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  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

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  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
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The Pocklington New Inn
The New Inn was an old Coaching house on the York to Hull & Bridlington Road. It was also the site of Pocklington's only horse racing track which went around the perimeter of the Inn. See the horse racing section. Pocklington brewer Timothy Overend was allocated the land in the 1759 enclosures and was landlord and proprietor until his death in 1763 His son Timothy took over and he died in April 1776. His widow Ann took over and ran it and she eventually re-married to Cook Taylor. The last reference to the New Inn seems to be in 1866. The New Inn was converted into a farm house and in 1978 was converted into a B&B called Southmoor House. Later it was converted into the Yorkway Motel.
New inn 1807
From: The Hull Packet Tuesday, May 12, 1807
Image reproduced with kind permission of http://www.thebritishnewspaperarchive.com/
New Inn 1843
From: The Derby Mercury, Wednesday, June 21, 1843, Issue 5789
New Inn 1788
From: Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser,
Thursday, January 17, 1788, Issue 5831
1854 Map
1854 Ordnance Survey Map showing the race track around the New Inn which operated from at least 1783. (See Horse Racing section)
Landlords of the New Inn
1867 York Herald Newspaper Dec 28th Marriage - "Recently at St. Paul's Huddersfield, by the rev. J. M. Cann. M.A., Thomas seventh son of the late Mr. G.J. Overend, of the Pocklington New Inn, to Fanny, second daughter of the late Mr. Robert Goldthorp of the above place"
1866 York Herald Newspaper 1st Sep: "Pocklington - TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT - all that valuable freehold close of tillage land in the parish of Pocklington between the balk end and Pocklington New Inn containing by estimation three acres and two roods or thereabouts and now in the occupation of Mr Robert Todd a tenant thereof...."
1865 York Herald Newspaper Dec 30th Marriage: "Richards - Overend At the 21st inst. at St. Thomas's church, Orchard St., London, Mr Wm. Ellis Richards to Sarah Anne, second daughter of the late Mr. G.J. Overend, of the Pocklington New Inn"
1864 York Herald Newspaper 3rd Sept. "Housebreaking - During the holding of the Gala at Pocklington, on Tuesday last, an impudent robbery was committed at the house of Mr. James Silburn, of the Pocklington New Inn. Between half past twelve and seven o'clock in the evening, the place was broken into, and there were stolen therefrom two silver watches, a gold ring, a gold locket, two brooches, £4 7s 6d. in money, a dark cloth coat, three vests, two pairs of black cloth trowsers, and two woollen and several white calico shirts. As yet nothing has been heard of the thieves."
email from David Wraith to A.Sefton 16 Oct. 2015 "George T. Overend's daughter Caroline Isabel married my second great grandfather William Henry Wraith at St Cuthberts York in 1866. Her mother, the widow of G T Overend was living in St Cuthberts in 1871 so presumably they had moved there by 1866."
1861 Census New Inn, George T. Overend Age 58 , Innkeeper, Postmaster & Farmer of 72 acres with Wife Ann Age 54. He died in 1862.
1858 White's Directory New Inn, George T. Overend, Weighton rd
1851 Census George T. Overend, Age 48, Innkeeper & Farmer
1840 White's Directory New Inn, Geo. Timothy Overend, Weighton rd
1834 York Herald Newspaper Apr. 26th

"Pocklington New Inn - Water Corn Mill &c., To be sold by auction by Mr.Vaile, At the Black Swan Inn, Coney Street, York, on Thursday, the 15th day of May, 1834, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, in one or more Lots, That Old-Established and Well-Accustomed INN and POSTING-HOUSE, called Pocklington New Inn, with the Stabling, Coach Houses, Graneries, and other Outbuildings, Yards and Gardens, now occupied therewith by Mrs Overend. Also, 70 Acres or thereabouts, of very superior LAND, in a high state of Cultivation, lying contiguous to the Inn - The Mails and other Coaches from York to Hull change Horses daily at the Inn, which is one of the oldest-established Posting-Houses on the Hull Road, and is distant 14 Miles from the City of York, 14 Miles from Beverley, and one Mile from the Market-town of Pocklington."

Also given is sale details of Devonshire Mill.in the possession of Mr. G.T. Overend

1834 Piggot's Directory Timothy Overend, New Inn
1823 Baine's Directory New Inn, John Geo.Overend, Canal hd.
1808 ER Archives DDX553/2 Timothy Overend of Pocklington New Inn Pocklington, innkeeper
1798 ER Archives DDX28/13 Cook Taylor and wife Ann (daughter of Richard Cooper of Barmby and widow of Timothy Overend and with her son Timothy Overend)
1792 ER Archives PE1/691/196 Cook Taylor of New Inn hires William Moat
1786, 87, 89, 91 Alehouse Recognizances (ER Archives) Cook Taylor
1786 ER Archives Recognizance of William Pinder innkeeper and Cooke Taylor of the New Inn both of Pocklington
1781 ER Archives John Pinder & Cook Taylor
1780 ER Archives Elizabeth Pinder & Cook Taylor surities John Pinder of Pocklington, Cooper
1779 25 Jan - Marriage Cook Taylor marries Ann Overend in Pocklington
1777 ER Archives Ann Overend surities William Pindar and John Smith her Ostler
1776 ER Archives Recognizance of Ann Overend
1775 ER Archives Recognizance - Timothy Overend
1774 ER Archives DDGD/940 Timothy Overend, then late of Barmby Moor but then of New Inn, Pocklington, innholder
1773 15 Dec - Christening Timothy son of Timothy & Ann Overend in Pocklington
1771 5 Jun - Marriage Timothy Overend marries Ann Cooper at Barmby Moor
1765 07May, York Courant To be fought, at the New Inn near Pocklington, A Main of cocks between Mr. Oliver and the Gentlemen of the East Riding, for two guineas a Battle and Twenty Guineas the Main, and 10 for Byes. To weigh on Saturday, the first of June, and fight on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday following. Feeders - Mar. Wainman for Mr. Oliver, James Harrison for the East Riding.
1763 16Aug, York Courant To be lett and entered upon immediately, Situated in the Town of Pocklington, a BREWHOUSE and MALT-KILN, extremely well situated for buying the best Barley; to which may be added a new built Dwelling-House, and Meadow Close, by estimation four acres, and upwards at Lady Day next. The Coppers, Cooler, Vats, Pumps, Casks, a Steel Malt-Mill, and many other implements, may be sold to the person, who takes the Brewhouse and Malt-Kiln. These premises were late of the estate of Mr. Timothy Overend, deceased. Also listed is property to be sold at Allerthorpe.
1760 17Jun, York Courant To be Lett and entered upon immediately, THE NEW INN upon Pocklington Common, and the goods to be sold. For further particulars inquire of Mr. Overend of Pocklington.
1759 ER Archives DDX28/2 Mortgage for £300 relating to land in Pocklington
Date 13 Oct 1759
Description Parties:
1) Timothy Overend of Pocklington gentleman
2) William Hotham the younger of Warter yeoman
Property: newly erected inn on the common and allotments of 17 acres 29 perches and 6 acres 3 roods 15 perches in the common and of 4 acres 3 roods 2 perches in the Carr in Pocklington
Enclosure award
18th April 1759
The enclosure award. Timothy Overend was alloted 17a 29p is to the north of the A1079 and covers the site of the inn and the race course. Also, the allotments of 6a3r15p and 4a3r2p are on the south side of the 1079, to the west and east of the road to Bielby. He was also allotted 10a2r17p on the east side of the Balk and to the north of the 1079.

If you wish to add to the story of the New Inn, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.