This is a photograph of Woldgate School in 1958 kindly supplied by Daphne Del Principe (née Hunter). She gave some recollections of the school opening "We waited its opening with much anticipation and not a little fear. It was certainly different than the National School that I had previously attended. We got an extended summer holiday that year and when we finally got to school it was a whole different world. With a tuck shop and famous paintings, merit slips, a wonderful library and all those playing fields which up to the school being built we used to play in. All very exciting with busses bringing in children from far and wide more children than I had ever seen in one place before." Some names have been supplied by Daphne, can you fill in the gaps? Sheila Howard (neé Howbrigg) supplied two more names. |

01 |
02. David Matthews |
03. Simon Heap? |
04. |
05. Brendon Wilson |
06. John Arnott |
07. Derek Barber |
08. |
09. Pip Dale |
10. Peter Hill |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. Joyce Brown |
16. Daphne Hunter |
17. Linda Cox |
18. Sonia Taylor |
19. Jennifer Whatling |
20. Judy Southcoat |
21. Caroline Sunman |
22. Pam Sellars |
23. Anne Torrey |
24. Adrian Wilson |
25. |
26. |
27. Dorothy Falkingham |
28. Ronald ? |
29. Miss Ullyat |
30. |
31. |
32. Peter Shaw |
33. Vivian Allen |

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