The York Herald - 12th September, 1801
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The York Herald, November 5th, 1803
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The Hull Packet Newspaper - 17th June, 1828
This is presumed to be Pocklington Cycling Club taken outside the Black Bull sometime between 1913 and 1933, as the landlady above the door is 'Susannah Walsh'. |
The Black Bull in the 1950's |
Landlords of the Black Bull |
1937 Kelly's Directory |
Black Bull Hotel (Edwd. Percy Steele, manager), Market pl |
1933 Kelly's Directory |
Black Bull Hotel (J. S. Walsh, propr.), Market pl. |
1929 Kelly's Directory |
Black Bull Hotel (J. S. Walsh, proprietor), commercial catering done, reasonable charges, Market place |
1921 Kelly's Directory |
Walsh Susannah (Mrs.), Black Bull P.H. Market place |
1913 Kelly's Directory |
Walsh Susannah (Mrs.), Black Bull P.H. Market place |
1909 Kelly's Directory |
Tayleure Susan (Mrs.), Black Bull P.H. Market place |
1905 Kelly's Directory |
Tayleure Arthur Pearson, Black Bull P.H. Market place |
1897 Kelly's Directory |
Tayleure Arthur Pearson, Black Bull P.H. Market place |
1892 Bulmers Directory |
Black Bull, Market pl; Arthur Tayleure |
1889 Kelly's Directory |
Tayleure Arthur Pearson, Black Bull p.h. Market place |
1879 Post Office Directory |
Moor Thomas, Black Bull, Market place |
1862 The York Herald |
The late Mrs Johnson, For Sale: The Black Bull Inn with stabling for 80 horses, coachhouse, brewhouse, chandlers shop (see advert above) |
1858 White's Directory |
Black Bull, Margaret Johnson, Mkp |
1853 Yorkshire Gazette |
26 March 1853 - Death - On Wednesday, the 2nd inst, at New York, aged 38, Mrs. Mary Ann Habin, eldest daughter of Mr. William Johnson, of the Black Bull Inn, Pocklington. She was highly respected by all who knew her. |
1851 Census |
Margaret Johnson, Widow, Age 64, Innkeeper |
1848 York Herald |
17 June 1848 - Colossal Rhubarb — There were taken up in the garden of Mr. W. Johnson, of the Black Bull Inn, Pocklington, on Saturday last, a stem of rhubarb measuring 22 inches in length and 9 inches in circumference, and a leaf the circumference of which was 27 feet. |
1844 Easton's Directory |
Johnson William, Black Bull Inn (Owner: William Johnson) |
1841 Census |
William Johnson, Age 50, Innkeeper |
1840 White's Directory |
Black Bull, Wm. Johnson, Market place |
1834 Piggot's Directory |
Black Bull, Wm. Johnson, Market place |
1826 Beverley Archives |
Alehouse recognizance for William Johnson of the 'Black Bull' at Pocklington |
1825 The York Herald |
27th Nov 1824 - Pocklington and Yapham. To be sold by Auction. At the Black Bull Inn, at Pocklington, in the C of Y, on Tuesday the 4th day of January 1825, at two o'Clock in the afternoon. All that valuable Freehold and Copyhold property situate at Pocklington and Yapham, in the C of Y, and near to the Pocklington Canal, in the following lots:
Lot 1. The above mentioned house, called the Black Bull, situate in the Market-Place, which has for time immemorial has been a well established and good accustomed inn, with suitable stabling, coach house, and outbuildings, and a croft adjoining, with barn and other buildings theirin.
