News items from 2009 on the 'Pocklington and District Local History Group' website.
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News from 2009 |
Updates and News |
5th December 2009 |
Cock Fighting was the persuit of Pocklington Gentlemen in the eighteenth century. The practice continued into the nineteenth century. An extremely rare and fragile handbill has been discovered in the British Library and it has been reconstructed to show on this site. Further references to Cock Fighting have been found in my trawl though the York Courant newspaper and appear on the same page. A Theatre handbill was also discovered in the British Library for a production in 1793 in Pocklington.
A photograph of Yapham School in 1929 was kindly sent to me by Kevin Warcup. His uncle Eric provided names of all the pupils. If you have any school photographs, please send them to me.
Timothy Overend had a brewery in Pocklington which was sold in 1763. The York Courant sale details are shown on the Pocklington New Inn page.
The Lee family of Pocklington were an early Pocklington family. It is not known if they are the same family that created the 'Eric Lee' business in the town.
In 1536, Robert Aske of Aughton led the revolt against the Church Reformation, and the destruction of the Monastaries by Henry VIII's henchmen, and became known as the 'Pilgrimage of Grace'. After an uprising in Lincolnshire, the people of the East Riding met on Arras hill at Market Weighton. They moved to Pocklington before marching on York. This page represents ongoing research and will be added to.
Blackthorn Press have approached the Pocklington and District Local History Group to write a book on the History of Pockington. We have agreed to do this and have assigned joint authors for the project. We have a big job ahead in terms of research and a fairly short timescale (less than 2 years). There is very little written about Pocklington apart from the excellent David Neave booklet, and various publications on the church, the police station etc. There is no Victoria County History and therefore much of the research for the book will have to be original. We will appreciate any help that anyone can give the joint authors such as visiting record offices, studying the census returns, supplying photographs etc. Any research used in the publication book, will receive the appropriate credit. Please contact me if you wish to help and contribute to the project.
Pocklington Police |
19th Nov 2009 |
 Peter Rogers, a Sergeant at Pocklington Police Station, 10 years ago wrote a booklet on the History of Pocklington Police Station and Law Court. Peter gave an excellent talk on the building of the Court House and Police Station in 1899 and a biography of the police constables who served in it at the time. This was followed by a tour of the Police Station where remnants of the old police cells still survive.
National records |
22nd Oct 2009 |
 Steven Oliver, chairman of the Bolton History Group, gave an excellent account of three National surveys, using examples from Bolton and Fangfoss. The 1840 Tithes, the 1911 Land Tax and the National Farm Survey of 1941. Steven's maps and illustrations were admired and added many possible avenues for future research.

A good audience turnout on the night
Family History Workshop |
21st September 2009 |
 Andrew Sefton lead the workshop and demonstrated how to use the internet to research the history of an example Pocklington family. Pocklington School kindly offered the Pocklington Local History Group the use of an I.T. lab. for this event so that everyone had the chance to use to a computer with internet access. Andrew used the online free resources to teach the attendees (over 20), how to research family history using examples from Pocklington. Andrew has extensively researched his own family history and is a contributor to the GENUKI, family history free online internet web resource. He has also transcribed the BMD's from the Malton Messenger newspaper for GENUKI.
Picture shows the history group visiting Pocklington School.
More Updates |
13th August 2009 |
The Lord of Pocklington Manor, Robert Dolman and his family, had problems of debt in the eighteenth century. Various parliamentry acts were passed to allow the sale of the Manor and the proposed railway map of 1844 shows remnants of the old Manor. The sale notices posted in newspapers provide extra information that is valuable in assessing what was present. The sale of Reighton Manor in 1862 also has attached to it Ousethorpe and Ousethorpe Mill. The sale of Kilnwick Percy Estate in 1840 provides more useful information and a wonderful example of nineteenth century descriptive text. The sale of Yapham Mill of 1825 provides information about build date and a description of the working mill. The sale notices of Waplington Manor also show that the owner Robert Denison was suffering from ill health in 1844, and he had a sheep sale to fund an overseas rest and recuperation. Also added is the sale notice of the Manor of Grimthorpe bought by Robert Denison in 1795, which includes Meltonby, some parts of Fangfoss, Yapham and Givendale which was given to William, son of Ulf in the 12th century by Henry I.
