EMC number 2008.0036
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: anon. (shilling) (600-675)
Type: Sutherland V: York Group (640-660)
Mint: York, moneyer uncertain.
Weight: 1.29g.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Rev. +VOIIENVLED: [retrograde]
Comments: SAME COIN AS EMC 2007.0088
The coin EMC 2007.0088 was sold in an auction by Spinks for £25,000 on 18th March 2021.

This is the auction description:
Auction: 21000 - The Tony Abramson Collection of Dark Age Coinage - Part I (conducted behind closed doors)
Lot: 19
Anglo-Saxon England, Bishop of York, Paulinus (625-633 / † 10 October 644), Gold Shilling (58% AV), 'Ultra Crondall', York Group, Inscriptional type, face over segmented wall, bifurcated cross forms features, teardrops, cross pattée either side, rev. PVOHENVT ED: [PAVLINVS EP(ISCOPVS)], letters retrograde and inverted, central cross pattée in beaded circle, 1.29g, 320° (SCBI 69, 5 this coin; BNJ 2019, pp. 1-18; T&S pp. 50-51, 76; A&W type V, xxi; Gannon, pp. 27-28, 62, 88, 172 nos. 111, 185 and no. 30, Fig. 2.4; cf. North 27; Spink 763), the reverse off-struck, nevertheless a handsomely bold striking, extremely fine and of national significance, the discovery coin naming this totemic historical and religious figurehead and latterly first Bishop of York
Acquired privately from finder, March 2007
~ Found by R Last at Pocklington (East Yorkshire), March 2007 ~
[EMC 2007.0088 = BNJ Coin Register 2008, no. 80]
Sold for
Starting price
No images available |
EMC number 2001.0244
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: Æthelred I (1st reign) (774-778)
Type: Æthelred I of Northumbria (no further details) (774-796)
Mint: York, moneyer: Tidwulf (TIDVVLF).
Weight not recorded.
Findspot: Barmby Moor, near, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 7748)
Source: Pirie, E.J.E. Thrymsas and Sceattas and Stycas of Northumbria. An Inventory of Finds recorded to 1997. Northumbrian Numismatic studies 2, 2000.
Comments: Pirie notes: Pocklington area. As Booth 1987, var.ii (nos.61-64). Bonser notes 1525/133
EMC number 2001.0108
State: Diocese of Canterbury (766-924), Ruler: Wulfred (805-832)
Type: N 240.1 (Abp Wulfred Group III regular monogram) (815-823)
Mint: Canterbury, moneyer: Swefheard (SVVEFHEARD).
Weight not recorded. Die axis: 80. Preservation: chipped.
Findspot: Barmby Moor
Source: Booth J.. 'Northumbrian Coinage: the Productive Site at South Newbald'. Yorkshire Numismatist, 3, 1997, pp. 15-38. Pirie, E.J.E. Thrymsas and Sceattas and Stycas of Northumbria. An Inventory of Finds recorded to 1997. Northumbrian Numismatic studies 2, 2000.
Comments: Pirie 2000 notes: Barmby Moor. cf. BMC Kent 28, coin auctioned at Sotheby's 6.11.97, lot 450 ex Feather collection> Sotheby's catalogue, lot 450: Barmby Moor (near Pocklington).
Image source: Sotheby's catalogue (300 pixels, 300 dpi) |
EMC number 2008.0018
State: East Anglia (700-880), Ruler: anon. (early penny) (700-750)
Type: Series R : Uncertain subclass (710-760)
Mint and moneyer unknown.
Weight: 0.97g. Die axis: 0.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Comments: A imitation with a portrait of unusual form |
EMC number 1996.0079
State: Early Continental (580-750), Ruler: anon. (early penny) (675-750)
Type: Series D (Type 8) (N 50) (700-715)
Mint and moneyer unknown.
Weight: 1.22g.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register from British Numismatic Journal 66 (1996), no. 79 |
EMC number 1996.0130
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: Eadberht (737-758)
Type: N 178 (Series Y: Eadberht: beast left) (737-758)
Mint: York, moneyer uncertain.