Lot 2. Three Closes of rich Meadow and Pasture Land, lying together, containing about 10A 1R 3P, nearly two acres of which are Copyhold of the Manor of Barmby, fine small and certain. The above Lots are in the occupation of Wm. Gray. |
1825 Beverley Archives |
Alehouse recognizance for William Gray of the 'Black Bull' at Pocklington |
1823 York Herald |
William Gray Takes over from Thomas Terry (see advert above) |
1823 Beverley Archives |
Alehouse recognizance for William Gray of the 'Black Bull' at Pocklington |
1823 Baine's Directory |
Black Bull, Thos. Terry, Market pl |
1822 Beverley Archives |
Alehouse recognizance for Thomas Terry of the 'Black Bull' at Pocklington |
1820 York Herald |
15th April - Mr Cooper's Pocklington Cockings. See Cock Fighting. |
1819 York Herald |
William Cooper Proprietor and Veterinary Surgeon (see advert above). |
1809 York Herald |
Mar 4th - Mr Ibbetson's Black Bull advertising Pocklington Cockings. See Cock Fighting. |
1803 York Herald |
William Bagley (see Adv. above) |
1791 Universal Directory |
Bagley William, (F.) Victualler |
1789 - 1791 Beverley Archives |
Various Alehouse Recognizances for William Bagley |
1780-1787 Beverley Archives |
Various Alehouse Recognizances for Richard Bagley |
1760 17Jun, York Courant |
On Saturday, the 5th of July next, at James Bagley's, the sign of the Black Bull in Pocklington, in the County of York, the sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon. A messuage, with the malt kiln, stables, garth and appertunances thereto belonging to widow Smith, and now occupied by John Beilby. For particulars inquire of Mr. Raper, in Coney Street, York, or Mr. William Agar, at Pocklington. |
1754 - 1772 Beverley Archives |
Various Alehouse Recognizances for James Bagley |
1750's Neave |
James Bagley, Butcher |
1748 May 17, York Courant |
To be Fought, at Pocklington. A main of Cocks, at Mr Bagley's Pit; to weigh on Tuesday the fourteenth Day of June, and to fight the three following Days, namely Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; for eight Guineas a Battle, and eighty Guineas the Main or odd Battle; Between the Gentlemen of Lincolnshire and the Gentlemen of Yorkshire. There will be an Ordinary at Mr James Bagley's House, known by the name of The Black Bull, in Pocklington, during the said three Days of Cock-Fighting. N.B. To shew thirty-one Cocks on each Side, for the Main; and ten for Bye-Battles, for four Guineas a Battle. |
1747/8 Mar1, York Courant |
To be fought
At Mr James Bagley's new Pit at the sign of the Black Bull, in Pocklington
A Main of Cocks, by the Gentlemen of Holm and Weighton, against the Gentlemen of Pocklington; to shew Thirty-One Cocks on each side for the Main, and Ten on each side for Bye-Battles; and to fight for four guineas a Battle and forty on the Main; to weigh on Saturday the 12th March, and fight on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following. There will be an ordinary every day at the same house
Mr George Meek }
and ...................} Feeders
Mr Will. Marshall } |
1746 May27, York Courant |
A Main of Cocks to be fought at Mr. James Bagley's new pitt in Pocklington, for ten guineas a Battle and a hundred on the Main; betwixt Henry Tarburgh, Esq., of Heslington and Edward Wormley, Esq., of Rickall to shew Thirty-One Cocks on each side for the Main, and Twelve on each side for Bye-Battles; to weigh on Tuesday the 24th June, and fight Wednesday, Thursday and Friday following.
Mr George Meek }
and ...................} Feeders
Mr John Emit..... }
1745/6 Mar 1, York Courant |
A Main of Cocks to be fought at Mr. James Bagley's New Cock-pit, being at the sign of the Black Bull in Pocklington, between the Gentlemen of the West Riding and the Gentlemen of the East Riding; Each Side showing 43 Cocks, for 10 Guineas a Battle, and 100 Guineas the Odd. To weigh on Saturday 19th April, and fight Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following.
Mr John Emmott } Feeders
Mr George Meek }
N.B. There will be a very good Ordinary every Day, during the Cockings, At Mr. James Bagley's house
1733 Beverley Archives QSF/103/C/23 |
William Greensides - recognizance |
There is more information on Cockfighting in Pocklington here.
If you wish to add to the story of the Black Bull, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me. |