Martin Cooper provided various first world war memorial texts from local newspapers. Pocklington War Memorial was unveiled in 1921 and in the same year one was unveiled in Pocklington School. There was one in Pocklington St. Mary's and also one in Pocklington Church. |
Latest Updates |
31st July 2009 |
Recent updates to the website include an excellent article written by Roger Bellingham on the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century. I have created a new category under 'History' and called it '18th Century'.
I am slowly working through the York Courant newspaper starting at 1745 and am now up to 1753 looking for Pocklington items. I came across the references to Cock Fighting and references to at least 2 organised events in the Black Bull in Pocklington. Huge amounts of money were wagered on the outcome of the battles. Further Inns have been uploaded and now we should have all of the known Pocklington's Inns covered by the website. The Oddfellows Arms in Union Street and the Lost Inns of Pocklington have been added. York Courant references have taken the Red Lion back to the Smeathman family who were innkeepers in Pocklington back as far as the seventeenth century.
A remarkable Time Match is recorded by the Hull Packet newspaper in 1801. Along the present A1079, a wager took place in November 1801 between a Mr Barclay and Mr Fletcher. It seems that a mile of the road was lit by lamps, because the race started at midnight!. The road was lined by cheering crowds and betting took place on the outcome. The prize was a huge 10,000 Guineas which was a national record sum for a race of this type (at the time the annual wage of an agricultural worker was about £40).
Pocklington School educated the sons of all the notable Yorkshire families of the area. The Yorkshire Archaeological Society, in 1920, published a fascinating article on the school admission register of 1626-1717. Look out for Jasper Belt who died in 1690 from a pair of compasses stuck in his neck!
Family History information is also being gathered and stored. David Beach supplied me with information on the Hewison family of Ousethorpe.
*Stop Press* - A nice piece of research has been submitted on Brickmaking in the area by John Nottingham, whose ancesters had a brickyard at Haxby. |
Awards for All Grant for the History Group |
1st July 2009 |
Quote from the official Lottery press release - "Pocklington and District Local History Group is looking forward to a brighter future after receiving a grant of £5,111 to create an oral history database and archive photographs and other documents in a digital format.
Archivist and webmaster Andrew Sefton, who also helped form the group, said: “We set up the group to promote the history of Pocklington as we felt it was neglected by publications and research. By starting to preserve its past, we can help to promote the town and lead to interest in it.
“The grant will help us to create a digital archive of the town’s history and record it for the future, as we will be able to buy a laptop and screen for our meetings. We will now be able to exhibit the materials gathered and hold roadshows in neighbouring villages and we can also give talks to community groups to increase the awareness of the wealth of local historical evidence in the area and encourage more people to become actively involved in local history." |
Book Festival Walk |
15th June 2009 |
The Book Festival walk organised by 'Simply Books' was very well attended, and we had to split into two groups. The theme followed was that of the Pocklington beck. The people of Pocklington have changed the course of it's flow, for centuries, for the benefit of the town. Members of the history group covered various sections of it, which included talks about the stream being used by Mills, for Baptisms, for sanitation, for Tannery waste, for the disposal of offal, for brewing, for flax milling and fire brigade water. |
Pocklington School visit |
14th May 2009 |
Our May meeting was a tour of Pocklington School led by David Rumbelow and John Peel. A fascinating evening which included examination of wall graffitti, a visit to the school chapel, the hall, the Gruggen room and the old railway cottages now converted to classrooms. Old documents and photographs were put on display and a vote of thanks was expressed.
*Latest Web Updates* - 1912 Group photo, Pocklington Races 1783 Trophy photograph. |
2009 AGM |
16th April 2009 |
Our AGM was an interesting evening of AGM business including officers reports, election of officers and a talk from Nigel Puckrin on the 'History of the York Sugar Beet Factory'. All officers were re-elected. The accounts showed a healthy surplus and thanks were expressed to Jo for her work on the Lottery Grant application and to Andrew for his work on the website who also showed latest old maps & old photos which have been donated to the group. Chair – Jo Green, Secretary – vacant, Treasurer – Peter Green, Archivist/Webmaster – Andrew Sefton, Committee – Alan Cartwright, Hilary Angle, Phil Gilbank, Dennis Moor, Paul Jennings, David Rumbelow and Pearl Harris. Roger Bellingham is Honorary President. Jo appealed for a volunteer for the position of Secretary, and two further committee members, with no takers. Please contact Jo if you are willing to participate on the committee.
Pocklington People |
29th March 2009 |
I thought it was time I issued the recent updates to the website. Pocklington was witness to one of the world's first ever balloon flights made back in 1786 by the Italian pioneer balloonist Vincent Lunardi.
