James Harrison with mother Sarah |
This photograph is of Sarah Harrison and her son James he was in the 2nd Battalion Highland light infantry and died died age 21 on 24th March 1918 and is in Arras cemetery. Another son George Harrison died age 36, Sept 18 1944 at Dunkirk in the Royal Army Field Ambulance Corps and is in Leopoldsburg cemetery. Her brother was driver J Elliott who died age 27 on 17th April 1917 and was in the Royal Field Artillery and is in Aubigny cemetery. Her son Redvers joined the army age 14 in the first world war and the story goes when their lines were cut they were so hungry they were forced to eat stray dogs or anything that moved, but he came back safely.

Sarah Harrison's husband Thomas was the son of Mary Conrey Harrison. She had 19 children and lived to be a 101 in Pocklington. One of Mary Harrison's sons, Billy Harrison, was on stage at the old Empire Theatre in York. The boy went round shouting "ding dong your on". He was a great character in Pocklington and a good catholic, while serving with the East Yorkshire Regiment in India he played with Leo Dryden and William Godwin, composers, and well known in the theatrical circles in London.