William Plaxton document 1559 |
This is a 1559 document about William Plaxton. Thanks to Heidi Woodhouse for the transcription.

William Plaxton of Pocklington 1559
Knowe all men ___ the depute that I William Plaxton thelde* of
Pocklington in ** Countie of York yeoman am houlden and
firmlie bounden and obliged unto Michaell Marshall of
Southburn in the parish of Kirkburne in the said Countie
yeoman in the sume of fortie pounds of good and lawfull
money of England to be paid to the said Michaell Marshall
his executors administrators or his assigned for the wth
paement will and truelie to be made I binde my selfe my
heires executors and administrators firmelie by these
presente sealed wth my seale dated the fifteene
daie of Maie: in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand
five hundred and fiftie nyne
The Condicon (condition) of this obligacon (obligation) is such that iss the above bounden
William Plaxton his heires executors and administrators due from
tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter will and truelie hold
abjerne performe fulfil and keepe all & every the covenante
grant articles promises condicons (conditions) conclusions and agreement
wth on his ther or any of ther parte and behalfs is are or ought
to be holden obfermed performed fulfilled and kept contained
mencond (mentioned) written & declared in one paire of Indentures
of Lease bearing date wth theise presente and made between
The above bounden William Plaxton on th one partie, and the
above named Michael Marshall on the other partie according
to the tenure purporte true intent and meaninge of the
sames That then this present Obligation to be voide and
of none effector *** to stande remain and be in full power
forne and virtue
Sealed and delivered in Will Plaxton
the presence of
N his? mk
Marmaduke Nelson
E her? mk
Elizabeth Newsom
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