Weight not recorded.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register from British Numismatic Journal 66 (1996), no. 130
Comments: Booth Class B |
EMC number 2008.0094
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: Eanred (810-840)
Type: N 186 ('Styca' of Eanred) (810-840)
Mint: York, moneyer: Cynewulf (CYNVVLF).
Weight: 1.09g. Die axis: 75.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Rev. +CYNVVLF [N retrograde, Vs as inverted As]
Source: Coin Register 2008 |
EMC number 2008.0099
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: Æthelred II (1st reign) (840-844)
Type: N 188 ('Styca' of Æthelred II First reign) (840-844)
Mint: York, moneyer: Leofthegn (LEOFDEJ[ ]).
Weight: 1.07g. Die axis: 60.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Rev. +LEOFDEJ[ ]
Source: Coin Register 2008 |
EMC number 2008.0100
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: Æthelred II (1st reign) (840-844)
Type: N 188 ('Styca' of Æthelred II First reign) (840-844)
Mint: York, moneyer: Brother (BRODER).
Weight: 0.92g. Die axis: 90.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register 2008 |
EMC number 2008.0107
State: Northumbria (600-867), Ruler: anon. (Northumbrian, mid-9c) (850-867)
Type: N 191.8 (Irregular Northumbrian 'styca'; mid ninth century) (850-867)
Mint: York (copy?), moneyer: Eadwine (EADVINI).
Weight: 0.82g.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Obv. +EC.EVVIR[E?] [retrograde, R inverted]
Rev. +EADVINI [retrograde]
Source: Coin Register 2008 |
EMC number 1996.0193
State: Danelaw (York) (870-927), Ruler: Cnut (895-902)
Type: N 501 (Cunnetti) (900-905)
Mint: York, moneyer uncertain.
Weight: 1.42g. Die axis: 90.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register from British Numismatic Journal 66 (1996), no. 193 |
EMC number 2007.0134
State: Anglo-Saxon England (871-1066), Ruler: Edward the Martyr (975-978)
Type: N 763 (Edward Martyr's Small Cross) (975-978)
Mint: York (EFR), moneyer: Ælfstan (ELFSTAN).
Weight not recorded.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register 2008, no. |
EMC number 1988.0215
State: Norman England (1066-1154), Ruler: Henry I (1100-1135)
Type: Henry I BMC x (N 866) (1117-1119)
Mint: York, moneyer: Leysingr (Las[ ]).
Weight: 1.17g. Die axis: 160. Preservation: chipped. Secondary Treatment: snick at 8 o'clock.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Obv. + hENRICVS E+ A
Rev. + LAS[ ]EVE
Source: Coin Register from British Numismatic Journal 58 (1988), no. 215
Comments: PJS: 'Miss Archibald reports that this coin is from different dies to the coin of Laising of this type from the Lincoln hoard, and she points out that there is a faint 'E' sketchily cut into the die under the X on the obverse and a faint 'X' between the X and final A, the diecutter having carelessly omitted the R of REX.' |
EMC number 2008.0004
State: Norman England (1066-1154), Ruler: Henry I (1100-1135)
Type: Henry I BMC xv (N 871) (1125-1135)
Mint: Canterbury (CANPA), moneyer: Rodbert (R[ ]).
Weight: 1.25g. Preservation: cracked and repaired.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Rev. +R[ ]CANPA |
EMC number 1988.0239
State: Plantagenet England (1154-1307), Ruler: Henry II (1154-1189)
Type: N 961 (Cross-and-Crosslets (Tealby): class F) (1170-1180)
Mint: Canterbury, moneyer uncertain.
Weight: 1.26g. Die axis: 200.
Findspot: Pocklington, Yorkshire, East Riding, England (SE 8049)
Source: Coin Register from British Numismatic Journal 58 (1988), no. 239 |
To all Pocklington area Metal Detectorists , would you please send me photos of your finds to place on this website and together we can build a useful history of the area. Please contact me.