These photographs are agriculture or farming photographs or references found for Pocklington. |
The above photograph is a newspaper clipping from 1948. |
The caption reads:
Agriculture is still the chief industry in and around Pocklington, and it this time of the year, threshing is in full swing. Here is one of P. Huffington's machines on the farm of Mr. G.Goodwill of Clock Mill.
(photo with kind permission of Christopher Tucker)
A similar photograph of this scene can be seen on p. 26 of the book "The Stewarts of Burnby Hall", which is attributed to Major Stewart. It is thought the man to the right of the Major was Mr Suggitt, he lived in Pocklington and worked for Mr Tyne. This would be before the Major sold the farm to Mr Tyne. Mr. Tyne was Major Stewart's tenant at Willow Water Farm and also his Land Agent and bought the farm in 1927 when the Major was attempting to sell his entire estate. It is possible the boy in the photo is Tyne's son, Donald? He volunteered for the RAF during WW2, but was unfortunately killed in training.
The farmers of Mile Farm:
1937 Kellys Directory - William Megginson
1933 Kellys Directory - John Gerald Sootheran
1929 Kellys Directory - Gerald Sootheran
1925 Kellys Directory - Thomas English
1921 Kellys Directory - Thomas English
1913 Kellys Directory - Thomas English
1911 Census - Thomas English, auctioneer and valuer
1909 Kellys Directory - Thomas English
1905 Kellys Directory - Thomas English
1901 Census - Arthur Lamplough
1897 Kellys Directory - Mrs. Louise Kate Turner
1892 Bulmers Directory - John White Turner
1891 Census - John W. Turner
1881 Census - John White Turner, farmer of 333 acres, employing 3 men and 4 boys
1879 Post Office Directory - John White Turner
1871 Census - Elizabeth Kilby (widow), farmer of 320 acres
1861 Census - John Kilby, Farmer of 320 acres employing 8 men and 4 boys
1857 Post Office Derectory - John Kilby
1851 Whites Directory - Robert Hotham
1851 Census - Mile End, Charles Green, farmer of 56 acres employing 1 labourer
1841 Census - Mile farm, Thomas Piercy
There seems to be no reference to Mile Farm or Mile End Farm prior to this date in the early directories.