to add to the story of the 1932 floods, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.