The Old Village Hall - Slideshow
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This slideshow is a tribute to our old Village Hall in the year of the opening of our new one. It is also a tribute to all those who have contributed to making it a focus for the community, including those depicted here who are no longer with us.
For those who want to bask in architectural nostalgia (no people) there is a slideshow of the old, empty hall here.
For more photos taken on the day before the opening of the new hall there is another album.
Some notes for the categories of image in the slideshow on this page are in order:
Category |
Notes |
Village Events |
These are relatively recent images but representative nevertheless. The very first one is the oldest, from an auction in the 1980s. |
Local History Events |
Exhibitions, talks, workshops - a selection of images. |
Evacuee Day |
These photos are from 2001. The Evacuee Day replaced the Show which had to be cancelled due to Foot & Mouth Disease. The hall was used for an exhibition, to feed the returning evacuees and former war-time residents, and also for a dance in the evening. |
Mini-Show 2007 |
When the Show had to be cancelled due to a waterlogged site, a mini-show was arranged in the Village Hall. This allowed the children's classes to be exhibited and the Local History Group to put on a display. |
The Tea Ladies |
Of all the photographs, these are the most redolent of community life! |
Exterior Views |
The corrugated iron walls surround the old, former chapel structure. The corrugated asbestos walls surround the right-angled extension that was added to the original building. |
Interior Views |
Images of the empty hall. |
Older Photos |
Old photographs of the inside and outside of the hall are rare. Here we have one of the WI inside the hall, two of a Foresters' meeting, one of the WI outside the hall before it was extended (you can just see the corner on the far right) and one (the best one!) of a Methodists' gathering showing the inside before the false ceiling was put in place. |