This extract is from David Bowman's book "Clippings from the Past" and kindly supplied by Ken Durkin

Pocklington Golf Club (circa. 1936)
(Photo kindly provided by Mr. Kenneth Warcup, Pocklington)
Front Row (seated) Left to Right: Mr Dobson (Printers), Miss Newbury (Farmers Market Weighton), Visitor (Mkt Weigton), Mr Harry Allison (Builders), Mrs G. Haw (Coop), Police Inspectors Wife, Miss F. Proctor (Drapers), Mrs Dobson (Printers), Miss F. Wilson (Teacher & Founder of Golf Club), Mrs G. Gibson (Yapham Road)
Back Row Left to Right: Visitor, Visitor, Visitor, Charlie Todd, Visitor, Wife of Charlie Todd, Visitor, Kennie Todd, Charles Websdale (Pro), 'Brunt' Andrews (Chapmangate Brewery).
POCKLINGTON GOLF CLUB (From an early town guide)
This very popular addition to the amenities of the town was the outcome of the agitation of a number of local gentlemen for a few years prior to 1927. Thanks to their enthusiasm tor the game of golf, and to the energy and organising ability of the Rev. E. L. Dawe (who became the first Hon. Secretary of the Club), sufficient support was obtained from local residents to float a Limited Company in that year for the purposes of laying down a course and building a club house. A lease was obtained of twenty-five acres of grass land in very pleasant surroundings and conveniently situated in Yapham Road (little more than half a mile from the centre of the town), and an interesting nine-hole course laid out under the direction of H. H. Allen, the well-known Fulford " pro." A modest but attractive club house having been erected, an underlease was granted to the Club which was thereupon formed, and which enrolled over one hundred members in its first year.
Since its inception, three of the holes have been lengthened with advantage, and artificial hazards skilfully introduced throughout the course, while the greens and fairways have been brought into splendid condition. Great praise for this happy state of affairs is due to C. H. Websdale, the Club's greenkeeper and professional, who has worked indefatiguably in its service, and incidentally holds the course record with a score of 70. A great advantage of the site is the gravel subsoil, which permits of rapid drainage, so that play is practicable in almost all weathers.
Some capable performers are to be found among the Club's membership, including Mr. "Rex" Cliff, the present Captain, Mr. G. S. Thirsk, who won the Miller's Convention Cup at Eastbourne, in 1930, and Mr. J. Dunn, who won both gross and net score prizes in the Junior Section (handicap 12 and over) at Beverley Open Meeting the same year. In addition, Mr. J. H. Nock, who was a member until 1929, brought honour to the Club by capturing at St. Andrew's the Royal Medal, the Queensland Boomerang, and the prize for the best aggregate in the Open Competition, the runner-up being Mr. Roger Wethered.
The present Hon. Secretary is Mr. E. W. Gibson, of ''' Gainford," Pocklington, and the Hon Secretary of the Company is Mr. A. E. Young, who has done excellent work, both legal and otherwise, to further the game in Pocklington.