We have been fortunate to discover an early Pocklington National School photograph of 1910 with all the names thankfully recorded by the Buttle family. The Buttle family have also been added to the families section and also a photograph of James Easton blacksmith of Church street has been found recently. More families hopefully will follow.
The local villages have also started to be catered for. Allerthorpe has gained three more trade directories. Barmby Moor, Bielby and Burnby have had the entries for Bulmers 1892 added.
Two more Inns had been added. The Windmill Inn changed it's name to the Tiger Inn in Chapmangate and in George Street the Royal Oak Inn.
Women in Pocklington's History |
19th February 2009 |
A research group was formed to study the history of women in Pocklington in the autumn of 2008. They presented the results of their comprehensive research to a packed room in the old courthouse. The research team was Jo Green, Sue Bond, Sue Skelton, Heather Anderson, Joyce Fowler and June Malcolm. They covered a wide ranging period of history from Queen Ethelburga, who converted her husband King Edwin to christianity, and through to Pocklington workhouse Matron Mrs Janine Sargeant. The depth of information was impressive with examination of wills, and studies of the local nunneries. The research will hopefully be written up, and published on the website, or eventually in a printed publication.
Societies & Entertainment |
1st February 2009 |
A new section has been created for societies and entertainments. A history of Cinema in Pocklington as well as the Pocklington Amateur Dramatic Society. The social calendar in Pocklington was varied in the late 19th century, an early agricultural society was followed by a Horticultural Society. Educational evenings were provided by the Pocklington Literary Society.
Pocklington was one of the first towns to create a Conservative Association in 1835. A newspaper report describes an amazing inauguration dinner for 250 attendees all catered for by the Feathers Inn in a large marquee set up in Pocklington Fair. A sound clip of the music played played on the day is included in the page. These early meetings were the foundation of today's Conservative Party, which was formed between 1830 - 1840.
More group photos are included. The Station sawmills in 1948 and another working mens club photo. Pocklington choir from 1924-1928 has been recently sent to me.
A superb and extremely rare Trade Directory has been found. Williams & Co. Directory of the City of York for 1844 has a detailed list of Pocklington trades and professions and is a significant addition to the information on the website.
Archaeology Evening |
22nd January 2009 |
Our January meeting was a talk given on the Archaeology of Pocklington and the work of the Humber Archaeology Partnership, by Ruth Atkinson, the Sites & Monuments Record Officer for the partnership. She included details on some of the 70+ records held on Pocklington at the SMR in Hull. Aerial photographs and rare photographs from their archives of the town were shown to a well attended meeting.
Transport & Communication |
18th January 2009 |
Transportation by horse drawn coach from Hull to York took 6 hours in 1787! Roger Bellingham has written about the York to Beverley Turnpike. He also examines the arrival of the telephone to Pocklington and writes an article on the early adopters of the telephone in Pocklington.
Pocklington Railway station closed in 1965 following the Beeching cuts to the railway network. We all miss the line and it is being considered for re-opening. This article examines the history of the York to Beverley railway line.
Trade tokens were issued in the seventeenth century. Who was Barney Buttery? His tokens issued in 1666 still survive today.
Crime & Punishment |
4th January 2009 |
A murder in Pocklington took place in 1915 at Brass Castle Hill by a soldier from the Ousethorpe camp. The crime and court case is described in detail by Martin Cooper. Other crime and court case incidents from the 19th century are included in the new Crime & Punishment section under Archives -> People ->Crime.
The Black Bull was an old Cock Fighting Inn and now has a page on it's history and past landlords. Next door to the Black Bull, Procter's Grocery store is still remembered by the older residents of the town. Trevor Brigham wrote to me telling me his grandfather Lyth Downham was rulleyman for Procter's and supplied me the photograph of Procter's 1935 Jubilee Celebration.
An email conversation highlighted the existence of a photograph of the 1957 Pocklington bellringers. This was tracked down and displayed on the Pocklington Church old photos page, together with names of the bellringers.
The Gough map is the earliest Medieval Map and is drawn sideways! It highlights the important towns of the East Riding and Pocklington appears as does Market Weighton. There are two roads shown from York to Market Weighton, one passes via Pocklington through Stamford Bridge and the other crosses the river at Kexby.
Check the forum and make a posting. A superb history of the descendants of Sir Thomas More has just been posted by Martin Wood, the author of the book “The Family and Descendants of St Thomas More”
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